Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why I believe the Solo Q changes will be huge for balance

One of the big reasons for Solo Q struggles would be the lack of coordination. Say One survivor was hooked, two survivors are working on gens while the other is getting chased, this causes and infamous case where the two survivors on gens aren’t going for the save because they think the other has it, or both leave and no Gen progress and they both have wasted time. With this change this should be gone and remove Solo Q ineffectiveness which could lead to better Gen effectiveness and could actually get a better look across the board and just generally get a better look with balance in lower ranks less effected no coordination.


  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    Yes, maybe I'll manage then to escape more than 2 out of 20 matches. :p

    But as you can already see from another thread, there are already killer mains (and I deliberately say mains because I think these people only play one role) who are crying because solo will no longer be an super easy stomp.

    I just said what my survivor statistics look like. If I play Killer (and I am far from very good, I am a casual player) I could win almost every match at the moment. But it bores me. So I only go for 8 hooks (and I get 8 hooks without problem) and then let everyone go.

    But of course, it's apparently a disaster that solo survivors are getting a little help now, and maybe surviving in the end every now and then.

  • Erenior
    Erenior Member Posts: 88

    I believe these changes will hurt killers. Now you will have something like swf-light in every match. I bet it will result in even harder tunneling.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited January 2023

    If you purposely let everyone go every match, your MMR doesn't increase, so of course all your matches will stay boring and against worse survivors. Not arguing for or against anything you have said, just kinda pointing out that your anecdote is kinda flawed, kinda like how people who only play at 3am their time are likely going to go against nonstop sweats regardless of side or MMR. Its always important to consider other people's experiences can be wildly different than your own.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited January 2023

    Lmao no wonder why you're winning. You're getting 8 hooks and letting everyone live so the game thinks you suck and is pairing you with bad players because it's only counting kills. That's absurd that you're dismissing legitimate concerns while deliberately manipulating the MMR system. Those of us trying to win and not manipulating MMR and not lobby shopping are not having breezy games non stop

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    I personally don't think these changes will make a huge difference. I've played with good solo players who even with lack of communication were still able to make good macro plays.

    The information won't give players the ability to make good macro plays and survivors who can't survivor chase very long will still be a hinderance to the team's overall survivability. This mostly just helps already good survivors to be less reliant on perks like kindred which will help, but we'll still see "solo q is frustrating" posts, because you can't solve the player issue.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Survivors WILL get significantly more efficient now thanks to the icon update. Not only because the helpfulness of the icons themselves in indicating when it's safe to do gens, but also peer pressure of everyone knowing if you did nothing the entire match and getting toxicity for it. That will compel people to play efficient when they otherwise wouldn't. This change will cause a strong noticeable drop in kill rates IMO

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I am all for balance in the game. It seems to me that in giving solo players more information that it will hinder killers a bit more.

    What I mean by this is, swf has an advantage with communication and coordination. We know that killers are givin no compensation for swf.

    Killers are expected to deal with swf. What do you all think they could do to compensate the killer for this buff to solo and the level of coordination of swf? If anything. We need to balance the game. One side with swf has an advantage over the other.

    I would like to hear opinions without attacking each side. We are all gamers, no matter what side we play we should stick together to make this game better.

    Please, let's discuss some options.

    See you in the fog.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I'd love to hear these killer buff suggestions. I always hear buff solo queue to SWF level then buff killers sometime in the future but no one says what killer buffs would be acceptable. People lost their mind over .2 second faster pallet breaking and weapon cooldown

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    The changes are an obvious improvement, but minimally impactful. They don't tell you if someone is getting camped, if the other survivors are going for the save or simply being useless crouching in a bush, nor if there have to be a 2-man rescue because the killer is facecamping playing the grab stupidity.

    Some people are freaking out over those icons, but the novelty will wear out quickly. Welcome change, but underwhelming nonetheless.

    OH AND DO WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT HOW SOLOQ STILL HAVE TO BRING A PERK TO KNOW HOW MANY TOTEMS ARE STILL UP? (Psst no, the icons won't solve this. You won't know if your teammate finished that cleansing nor you will be able to pay attention in chase).

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    I'm all for new changes but I'm quite simply tired of seeing new changes cause I already know one side is going to ######### and moan about any modecum of improvement