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Shrine of Languish (Basement Hook Change + Punish Tunneling + Reward Hooks)


As the Killer Hooks Survivors throughout the Trial, the Basement Shrine grows in Power. Emitting whispers and moans in increasing intensity, while also appearing more ominous.

If the Killer gets a Kill and the Total number of Hooks is not more than twice the number of total Killed Survivors, the Basement Shrine will Fragment, dropping a Wailing Shard that can be used to Open the Hatch like a Key.

If the Killer has not Fragmented the Basement Shrine, and has reached 8 Hooks, they can interact with the Basement Shrine, exposing all Survivors and allowing the Killer to Mori the next Survivor that they put into the dying state.

Hooks on the Basement Shrine count as 2 Hooks for the above purposes.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,555

    Everyone is talking about punishing tunneling, but nobody is talking about how Killers can barely do anything else. Just had a game with all gens done in 4 downs, like how am I supposed to do anything?

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    From a purely numerical standpoint, most of the players of the game are survivor players. Many of this larger number play exclusively survivor. This leads to easier traction for ideas that are seen as survivor-friendly and a disproportionate number of ideas that are punitive toward killers.

    In short I wouldn't sweat it.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,850

    Punishing tunneling doesn't make sense in a game where the design rewards killers to remove a player quickly. You would have to completely change the game to the point that you are making a new game if you wanted to get rid of tunneling.

    In which case there's no guarantee the new game will be as successful as the current one, so there's little reason to undertake such a huge change.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 954

    Suck it up and keep going for 12 Hooks until your MMR settles to it like I did to allow easier experimentation on my build by allowing my leeway to go hard or to ease off without needing to be "On" for the entire match. And also there will be odd matches out but that's an issue for both sides.

    And from a player satisfaction standpoint tunneling isn't very user friendly, nor is it engaging, and it actively leads Killers into a cycle of overestimation of their own skill and it's also noted as a pain point for a majority of users as you state.

    So you move the reward to another aspect of gameplay and place a disincentive where there once was an incentive (so it's more obvious that "hey, this isn't the best method"). Hence the: "Get an Instadown and Mori for Multi-hooking, and if you focus one by one, the Survivor can get a Key for Hatch." suggestion.