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Delay Showing Dying Survivor Aura


Looking for the Aura of a Dying Survivor when they go down gives precise information as to where a Killer is, especially if the Killer can only get a down with a close range attack.

It can also provide a sense of comfort and certainty if it’s far away.

I would recommend delaying the Aura reveal of a Dying Survivor until they reach 20% recovery.

This would introduce a layer of uncertainty when a Survivor is put into the Dying State and give a feeling of greater tension, especially for stealth Killers that would chain to another Survivor before picking up the Dying Survivor.

The HUD update will introduce a carrying Icon, so even SoloQ will be informed if the Killer immediately picks up a Survivor, or is leaving them on the ground.

The Terror radius can be used to judge nearby downed locations.

SWF callouts will largely be a general location, and pinpointing the location shouldn’t be much shorter than the 20% recovery location.


  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 954

    Meh. Never mind. This would probably cause discrepancies when it come to SWF vs SoloQ with callouts near pallets while the Aura is hidden.