The Thing Chapter Concept

minionator Member Posts: 6
edited January 2023 in Creations

Me and my dad decided to try and conceptualize what The Thing would look like in DBD, and this is what we came up with. Includes a new survivor, new perks for both killer and survivor, some addons for the killer’s power, and even quotes! Enjoy :D

DBD: The Thing Chapter

New Map: Outpost 31, Antarctica

New Killer: The Thing

Appearance: Mutated form of a Husky. Has some normal husky bits, and some very not normal husky bits.

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Movement Speed: 4.4 m/s

Power: Assimilation


At the beginning of the trial, The Thing spawns as a random survivor present, including any cosmetics and charms they may have equipped. While in survivor form, The Thing gains the undetectable status effect, moves at survivor speed (4.0 m/s), and the camera is shifted to third person. The Thing can perform most actions that a survivor can while in survivor form, including repairing generators, healing other survivors, vaulting pallets, and hiding in lockers. The Thing cannot perform skill checks, and does not gain the ability to use the perks of the survivor it transforms into. The Thing can exit and enter the Morph state at any time, taking the form of another, random survivor each time, living or dead. Exiting the Morph state is immediate, while entering the Morph state takes 3 seconds.


After performing a cooperative action for 5 seconds, the prompt to Sabotage will appear. Hitting the Active Ability Button will injure one survivor participating in the cooperative action for a single health state, and in the case of generators, also start regressing them with an immediate 5% penalty. 


While standing still, The Thing can choose to burrow into the ground and move to within 8 meters of a chosen generator outside of its terror radius. Takes 4 seconds to activate, and can be cancelled at any time. When first activated, The Thing’s terror radius expands an additional 8 meters before returning to normal. When appearing next to a generator, The Thing gains the undetectable status effect for a short time period, but nearby survivors can hear it appear. The Thing can Morph while undetectable after teleporting.

“I know I’m human. And if you were all these ‘things,’ then you’d just attack me right now. So some of you are still human. This ‘thing’ doesn’t want to show itself, it wants to hide inside an imitation. It’ll fight if it has to, but it’s vulnerable out in the open. If it takes us over, then it has no more enemies. Nobody left to kill it. And then it’s one. There’s a storm hitting in 6 hours. And we’re gonna find out who’s who.” - J.R. Macready


Gristle in the Gears

You’ve learned how their technology works, and thus how to properly break it.

Increases the initial Sabotage generator penalty an additional 5%.

“The generator’s gone.”

“Any way we can fix it?”

“I said it’s gone, Macready.”

Blood Sample

The blood of one of the humans at the outpost, taken after sabotaging the blood bank.

  • The Thing can no longer morph into dead survivors.

“I know you gentlemen have been through a lot. But when you find the time, I’d rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS ######### COUCH!” - Garry

Serrated Claws

Using the DNA of an alien life long forgotten, you can make your weapons much more efficient at pacifying new specimen.

  • Survivors injured by Sabotage are inflicted with Deep Wound.

“Oh, you’ve gotta be #########’ kidding me.”

Slick Secretions

Through your own natural lubricant, you move faster and quieter through tight spaces.

  • Increases the speed of Warmth Seeking by 10%.
  • Renders the appearance from Warmth Seeking completely silent.

“If we’ve got any surprises for each other, I don’t think we’re in much shape to do anything about it.”

Tooth Filling

You don’t know why they had these, but it’s unimportant now.

  • Decreases the time it takes to Morph by 1 second.

“So, I’m going to die because I floss?”

Torn Long-Johns

One of the crewmate’s long-johns, torn to shreds after an attack.

  • Decreases the time required to activate Sabotage by 2 seconds.

Canine Tooth

A tooth replicated from a hound.

  • Survivors injured by Sabotage are inflicted with Mangled until fully healed.

Spaceship Part

Part of the makeshift spaceship built under the shack, with help from one Dr. Blair.

  • After Sabotaging a generator, if survivors do not repair it within 30 seconds, the generator slowly regresses faster, up to a maximum of 75% faster.

Burnt Split-Head Corpse

The charred remains of Edvard and Adam. Useful, even after death.

  • Increases The Thing’s movement speed to 4.6 m/s while not Morphed.
  • Increases the time required to Seek Warmth by 2 seconds.


Acquired Taste

Once assimilated, you acquire all of the knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses of your specimen. 

Upon attacking a Survivor, any time that survivors aura appears, the duration is increased for an additional 3/4/5 seconds. This effect is applied to the last 2/3/4 survivors hit until they are fully healed to the healthy state.

Localized Heartbeat

Through the use of multiple alien’s DNA, your hearing capabilities have increased hundred-fold.

Survivors within 6 meters of each other, after 10 seconds, will activate Killer Instinct every 20 seconds, with an additional 3/4/5 seconds removed for every other survivor present.

“Se til helvete og kom dere vekk! Det er ikke en bikkje, det er en slags ting! Det imiterer en bikkje, det er ikke virkelig! KOM DERE VEKK, IDIOTER!”

Elimination Protocol

When being discovered, eliminating those who know is the number one priority.

Upon starting chase, immediately enter Bloodlust Tier I. Increases the time it takes to enter Bloodlust Tier II by 9/6/3 seconds, and completely disables Bloodlust Tier III.

Increases the effect of Bloodlust by 0.1 m/s.

“I dunno what the hell’s in there, but it’s weird and pissed off, whatever it is.” - Clark

New Survivor: R.J. Macready



An attempt to make a boring lifestyle more exciting turned into an unhealthy addiction.

Upon entering the dying state, Alcoholism activates. Press Active Ability Button 1 to use Alcoholism and immediately pick yourself up from the dying state. After 8/9/10 seconds, you enter the dying state again. The timer is paused while performing healing actions. Alcoholism has a cooldown of 120/90/60 seconds. The cooldown timer is paused while using Alcoholism or when in the dying state.

“Cheating #########…” - R.J. Macready


After some previous experiences, you’ve learned that fire is a solution to most problems.

This perk starts the trial with 0 tokens. 

While this perk is active, you start the trial with the Flamethrower item pre-equipped. It can be swapped out with any other item at any time. Only those with the Flamethrower perk equipped can pick up the Flamethrower item.

Rummage through an opened chest to gain 1 token, up to a maximum of 1/2/3. You can only rummage once per chest, and once all chests have been rummaged through, you can no longer gain tokens.

Activating Flamethrower takes 1 second, and uses up a single token. While Flamethrower is activated:

  • Used in the same way as a flashlight.
  • Spawns a cone of fire with a short range in front of you.
  • Stuns the killer immediately upon contact.
  • Uses up a token every 2 seconds it is active.

If Flamethrower is used to stun a killer carrying a survivor, that survivor is inflicted with Deep Wound and Hindered for 10 seconds. Y’know, because fire hurts.

“Yeah, ######### you too!” - R.J. Macready

[note: Flamethrower is literally just an aerosol can and a lighter.]


Doubting others and keeping your guard up has kept you alive so far.

Whenever the killer is in a range of 8/12/16 meters from you, regardless of undetectable or oblivious status effects, this perk activates, and gives an auditory warning. This perk has a cooldown of 45 seconds.

“How long were you alone with that dog?”


The names are up for debate, but I'm pretty proud of most of them. Also, before anyone asks, the main purpose of "Elimination Protocol" is to make "Beast of Prey" at least a little useful.

Any and all criticism is welcome!

EDIT: Surprised to find that there’s no perk called “paranoia.” Better name overall for that perk.

Post edited by minionator on


  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Neat idea but SWF ruins it.

    All it takes is a full 4-man (Or even a 3 man) SWF on comms to say where they are, and now everyone knows which is the fake Survivor, and they will never do actions with said fake Survivor. It would render Sabotage completely useless.

    So would just splitting up once you know it's The Thing; never do gens or heal together and boom; no more Sabotage.

  • willymancer69
    willymancer69 Member Posts: 25

    this is so frickin cool! There are not a lot of killers that make me feel spooked, like Myers. This genuinely would have me anxious and second-guessing in a good way.

    I wonder if the Thing rights would be difficult to get. Its a classic that would appeal to older and new generations.

    GG, OP!

  • Interocitor
    Interocitor Member Posts: 141
    edited January 2023

    The rights would be through Universal and I don't think BHVR has had any previous dealings with them. They also have other cool horror properties like the original Universal monsters (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Bride, The Mummy, Wolf Man, Creature, The Invisible Man), Psycho, and JAWS.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,674

    fire concept actually. i would like to see some sort of imposters type killer (not among us)

  • minionator
    minionator Member Posts: 6

    That’s kinda why we made the “Localized Heartbeat”, to punish them for being together. Imagine, you cant do ######### because he always knows where you are

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    Yeah but that does not fix the problem with Sabotage being useless because SWFs just split up & know who the fake Survivor is.

    And I'm sorry but that Flamethrower would be OP. Just press a button and stun the Killer? The Deep Wounds effects means nothing in the CoH and Styptic meta.

    Coupled with Alcoholism: Killer downs someone near an open gate:

    • If he picks the person up, his teammate gets an insta-save with a flamethrower. Run out the gates before Deep Wounds can work.
    • If he leaves them to go after the teammate; Person just gets up and runs out before he can fall over again.

    That's not even getting into how these perks would fit into the current '50 second chances' meta.

    Again: The idea is really neat. I love the idea of The Thing as a killer. Or a Killer that can turn into a Survivor. It's just not feasible when Survivors can be on voice comms.

  • minionator
    minionator Member Posts: 6

    Couple of things.

    1. The flamethrower takes 1.5 seconds to activate, and is very visible. Its primary use (in my head) is to catch the killer off guard around a corner and gain some distance. While charging, the survivor is holding it in front of them. So the killer would know that they were charging it up and back away. I was also thinking that instead of giving them just Deep Wound and Hindered, it would give them like a supercharged Deep Wound, like Alcoholism has, and maybe even remove the ability to run entirely until the Deep Wound was healed.
    2. The idea of having "Alcoholism" being a perk was too funny for me to pass up. And I think it's a fine perk, to be honest. Sure, it fits into the infinite Second Chance meta, but its main use is to counteract slugging. It's not often you have 2 dying survivors right next to each other, and if it got to that point already, not much else is gonna save you. To be honest, I'm surprised you don't have a problem with Suspicion.
    3. Yeah, I will admit that this killer sucks against well-coordinated teams. And as of now, I don't exactly have a solution for it. But that's one of the reasons I posted it to this forum. There are so many people much more knowledgeable than us about this game here, and I know our idea isn't perfect. If you have a solution, or if anyone else does, I am more than welcome to suggestions!
  • minionator
    minionator Member Posts: 6

    Also, dont know if it came off correctly, but you transform into a different survivor each time you morph. It's (almost) never the same thing twice in a row.

  • LordRoken1
    LordRoken1 Member Posts: 1

    Yea but honestly all you really need to do as the killer is get within melee distance of someone and then transform and then hit them and then ensue chase

  • CarnagePlays1
    CarnagePlays1 Member Posts: 1

    Love your idea, i personally would love to see The Thing in Dbd and I love your concept although it has some pros and cons I still like your idea! Since the Thing is a tuff chapter to think of with all the Abilities and Powers i think you have found one good way on how the Thing could work. Although the Flamethrower and Alcoholsim are a bit strong I think balancing it with another strong Thing Perk would even things out, anyway Love your idea and creativity and hope The Thing will be Chapter 30! Since Dbd is going into Sci-fi Horror this year and with the Xenomorph at hand I would personally really love to see the Thing next a shapeshifting killer rather than Predator. But let’s see what the future beholds crossing my Fingers for The Thing to be in Chapter 30!

  • FanOfDBD101
    FanOfDBD101 Member Posts: 6

    This is actually a good idea. I love this concept, and I think it might be in DBD considering the fact that it is Sci-fi horror.