Bizarrely Limited Perks

So... what perks can you think of that have some bizarre limitations after cycles of nerfing and unnerfing?
One that came to mind for me is Spies from the Shadows. So... first, Survivors need to bother the crows, but then they also need to be pretty much within your terror radius. How often is someone walking past the bird whilst also being that close to you to trigger it? Crouching won't startle them unless basically walked into, and running makes it often a bit unnecessary.
But going on 4 years later, still has that nerfed range.
Spies is actually quite underrated, not great but far from useless.
There are of course the classics with a cooldown that are way longer than necessary like Blood Echo and Oppression.
For me its Dying Light, you have to avoid hooking your obsession and hook everyone else for very tiny survivor penalties while the obsession is immune to it all while its impossible to get the full boost of it without pairing it with furtive chase or nemesis, the most useless perks in the game.
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A good example of this is septic touch lol. You need to be in the killers TR for it to trigger and the best part of that is the perk came with a killer who is undetectable 50% of the time
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I forgot the name for it but the one ada healing perk
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TBH one of my favortite Doctor builds is Fearmonger, Blood Echo, Septic Touch and Coulrophobia with max TR addons for a very annoying hit and run build that makes more survivors ragequit when you think it should.
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Calm spirit. And they were supposed to buff that perk.
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Spies should honestly be map wide and show auras for a second or two instead of location pings. Then we'd be talking.
Dying Light is the big one of me. You could remove literally all of its downsides and it's still only okayish, nothing even that great. Get rid of the healing bonus, make it effect all survivors and make it stay after the obsession dies but it just can't get any more stacks. Even with all this you still wouldn't even see it that often, that's how bad it currently is.
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I actually got hatch against a Nurse using Spies not long ago and I'm positive it's only because I was using Lightweight. She was pretty much chasing my alerts as I ran around looking for hatch, but then losing me because of the fading/unpredictable scratch marks. It kept her on my butt though and it was only when I saw her perks that I realised how. If I didn't have LW I think it would have paid off well for her.
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Spies with aura reading would be completely broken on ranged Killers. I use on Deathslinger and it's strong as is. Add aura reading to it, it would make a farce of a 1v1.
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I cannot tell you how many flashlight bullies have gotten ratted out by my crows.
"Yuge birb value." - Scott Jund
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Reactive Healing. It helps with saving charges but God it's painful to get value naturally
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Better Than New
Since gen speed got removed, you're only giving other survivors an incentive to do nothing useful to the team.
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Self Care, it is completely useless since COH exsists, except for some meme builds. I believe the amount of skillchecks should be doubled, as well as progession from them, this will allow survivors who hit great skillchecks to get some usr out it.
No mither, I dont even need to explain it.
Boon: Dark Theory, the 2% haste is laughable in most situations. I believe it should be buffed to 4%, and have a larger radius.
Dark Devotion, the duration is so short, it should be buffed to a minute at least.
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Dark Theory is a weird one. Firstly you can't really change the radius on a Boon perk because they can share totems, having different radii on the same totem would get confusing.
But mostly, 4% speed boost puts you at the same speed as the killer, and with the killers larger hitbox making loops wider than they are for survivors, that would mean the killer literally can't catch up with you. They would have no choice but to find and snuff the boon. That would make Dark Theory basically on the same level as an Exhaustion perk, without the Exhaustion.
Every other speed boost on that level is either an Exhaustion perk, or a single use time-limited boost such as Hope or BT. As long as Boons are infinitely re-ignitable (which is their biggest problem) this can't happen.
Now if as I've suggested countless times, Boons should be one use per totem, and being snuffed should destroy the totem, it could open up the avenue to buffs like this.
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I remember when Spies used to just trigger from any bird at any range with no cooldown.
Basically became the best tracking perk in the game for a while, long time ago now, I think.
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That would only make survivors 4.16 m/s, but with killers large collison I see what your talking about, maybe increasing the time it lingers after you leave the radius to 15 seconds could work.
Or maybe just making it so survivors can't slide their faces into walls could work as well.
Post edited by GensByDaylight on0 -
There’s a lot of perks with weird limitations. Jolt and several other perks are still M1-only for some reason.
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Calm Spirit, Visionary and Technician all have very unnecessary downsides. They aren't strong, they are niche perks, so they don't deserve the downsides.
For killer, Territorial Imperative has some of the heftiest restrictions for something as rare to get any value out of at all.
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I'm not sure, but it would be very helpful if Jolt procs with abilities and lockers. The only very broken thing I can think of is Oni and you can hunt.
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That's typically to give M1 killers an edge that those with effective powers don't need.
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Dying light for sure
You need to hook non-obsessions to get stacks. But the obsession is immune to the slowdown. So you kinda have to ignore the one person who can work on gens no problem and chase the people who are hindered on gens
And you give the obsession a hefty healing speed buff
One of the very few, if not only, killer perks that you are better of bringing nothing.
For survivor technitian
Why does this training wheel perk have a downside? Makes no sense. Even if it removed the penalty it would be a mediocre perk at best. That it increases the penalty just helps the killer for no reason
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Also, I apologise for doubting the birds.
The value I've been getting from them playing Wesker (with Jolt, Pain Res, and STBFL) is pretty hilarious. Including just pulling a guy out of a locker when there were no scratch marks or anything around. He must have been so very confused. xD
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Dragon's Grip and Oppression have ridiculous cooldowns (both 80 seconds). Also i guess Furtive Chase but it might be too strong if it didn't have the limitation that it did, but the with the limitation it has the perk may as well not exist.
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Calm Spirit. Why they added a penalty for using it I don't know. They could completely remove the downsides and it'd -still- be a bad perk.