Survivor pip-system should finally change

I think DBD should finally change the pip system of the survivor side, now when killer pips will be "fixed" as 4k equals +2 and 3k equals +1 etc.. I think you should only de-pip when you have for example below 10k BP per game which equals you've DC'd, not done anything but hiding, or killed yourself on hook as the first thing you basically do. Especially when the pip-system has not been a factor in matchmaking for quite some time, it's only there to rank up to get more BP at the 13th. And it has not changed in years, you still de-pip if you get chased and tunneled from the game, even if the team gets all the gens done meanwhile. There should be more incentive for survivors to not quit the game as at least in half of the games someone does, and if the pips matter to someone, then there is one incentive not to do so.
