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New Player and I'm constantly matched against thousand hour players.

What gives. I've barely had the game since Christmas, no prestiges, low level, mostly green and yellow perks and a few purple that don't seem good. The first couple days I was matched accordingly. Hell, a lot of my characters don't even have 4 perk slots unlocked. No one seemed to know what to do and it was a blast. Put about a couple dozen hours in, got a few basics down and just wrapping my head around the concepts. Since those first few days, it's been non-stop prestige 10-20 killers or survivors that just proceed to stomp the ever loving hell outta me, generating about 5-10 min of playtime in-between extremally long queue, lobby and load times. I don't have an estimate of the size of player-base, but it doesn't feel like a welcoming experience for new players to constantly matched with such high skill and level players.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,793

    I understand, it's really always been this way.

    DBD has a harsh learning experience. The only advice I can give to you is try to tough it out.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    you escape a lot you'll get better killers, you kill a lot you you'll get better survivors. sometimes if there aren't enough people your level mmr will just drop you with whatever lobby available so you get faster matches.

    it's not hard to get to high mmr in this game unfortunately so even if you're a new players you can be in sweaty lobbies in no time.

    you can practice your killer against bots or if you manage to find people to play with in customs. watch guides (otzdarva usually is the best source for those) and just go into matches with the intention to learn more than win.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Say hello to the wonders of MMR. And lack of players. THe player base is really really low at the moment. We only have numbers for STEAM but the the other platforms will not be far off cause the state of the game is the same everywhere except consoles have less statibility in terms of performance so it's doubtful that they have high player counts.

    Thhe game has been bleeding players for the past year and half...

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    Basically, you won too much, too fast and the game dropped you in a tank of sharks. Happens a lot to new players because it doesn't tell you anywhere in game to go slow and figure things out before you go full rampage on other new players in the protected lobbies. (The old ranking system explained that a bit, but it's gone.) Unfortunately, there's no way to go back. Just keep playing. After about a month or so your matches should balance out a little. It'll be somewhat trial by fire, but you'll get better with time. Don't give up. Play your matches all the way out and try to learn somethin every game.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,873

    That's rough.

    The reason behind this is how matchmaking in DBD works. There are three MMR brackets. When you start playing the game you're put in the lowest MMR bracket and only play with other new players or people that are not so good at the game. However you start quite close to the first soft cap and the second MMR bracket which contains the largest part of DBD's player base. You probably reached this cap and now face mediocre to good and sometimes even very good players.

    The only advice I can give you is to keep at it. DBD has a very steep learning curve and you'll soon adjust. If you don't already try playing both sides. You'll see how the other side plays and what works best in different situations.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,846

    If you are having really long que times it sounds like the game is struggling to find players to match you with and then dumping you into any game it can find. The longer you are in a que the broader the spectrum gets. I don't know what region of the world you are in, but in mine (US West) it's a big surprise if survivor ques are anything other than instant and killers only take a couple minutes at most.

    As someone who started back in August, I sympathize and understand that the game is brutal for new players.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,961

    If you only got matched with other noobs you would be waiting forever for games.

    DBD has been around for over half a decade now so players with many thousands of hours are more common than not at this point. There is no easy way into the game and you just have to learn the hard way at this point, though if you want to try out a killer you now have bots in custom matches which is really useful.