General Discussions

General Discussions

concept core gameplay rework....

Member Posts: 100
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

this post changes the mechanics of some core gameplay features to enhance the way the game is played...

first off


hooked players no longer show auras or project their screams across the map, but [automatically unhook them selves] (edit: have the time between each hook progression increased by some amount)... this gaurantees to make face camping a lot less desirable and makes cross map instant hook saves less common.. (scream is still audible in a small area around the hooked survivor)

better indicator of survivor skill at the end of the match

reworked point system to determine which survivors did the most work...

example survivor a takes a performs a protection act on another survivor (unhooking, healing, etc.) then every one out of 3 points that survivor b makes would also be added to survivor a. and if survivor b ends up escaping then part of their escape is also added to survivor a's score so that if you ended up carrying a team and died missing out on your personal escape bonus then you would get credited as a more potentially useful survivor because of that... This system hasnt been perfected yet as id have to take the time to look at all of the actions and sources of BP in the match to design the best way to impliment this...

i will do more in game studying and possibly add more to this post in the future so yeah thanks for reading and providing your input below...

Post edited by Sparxlost on

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  • Member Posts: 5,449

    The purpose of hooks existing is two fold. First, its a way for the killer to kill survivors, secondly, its a way for killers to apply pressure by forcing survivors off of gens in order to go unhook. If they can self unhook, at least two people are free to rush gens while the third distracts the killer. How are you going to compensate killers for the pressure lost?

    I don't really care about points anymore. Ranking means nothing and aiming for High MMR just means more suffering so I don't care what they do as long as I get matched against similarity skilled players and I continue to earn the same amount of Blood Points I currently do. An increase to shard earning would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 399

    Ah yes, what problems could automatic self-unhook possibly cause?

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited January 2023

    You do know Deliverance, if used well, can be one of the strongest perks in the game, right? So giving -all- survivors Deliverance, one which doesn't need an unhook to activate AND doesn't give the Broken status effect, seems reasonable to you?

    Not only that but they ALSO get Deliverance on their second hook too?

    AND they don't even need to use up a perk slot?

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    So getting a free unhook while running perks.... sounds a bit to much

    But what about base Gen regression VS. progression... that's a bigger topic to me

  • Member Posts: 100

    oh jeez i didnt actually realize how terrible that would be xD

    would actually make solo qeue survivor unplayable while basically not affecting swf.. my bad

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Some of these posts lately cannot be real.

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