Check out this video of DBD from 2016--2 weeks after it came out!

No one knew how to play the game (looping didn't exist). Survivors were scared of Killers. You basically had near perpetual sprint burst. Gens were super quick. The maps were dark, moody, and foggy. The animations were different and a little . . . clunky lol
Man, I wish I could've played this back in 2016 lol
Also don't forget you really died fast on hook. You had like what maybe 20 seconds before you hit stage 2 and another 20 seconds before you get sacrifised. The pressure in that regards was really high for survivors.
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It was 45 seconds for each stage, and changed to 60 seconds (like current day) roughly a year after the game came out
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And the game launched with no SWF.
And NOED was not a totem and lasted forever with no way to remove it - so it was literally a 100% pick rate perk once you have it.
that change was to give survivors more time to make saves not more time to blast gens (which is what they do). So as a result the killer tunnels and tries to get stage two if the survivors press gens.
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I do not like remembering what I was doing in 2016. Being cringe, most likely.
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How actually dark it was looks pretty cool, tbh. The generators having lights is way more impactful.
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The overall aesthetic looked so much better than the cartoony maps we have now.
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I don't know the kind of person I'd be today if I played since launch.
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Watching videos like this makes me sad. Honestly, the visual upgrades they've done in recent years have not been for the better at all.
The maps back then were so much more atmospheric; Coldwind in particular looked amazing - The flood lights, the barrels of fire giving off amazing light and atmosphere in the fog (which is not even present anymore). I cannot fathom why they changed the maps to daytime. The game is called Dead by DAYLIGHT. It doesn't even make sense to have daytime maps.
The generators actually having lights too was way nicer in it's effect - all this stuff has just been removed for 'prettier' textures that really haven't added anything to the game but taken a lot away.
I really want BHVR to look at how visually stunning these early maps were and reintegrate stuff back into the game.
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I do miss the darker Coldwind.
I really don't know why maps are so light and sparse now. I know the 'stealth' aspect is downplayed, but having bushes wouldn't hurt with how prevalent auras are.
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I'd honestly take buffed auras and scratch marks if we could go back to this atmosphere.
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I'd take a wider killer FoV for more places to hide. I'd rather survivors hide in a bush than on my toes.
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I dont think release DBD is like vanilla WoW, I believe the "you think you do but you dont" does really apply to this game. Being able to mori people without even hooking them or stuff like Coldwind meat trees being a 2 window infinite loop isnt something people really want to experience.
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Literal infinites (No entity window blocks, two windows in Shack)
Trapper placing traps directly under hooked person's feet (No directional unhook)
Sprint Burst recharging mid chase.
NOED was not a totem, just a perma end game effect.
I'd rather stick with current DbD than 2016. It was rough.
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uh huh
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but back then teachable perks could only be used on the character they’re assigned to back then right?
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Take todays survivors with 2016 DBD and you get 100% escape rate.
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Hmmm as someone who knew the game from before steam launch, I really don't remember that being a thing. Maybe in very early versions, but 90% sure teachables were accesibile for all characters as far as early access.
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I was just making sure since I saw the Meg clips and had two Meg perks with two global perks. Didn’t know if it was like that back then.
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I do remember during the weekly dev streams there was a proposed idea around 2016 Christmas for teachables to be available only at level 2 for the other characters. However that was scrapped for very good reasons.
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No - teachable perks were always teachable.
-"Watching videos like this makes me sad. Honestly, the visual upgrades they've done in recent years have not been for the better at all."
Once upon a time DBD had fog. This was a complete game changer because it meant you could actually hide. You could waste 30 seconds before a chase started and then have a 40 second chase. You could use Iron Will and disappear mid chase if you were quite clever. I did this at least 1/3 of the time or more during my chases as a survivor.
You don't see the Claudette in this picture do you? Adding mist used to be a big deal because there was already mist. Making it thicker blinded the killer at closer ranges for spotting players. Compare this P3 outfit of Jake to the current outfit and you can imagine how easy it was to hide almost anywhere.
Why would anyone buy a cosmetic when hiding was the strongest defense? Claudette had the best camo with her p3 outfit followed by Jake and then Dwight (whose shirt was almost entirely red pre nerf). Dwight had nothing to cover his neck but Jake's collar covers his bare skin and Claudette's hair did the same for her.
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I truly think it was in large part because of the power of the Blendette haha (though too dark is a problem for both Killers and Survivors). But yeah, seeing this OG Coldwind makes me sad that the maps aren't this atmospheric anymore. They've gotten so much lighter than even when I started playing back in 2019.
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Sounds and visuals were far better back then. Not a neon cosmetic or elf costume in site either.
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Gens still have lights on them.
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I didn't say they don't. I said the lights had more impact in old DBD.
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BNPs instantly completed gens. I remember working on a gen without using the toolbox until a killer started coming toward me so I could switch to the toolbox and complete the gen right in his face from 10% to 100%.
And moris also allowed kills on first down and killers could literally face camp so once you were hooked and the killer stood in front of you, you were never getting unhooked.
The game was a fun, but often infuriating, mess. And no, even back then after you played the game for more than a few weeks, it was not scary. Balance wise it is in a much better state now.
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But...but...but what about "inside tech?" We gotta have inside tech! lol
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They launched without SWF because, to paraphrase, "we don't have the bandwidth to focus on having both Kill Your Friends and Survive With Friends ready for launch, so we'll implement whichever the community wants more" and KYF won