Knight Underrated Yes or No

pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

Curious what everyone things about the Knight. Do you think he's underrated or not?

Personally for me I think he's underrated I think we give him to much crap in most cases sure he's not a dominate killer and he can be situational but, in theright hands Knight can be pretty decent.

He can juggle people pretty well with the guards, start multiple chases for a brief moment, shut down some loops, and force people of gens.

Certain maps he's not to great but, every killer has that issue besides Nurse for obvious reasons.

Knight Underrated Yes or No 13 votes

Knight is Underrated
pizzaduffyhp90ChordycepsIthirianyixxiDoomguysThumb 5 votes
Knight isn't Underrated
GibberishBlueberryAurelleFridayNightPizzahealsoflove718saneesSnowflake_Syndromegenipreys 8 votes


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    Knight isn't Underrated

    He's not underrated, he's very bad.

  • DoomguysThumb
    DoomguysThumb Member Posts: 2
    Knight is Underrated

    As someone who plays for fun, I enjoy Knight a lot. He's not super powerful by any means, but after putting in a solid amount of hours with him and I would have to disagree with anyone who says he is outright bad.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Knight isn't Underrated

    Honestly he's pretty bad.