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When are we getting a sadako buff?

Ilovezarina5 Member Posts: 149
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Its been ages since the last time they said sth about her

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    Who said she deserves buff?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The fact she's a budget worse Freddy.

    And to add, her best playstyle requires hardcore slugging and getting 0 hooks, 4Ks.

    I mean, she needs something.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Me? Outside condemned she's pathetic and there are so so many minor buffs you could easily give her that'd bump her up a tier.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471


    How do you even reconcile this opinion with the current state of both Freddy and Sadako? Freddy is a killer with no identity or real power. He has a bunch of half-baked powers thrown together and they called it a day. Every single one of his gimmicks is done better by another killer. He teleports? Weakest teleport in the game, Demo, Sadako, Dredge all do it better. He has mid-chase slowdown? Clown does it better. He has """stealth""" with a lullaby? Wraith, Sadako, Ghostface, and even just any killer running Trail of Torment do stealth better than him.

    Sadako has a stealth power that she can use around some filler pallets to secure a hit (yes, even without Newspaper). She has a teleportation that doesn't get weaker as the game goes on, on top of also applying a slowdown to survivors that they eventually have to start worrying about. It also gives her a speed boost coming out of it. And, if she wants to, she can funnel a single survivor into her TVs for long enough that she can guarantee a mori on them, regardless of their hook state level.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Sadako can teleport, but that's really all she has going for her — other than the super condemn wombo combo. Condemn by itself isn't all that great, it's usually not good enough to even waste time doing tapes unless we're talking about great Sadako / add-ons. She has nothing going for her in a chase, even other stealth killers have more utility than Sadako. Ghostface can even use his stealth in a chase, Sadako maybe if survivors try to bodyblock.

    Freddy on the other hand, can teleport. Sure it gets weaker with fewer generators, but he also has natural slow with micro sleep and can use his power in a chase.

    All in all, Sadako needs something. I don't know what, but she needs something. You can't have a killer be good with a few add-ons and call it a day.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 992
    edited January 2023

    Except most people that use her go down the condemned playstyle and it's effective as hell. As of the September 2022 data from BHVR themselves...

    ...which came out before this play style even really took off she had a 63% kill rate in all MMR measurement, putting her in the top band (equal to Wesker and Cenobite), and at the top 5% MMR (before anyone tries the 'low MMR players buff the scores excuse) she had a kill rate of 61% putting her in the fourth band from the top (equal to Oni, Blight, Spirit, Cenobite, and only bettered by Wesker, Dredge (possibly explained by their high pick rate at the time due to being the newer killers) and Plague.

    Either way she is above average or average kill rate for killers across the board; whether battling baby survivors or experienced ones. Even if you go off unofficial sources, eg. Nighlight which uses data from thousands of crowd sourced matches, for the period of 11/12/22 to 10/01/23 she has a win rate of 58.64% which is one of the highest kill rates on a parr with Nurse (let that sink in) despite a lower pick rate compared to others.

    Implying she is picked less but those that do pick her are good at playing her. She is a high skill killer in that she takes time and effort to learn how to use properly, but she has a high payoff when she does. The same is true with Freddy who also has a high kill rate. People just can't be bothered to learn how to use them properly and want them to be another 'hold W, slug and camp' killer but they're not.

    She doesn't need a buff, the evidence supports it - whether you agree with the facts above presented or not doesn't really matter (as I'm sure someone is going to try and explain why it insn't accurate or valid). It's BHVR's data and that's what they'll use to measure need for change.