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How will Dev’s Buff Killer’s after this Update?



  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    They will give Knight 7% instead of the 5%. No but this will reduce kill rate in solo no question so it's going to be interesting to see what they will give killers. Has to be something pretty good.

    When will this patch go live btw?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I'd love hook states, because for the most part I go in trying to 2 hook everyone.

    FOV, tricky.

    Honestly, I'd rather see some tweaks to maps and some addon passes, maybe small buffs to Demo, Trapper, Trickster & co.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199
    edited January 2023

    FoV is a necessary QoL change.

    For one, it's an accessibility issue as too narrow/wide FoV's can cause motion sickness for some people. Those people shouldn't be forced to run a perk to play the game.

    Secondly, the native 87 degree FoV is bizarrely small (most games range form 90 to 110) and makes killer gameplay incredibly disorienting. The kind of survivor "techs" that have been made possible because of this are frankly absurd and should never have been in the game to begin with. Things like hiding directly in front of the killer, crouched, and still somehow outside of their FoV.

    A higher FoV would not advantage the killer so much as it would simply make playing killer feel more confortable. This is evident by the fact that Shadowborn is basically considered a pointless perk, unless you're using it purely for a more comfortable gaming experience because you're sick of the disorientation or literally sick from motion sickness.

    It also comes with it's own drawbacks, pros and cons, swings and roundabouts. A higher FoV means you lose detail at a distance, and you can be blinded by flashlights from a wider angle. It's flat out not a straight buff, but a sliding scale of benefits and hindrances. Hence, why it should be an optional sliding scale setting.

    But, would it increase kill rates? Potentially, as a less disoriented killer will likely be a more effective killer. Lower skilled killers are more likely to benefit as they're less able to deal with the disorientation. Thus this QoL change would be considered a slight buff. Which is why it's the perfect sort of killer buff to counter this solo-to-SWF sort of survivor buff.

    It's also the sort of global killer buff that's sorely needed. So often survivors receive buffs that are shared by all survivors using any build, such as basekit BT. Meanwhile the vast majority of killer buffs end up being things like specific killer buffs, or killer perk buffs, things that don't globally benefit all killers.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I don't disagree, but it would also be a fairly significant buff for killers - particularly Blight and Huntress (I see a lot of Shadowborn on them for a reason, more than likely).

    I'm not averse to the idea, but it's something that would definitely need testing in the wild.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199
    edited January 2023

    Certain killer powers are hindered more by the disorientation than others, Blight, Billy, Oni, etc. so it makes sense that these killers would run Shadowborn.

    I'm not so sure why Huntresses do, but maybe Huntress players are already in a 'sniper' mindset anyway and are used to picking out small details and movement at a distance, so are able to manage with the increased distance that Shadowborn instils.

    Either way, powerful killers shouldn't be a reason to prevent global buffs that would benefit weaker killers more. Blight deserves at least an add on pass at this point, if not a rework like Nurse is getting, so that these sort of things aren't such big issues.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    The game is going to get even more unbearable for killer players. I don't even play this game if there are no events or time-limited tome missions available, DbD as a whole isn't worth playing for casual enjoyment. It's far too stressful for that and I'd much rather keep my sanity intact.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Can we at least PLEASE get Plague's "whispers" when her power is active to be quieter than a 747 taking off?

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,834

    I just don’t think this HUD thing is the buff people believe it’ll be. Survivors could literally run Kindred for more precise information (and do) and still have an average escape rate of like 40% or less. They have a tome of information-based perks that don’t seem to help them. Idk. This HUD ‘buff’ is a paper tiger.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,834

    They’re deliberately loud, IIRC, to help balance her exceptionally strong abilities (basically NOED at distance).

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Fancy providing one statistic showing that it's not killer sided? Good luck. There isn't one.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    Your comment manages to be both pointless and redundant at the same time. Congrats.

    I've always found it odd how BHVR made unique killer music that reveal what killer you play and chase themes ranging between "good" to "masks survivor noise"

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,967

    What killer buff? Just camp and tunnel and you will have a guaranteed win

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2023

    And you think this reply to my reply is any better?

    You said Shadowborn basekit would be OP and that's wrong.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Finally facing Nurse every day. Cant wait. Oh wait, we already have that. Well, than much more Nurse. Cool.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Which if even applied to only 1 generator is adding almost an extra half an entire gen of completion PER unhook since the other survivor can stay sitting on it. That’s constant gen time of going all the way for the unhook and coming back. Just that, is extremely significant.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    Tfw you can't understand sarcasm unless there's a /s somewhere.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199
    edited January 2023

    You could theoretically already achieve this with Kindred. But the chances of the other three players playing the way you expect them to is very slim.

    As someone who runs kindred every game as a solo survivor, I know from first hand experience that the other survivors almost never make use of it.

    It's not a niche thing. I have many, many examples of me hanging on a hook with Kindred, often first hook, and the remaining survivors are doing the most inefficient things the could possibly do in spite of the info they're getting from my perk.

    Just like "killers that want to tunnel will tunnel", well "survivors that want to rescue will rescue" and vice versa. Info is only as good as the players using it.

  • pocajohnny
    pocajohnny Member Posts: 219

    Bingo. Hopefully they are already in the process of doing so. I would love to see something done to Red Forest and the new Knight map akin to what they did with Crows map.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Sorry, but how is her power "basically NOED at distance"?

    NOED is a one-shot down.

    Her power is a hit at a distance that doesn't activate any "on hit" perks.

    So how is it like NOED? You still have to get a hit and the state of her puke attacks (both regular and powered) appear to have a RNG attached as to whether the particles hit or not, due to the odd nature of how they've implemented her power.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199

    They're assuming survivors are injured and broken. The thing is the two facets of her power are usually mutually exclusive, and if they happen to overlap it's very lucky.

  • Sometimes_Sage
    Sometimes_Sage Member Posts: 144

    How could a change that intends to bring solo Q in line with SWF not affect the game balance?

    Also you are equating kill rate with Killer experience; if Killers end up having to play sweatier to compensate for the changes, the Killer experience, and in the long run also the Survivor experience, will suffer even if the kill rate remains stable.

  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    Since everyone thought basekit meta perks for survivors was fair in 6.1, why not give killers basekit Eruption?

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Starting your post by claiming you’re a survivor main only makes me more likely to assume you main killer

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    It's pretty disingenuous that you can say letting every survivor know what the killer and other survivors are doing at all times so that they know when to safely be on gens is a "quality of life change". It's an insane buff. Be honest about it.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 136

    HAHAHAHA! This is a meme within a meme.

    Let's make gens 200 sek. Who bids more?

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    yall still got garden, the new map, the 5 badham maps, the 2 rpd maps, and haddonfield. one less op map doesnt make it fair

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    This update will 100% make stealth killers unplayable. If we can see the player is being chased then the chase stops, we all know the stealth killer is stealthing and looking for another target. It's just like being solo and seeing the obsession claws meaning that player is being chased. There will be zero reason to ever play stealth killers again. We will see even more blight/nurse/artist/bubba/legion/spirit and all the other annoying killers. high tier killers and CONSISTENT killers will be the only ones played. Literally went from maining legion/doctor/dredge for a looooooong time to only playing blight/spirit for the past week. Gonna start nurse soon. Frankly it just feels like survivors and devs just want all the killers to either quit or just main S tier killers. you guys tired of gen kick meta? Well once the hud happens youre going to get the tunneling gen kick meta I 100% promise you. Even if it ends up not being a big deal (i only think it'll impact stealth killers badly and other killers slightly) every single time survivors gets these QOL buffs its for ALL FOUR PLAYERS but killers get a buff its for the ONE player on our side. So now we have to deal with ALL of you having a hud. Meanwhile we get eruption and if we are LUCKY it MIGHT impact your whole team but typically no it will not do that. Survivor buffs impact the game way more than killer buffs ESPECIALLY when its related to second chances or in this case INFORMATION.

    Lets say im solo and i see ghostface is chasing someone. The Claws icon leave so i know he isn't in chase anylonger . I now know

    1) killer is out of chase with that player. they can heal or do a gen. Now I pay attention to their new hud icon and see what they are doing.

    2) killer is stealthing around map again. I know because he isn't in chase. I now pay closer attention to distance in map and corners and make sure my exhaustion is off cooldown.

    3) he can't ambush me now which is the entire point of stealth killers. The killers main defining playstyle now doesn't exist. Period. They only have their secondary power if any and perks. And if they brought corrupt or any hexes they will lose them. Now thanks to the hud and bad game balance that killer is lacking most of their power (stealth) because we can have a general idea of what they are doing and where they are, they also lost their perks.

    4.) going to be a hell of a lot of killers running high power non-stealth killers with gen regression. Because everything else is unplayable currently.

    This entire update literally makes stealth killers pointless, and against swfs they already are weaker than all the other killers. Not a single s tier stealth killer for a reason. This update will 100% just be yet another CRUTCH for bad survivors who can't pay attention to the game happening around them and an indirect nerf to killers, especially stealth killers.

    Seriously advise all my fellow killer mains to just start maining nurse/blight/artist/spirit or some A tier killers. Between this, the possible basekit unbreakable coming, and current meta, you need to play well enough to earn a merciless EVERY match and sweat EVERY match. Tunnel, camp, play hard enough to make people dc. There is no longer a fun aspect to killer it's only about winning because every match is a sweat fest. Survivors keep getting a hundred second chances and we can't make ONE mistake. Now the solo players basically get half swf treatment. So now as killer you have to assume EVERY squad is swf (i mean already have to do that, hence no hex builds or anything easily countered by being called out) because even if they are solo they can still know what all the players are doing and if someones in chase or no one in chase KNOW WHAT THE KILLER IS DOING. The hud plus one single info perk is just infinite knowledge for any good survivor.

  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    It's insane how nobody is mentioning how the HUD change allows people to 100% safety on gens as long as they know someone is being chased by a stealth killer, and to know when they need to be alert. But actually thinking about the change would disrupt the 'just a quality of life change!!!11' nonsense narrative.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    well ill add everything I claim is only for higher levels of the game. Frankly there are huge gaps between the meta in different skill levels in this game and i think that gets left out of the discussion way too often.

    stealth killers will always be amazing against beginner players. But I haven't died to a stealth killer in, well, I can't remember the last time I died to one. Even without the hud I just know my maps and keep the camera rotating at the proper angles and look in the distance to see if they are coming. It's not hard. Maybe some inddor maps / main buildings on outdoor maps they have an advantage over that but yeah, even then this hud change will make them useless at higher levels.

    I watched spookyloopz the other day (probably the best ghost face player there is, if not one of the best) get TRASHED by a high level swf team. Lost three matches in a row. I don't think I've ever seen him lose, at all really. I'm sure he does lose, but I'm just hammering home the point that stealth killers already REALLY ######### struggle against good survivors and swfs in general, without this additional info letting them always know if the killer is occupied or not. Comms alone counter most stealth play.

    At the end of the day the best killers are the ones who ignore pallets/loops. This is why spirit/blight/nurse are always higher tier killers. Stealth is countered by just paying attention or communicating, so the survivors are getting a free stealth counter regardless of how much help it is or isn't, it is still stealth counter

    meanwhile anti loop killers can ONLY be countered by GOOD LOOPING. This is why people see the same killers all the time. Keep nerfing other killers/perks and buffing survivors and the game is just going to be blight/spirit/nurse/artist 99.9% of games

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,432
    edited January 2023

    Hard to spot when half of survivor mains genuinely think an FOV increase would be OP. I don't know you, and if it was supposed to be funny, it wasn't.

    Also lowering chase music is a completely pointless change. At least Shadowborn is complained about frequently, unlike chase music.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    "I do not know this random stranger but i want the last word in."

    That's you.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,432

    And you, apparently. Also you didn't mention anything when another guy asked why you found Shadowborn to be "OP" as basekit. So what do you really think about Shadowborn being basekit?