The devs need to bring back the BBQ stacks

I know that it is much easier to get BP now than before but the BBQ stacks were an incentive to hook different survivors instead of focussing on one. Securing all stacks felt like a win. The incentives are nothing in comparison to the stacks especially since the incentives are on survivor most of the time. And I believe that giving BP incentives for not tunneling is the best way to incentivize fair play
People were saying this before the change happened. BBQ stacks gave a reason not to tunnel. It was arguably one of the most healthy perks but they just had to change it. The least they could do is add the stack mechanic as base-kit.
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I am preaching this since 6.1, and people seem to agree somewhat, but I don't think that we will see that change anytime soon.
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Having the BP bonus base kit is one of the rare circumstances where most survivors and killers agree it would be beneficial to have in the game.
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My enjoyment of playing killer is greatly lessened by the loss of the BBQ stacks. Those were my big incentive and win condition.
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The bonus BP stacks from both BBQ and WGLF were really damn healthy for the game because they gave an alternative win-condition that -wasn't- tied to frustrating the other side. Both need to return.
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That bbq stacks discouraged camp tunnelling is just about one the biggest myths in dbd history.
You could still get your stacks by hook trading, or forcing the early elimination and then wrapping up the 3v1. And it would be even worse with current gen time and slowdown.
The only real benefit would be that a killer would have to run triple slowdown instead of quad. But currently you're just fine with the meta gen kicking trifecta anyway.
Camp tunneling was and still is the dominant strategy in a game-theoretical sense. As such, it can be justified in a player's mind regardless of the perk's info. See no one on bbq? They're near or hiding aura, no reason to leave the hook to go on a search trip. See them instead? Well, they're too far. You have to go over there, hope to still find them and then run an entire chase. Again, no reason to leave the hook.
And, unfortunately, in general in-game currency incentives don't encourage a certain playstyle. Path of least resistance to victory does. Along with making what you want to discourage very difficult to pull off. The latter is actually crucial and currently almost disregarded.
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How about you dont lock incentives behind a perk... means you're forced to run it and likely have a weaker build just because of it?
Base incentives would work far better than ones behind a perk or just make the game more balanced so a killer can go after different people every time and not lose?
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What BBQ did to prevent tunnelling was giving Killers running it something else to count as a win. It made it easy to go into a game and just aim for the four hooks regardless of how everything else shook out.
Now? Well, you can still try and play the same way without the game acknowledging it, but there's no way to keep count, but both in terms of maximising BP and game feedback there's nothing to do but aim for the 4k in any way possible.
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My incentive does not leave killer. But yea bbq stacks would be dope.
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It's a big part of why i quit.
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Sucks to play killer and feel no motivation to hook. I'll hook for challenges, but otherwise I just play kind of aimlessly until I feel like I'm done, maybe that includes hitting or maybe I stick to chase only, and then I'll let the survivors do gens in peace. (If I start hooking/killing it's usually because the survivors refuse to do gens or are AFK.) The only motivation to play that's not challenge-related since the stacks were removed was the snowmen, dancing around in those was the best. If I got two or three survivors in snowmen giving me high-fives, that was a total win.
Personally, I don't want the BBQ or WGLF stacks back, I just want them made basekit. I miss having them for a win condition, something satisfying to aim for. If other people don't feel incentivized by the stacks, cool, whatever, everyone has their own reasons for playing.
As an aside: When it comes to the queue incentives, if the side I want to play doesn't have a queue incentive, then I just don't play at all. Ironically, I don't play at all quite a lot since the incentives were added.
It's funny, I don't even need Bloodpoints, it's just that more Bloodpoints = bigger win, even if the reason for all the points is five flans. If BHVR doesn't want to make stacks basekit, they need to come up with a new way to make playing their game feel rewarding, because neither pips nor BP seem to be what they want to use. Right now I make my own fun by memeing, but whether as killer or survivor memeing (while fun for me) is usually considered to be detrimental to the match as a whole.
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BBQ did not do anything against tunneling. As long as the Killer can tunnel out one Survivor and afterwards is still able to get full 4 Stacks, it does nothing against tunneling.
I think it is fine that the stacks are gone. Does not give the feeling of having to run a Perk which might not even be good on the Killer.
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Here is an Idea:
Make BBQ get reduced limitation for each survivor hooked.
At zero stacks perk function normally.
0 stacks after hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 40 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed.
- stack: fter hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 30 metres away from that Hook have their
- stack: after hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 20 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed.
- stack: after hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 10 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed.
- stack: after hooking a Survivor, all Survivors have their Aura revealed.
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Removing the stacks from BBQ was an unnecessary terrible decision. It's not even a matter of needing or wanting BP, it just felt good knowing you were increasing your BP from the match from doing your objective.
It was a well balanced killer perk that encouraged killer to not camp (show auras for where to go for next survivor), tunnel (go after new survivor to get stack), or slug (need to hook survivor to get value, don't want to lose them or have them bleed out). It also had multiple counters for the aura reading.
The only change I could've seen them make that would've been OK would be something like increase number of tokens to 8 so 2 hook every survivor and make it so you had to hook a different survivor from last - so no hooking survivor you just hooked.
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No way out is the other option, did it change anything? of course not even when the killer is defintely inclined because of this perk to get everyone hooked at least once. bbq didnt make it so people stopped tunneling, tunneling is a way of playing because u like it that way, is that simple, no perk or change in the game unless reworking the game punishing hard tunneling would change that mentality
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I'm using BBQ, regardless of the BP. However, I will still tunnel if I have to, considering the fact that most survivors I face have at least 2 PTS's, toolboxes with BNPs, and CoH. Guess what, I will tunnel if I have to, regardless of BBQ showing me other survivors when it's down to 2 gens. I don't think a change just to this one perk would make the game with the current meta more playable.
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I don't think it made too much of a difference.
People are gonna take the easiest and most efficient strategy available to them.