The game should be the next map nerfed

The amount of pallets on that map is ridiculous. But what's even more ridiculous is the close proximity to one another in witch they are placed. Sometimes you'll find areas that have multiple god pallets in a row.
It's more killer-sided, Otz said.
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There are however only 2-3 vault locations on the entire map. The pallets balance out the lack of windows.
Ultimately, if killers have a lower kill rate on The Game, which is info the devs have, then it might get 'nerfed'. If not, then this problem isn't one affecting average kill rates and it more of a niche or even just a perceived issue.
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I agree. One third of the pallets should be removed. One third should be turned into vaults. And one third should remain. - Sound fair?
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Can we also lower amount of hooks I swear there is one every 5 feet?
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While I agree with this it only applies at the higher levels of play.
Lower skilled players do not loop effectively which means the game covers up their weaknesses in their skills better because running to a 100% safe pallet and dropping it is a lot easier then looping the killer efficiently or even leading the killer to an area where you have the advantage is a skill many survivors don’t have unless it is an extremely obvious advantage and those maps are notoriously survivor sided.
The map should still be changed. It’s just boring to play on it on both sides because of the immense amount of pallets and lack of gameplay options for both sides.
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You don't have access to kill rates on that map at lower MMR though, so you have no idea if it does indeed have those issues.
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It’s a logical conclusion though. Or an educated guess. Before Otz said something most people would have said the game is survivor sided. That’s why he made the video after all. Most people honestly aren’t as good at the game as they like to think. Also even if I had the numbers I’d still question them because I wouldn’t know how the game rates player skill. It’s not as simple as kills and escapes, I’ll say that much.
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I generally have no issues winning matches on Gideon.
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I'd argue if anything it'd be harder for killer at higher MMR where good loopers can squeeze as much value from every pallet as they can. Simply running from pallet to pallet and pre-dropping them, while certainly stronger on The Game than most maps, still isn't that effective.
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Eh it’s a guess. It does depend on the build and killer you use too. Certain killers have it easier there then others. Playing an m1 killer though against a survivor/s running windows of opportunity is pain. Even if you win, it’s not fun.
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Honestly the more I think about Gideon the more I start to believe its actually one of the more balanced maps in the game.
No matter the map, Survivors will always have the upperhand during the early game and Gideon is definitely no outlier. There are tons of pallets and lots of areas are closed off unless the killer breaks down walls. The more the game goes on the more pallets are broken, and the easier the map is to traverse. Usually the pallet thing is the case for all maps, how ever Gideon only has roughly 5 or 6 windows in total, and the pretty much all of them are in corners completely opposite of each other, making it practically impossible to chain them together without the help of perks.
This makes the endgame for killers much stronger than the average map since Survivors just dont have much to work with assuming the killer played their cards correctly
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If anything needs to have its pallets looked at, it's not this, it's that bloody garden.
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That would make the map even stronger for Survivors
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You no say ^^
I should remember to put an */i at the end of some posts 😅
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While the game could use changes there are many, many more maps that are much more problematic.
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Otz isn't always right. But he's more factoring in the top tier killers, if I recall. He also said that the map is completely broken if you're an M1 killer.
That said...
It's just a bad map.
It's stupidly annoying if you're on a weaker killer, as you will just eat pallet after pallet after pallet and by the time they've run out, you're at 0 gens.
It's stupidly easy if you're on a stronger killer, as the map is incredibly small and there are multiple chokepoints.
If I'm on Hag, for instance...I almost never struggle.
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For instance, why can the garden have nearly 20 pallets on an outdoor map with plenty of tiles and a good main building? ######### is up with that.
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Oh yeah Garden is at the top of the list. Extremely unbalanced map.
Needs a much smaller size, less pallets and nerfs to the main building.
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Maybe? But that would also imply a higher MMR killer player whose power and decision-making will come into play to mitigate some of that. It's hard to say. The map certainly feels bad on a lot of killers, but I also stomp a lot of games as killer on that map. I wouldn't be surprised by any kill rate number.
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That's why it'd be hard for BHVR to change it. If they simply removed pallets or made many of the stronger pallets weaker, kill rates would obviously increase and at least at certain MMR levels, that's probably not something they want.
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*/i ??
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A complete rework of that map would be better. It's simply bad designed. There are only pallets on that map and the killer will most likely break all of them. It's boring for both sides.
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to mark irony. The post saying to remove one third of the pallets, change one third to vaults and keep one third was not meant seriously --- precisely because of what you say: the map would be even more survivor sided if that happened.
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Nah fam Garden of Joy and Badham Preschool
This sentence fits them perfectly:
Easy to chain loops
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Balanced map tipping in favour of killers
Just learn how to play it
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"survivors that know how to loop"
but isn't that bad for every map?
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Knowing the fact that MMR will throw you into a map that you have the lowest win rate, if you're getting too many wins.
I think there are maps that heavily one side, so MMR can throw you there to lose.
I remember I got 6 matches in a row as Trapper into Coldwind. Because I usually let survivors escape. Coldwind has the best grass in the game.