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General Discussions

Current feelings on the game

Alright so I’ve been playing the game for a few years now I’ve been playing since the legion came out. For the majority of my play time I’ve been a survivor main hitting red tank 1 was no trouble and as a PlayStation player I still remember the atrocious queue times from before cross play but anyways. I started playing killer when the pyramid head was released, so my biggest issue is the matchmaking as a survivor one of three things happen I either end up bullying the killer the entire game and I escape or I get absolutely demolished by someone who does nothing but play this game, or I get face camped and tunneled which big deal tbh I escape more than I die but my biggest issue comes from playing killer, why should I have to sit here and sweat and try my absolute hardest to get a single hook just for all the gens to finish in two minutes, I am so sick and tired of going against four man bully squads I think if I get one more over altruistic teabagging sabotaging flashlight spamming swf imma pull my hair out. Most of my survivor games are either played solo or with my single friend just thought I’d put that out there so nobody can call double standards but seriously something needs to happen either remove skill based matchmaking or nerf swfs because at this point idk how much more I can take this game has always been survivor sided but behavior could at least act like they acknowledge that fact or will do something to fix that problem. So idk and idc what you do make gens take longer if your a swf, nerf certain perks, or at the very least give me the option to block swfs in matchmaking settings. Seriously please please please I’m begging this game is my escape from my job and college and if this continues I’d honestly rather go back and play rainbow six siege or just not touch multiplayer games at all.

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  • Member Posts: 4,180
    edited January 2023

    There is still only one realistic solution for this problem and that is to bring solo to even remotely the same level as swf and then they can balance killer vs that level.

    Balancing around solo, swf and killer is and always will be impossible since two of the three belong to the same side of the scale but represent levels that can be worlds apart.

    I don't know how they accomplish this and I am not here to make or get told the list of much discussed solutions like voice chat or a ping system and their pro and contra so @everyone please don't regurgitate them here for the thousandth time.

    But this will be a long drawn out dance on a tightrope for the devs because they can neither only finally buff killer up to swf nor bring solo exclusively to that level.

    They have to make baby steps in lifting one side, checking and the lifting the other because leaving one or the other too much behind and that part of the plwyerbase will be fed up and leave.

    Now people may come at me and say that solo is behind at the moment because of patch 6.1 and I answer that with that it's exactly this circumstance, why the devs finally make attempts at the action icons, an idea that's been around for YEARS. And when that hits live they will observe again and then decide to buff killer or solo further.

    The biggest problem here is the glacial pace of changes, which bhvr is "famous" for nowadays.

  • Member Posts: 6

    very valid points but here’s my issue right, I’ve hit red rank as killer multiple times but ever since they revamped the skill based matchmaking it seems almost impossible for me to chill and play killer. Also I do have to say I was pretty heated when making the original post as I had just went against a bully squad who trash talked me at the end even though they all escaped xD but I do watch allot of dbd vids in my spare time specifically truetalent, jrm, Demi, noob3, and ohtofu but yeah either I’ve gotten worse at the game or skill based matchmaking has just messed up my fun times

  • Member Posts: 2,992

    That's what skill based matchmaking does in every game sadly. It demands that you play your best every match if you want to win, it is exhausting. But it is widespread in online games because it makes more money, if people pick up a game and have good success with it they will be more likely to stick with it, compared to picking up a game and getting obliterated by veterans.

    Killer just is what it is really, you have to really enjoy playing killers to make up for the torment that the game and the community will put you through.

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