Ah, a new-*bonk*-cha-*bonk*- chase-*bonk*-

Aside from going into every match with enduring, brutal strength, and an utter hatred for all forms of shoddy carpentry, what do you actually do when you keep getting matches where every Survivor seems to have an utter fondness for making no effort to do anything more in a chase than get to and wait at the nearest pallet (with the occasional DH after running around a rock for 30s). Yeah, there'll be deadzones eventually (and hopefully before the game ends), and things can snowball fast, but it's kind of depressing to keep getting so many matches that are almost entirely "hold W to nearest pallet, repeat".
I feel like I'm queuing up just to receive the stun animation (and annoying sound) again and again.
Honestly? If they want to feed you pallets, let them. Unga bunga through, don't respect them.
Unless it's The Game or something, they'll create massive honking deadzones and you'll snowball hard later.
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I mean, I'm not respecting them (although that just seems to net me finding everyone who wants to predrop instead).
I'm just questioning if that's all there is to the game sometimes: bonk kick w bonk kick w. And hope that nobody showed up with gen perks when the lobby has four medkits.
at this point i'd welcome a killer that frisbee tosses pallets as their power.
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Honestly, predropping makes it even easier. It really depends on the killer though.
Often, pallet campers become predictable fast and you can mindgame anything that isn't rock solid safe, especially if you're on a killer that can hide their light.
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I love when they pre-drop. I’ll just fly through the pallet and create massive deadzones.
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If they wait at pallets thats most likely because theyre inexperienced. The best thing a Survivor can do when they have distance is to keep that distance as long as possible, either by running forward or using windows since theyre always there.
I dont run into many people who just wait at pallets, but the ones I do all fall for the same ol' trick. Pretend youre going around the loop and quickly lunge back towards the pallet. A classic
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Mind game them OR play Nemi :)
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Can i interest you in Compound Thirty Three
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Slap on Enduring, disrespect everything and enjoy the free pallets.
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I thought killer mains wanted for survivors to drop every pallet in a single chase
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