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Why would you disconnect on loading against 3BPS

3BPS. No offerings. A DC. Why do people disconnect in a situation like that!? What could you possibly stand to gain from quitting out of +300% bonus BP?

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  • Member Posts: 531

    My guess is there was either a map offering in play, or they suspected a SWF since solo’s don’t usually stack those and didn’t want to face one.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'll probably get the data out after LNY event, but in 300 games of testing now (and almost depleting my flans), there is zero difference at DC rate between games with a massive BP reward and no reward.

    This isn't something you can beat by incentive.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    there wasn't a map offering

    That's why I don't get it. It's the most random on-load DC possible; it's like they were personally aggravated by seeing the BPS in play.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    If it was a survivor, possibly a lot of bad matches that day and they see the BPS as bad luck. BPS matches are often pretty suck as a survivor.

    If it was the killer, then maybe they went in with a specific goal, like playing Tombstone Myers, and they didn't want to ruin a 3 BPS match. Or they went in to do a killer daily ritual, and it's not a killer they're good at, so they can't play aggressively to earn points but they don't want to try to farm, either. Or they just want to quickly get their daily finished and be done with the match, and whether the survivors gen rush and don't give you a chance to get your daily done or they want to drag the match out and farm, neither is an attractive prospect.

    (These days I mostly play killer to do dailies, if you couldn't tell by my bias. I often prefer Myers, Dredge, and Nemesis dailies because I can do them with minimal to no survivor interaction, and you don't want me as killer in a BPS match if I'm in that mindset. I apologize to every survivor who's gotten me as their killer in a BPS match because I wasn't paying attention to the lobby/offerings. My bad, sorry your stuff was wasted.)

    Or maybe it was a genuine not-on-purpose disconnect. Those do happen.

  • Member Posts: 6,346

    Another possibility is they weren't paying attention to the lobby when it loaded, and so not knowing the survs or their items yeeted on out.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I've done exactly this.

    I had something like 'kill two survivors by your own hand and ensure that nobody escapes through the gates while using Devour Hope' - some archive that basically required me to be ruthless. I saw a pair of anni cakes and went 'yeah, no, that's not fair' and bailed.

    Depending on what sort of team I'm playing against, I'll go in hard - as always - and if I'm crushing, while I don't farm, I do a lot of extra hits and break chases, two hook everyone, kick all the gens etc. It means that, even if they lose, they'll end up with a good wodge of BP for their trouble.

  • Member Posts: 4,187

    A) like @Mew already said, maybe a honest crash during loading

    B) not everyone is up for what could probably devolve into a boring farming match.

    C) Just like, from my experience during the last anniversary, survivor can ignore BP offerings, even 5 of them, and end a match in less than 5-8 minutes, so can a killer play the same with or without this offerings and there are even those that see bps/cakes/flans as an incentive to play intentionally unfun because they don't have to worry about making BP.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    the worst is when the killer waits to load in then DC’s so you lose all your offerings. Had a killer do that on a 4x Flan.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I know it's hard to believe cause it happens so infrequently, but sometimes it is possible people DC not on purpose.

    Especially cat owners, they like pulling plugs

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    I always have to fight to remove ethernet cables even with opposable thumbs to push down on the clips

    how dare cats do it

  • Member Posts: 3,452
    edited January 2023

    It might've been a crash or an irl situation.

  • Member Posts: 1,563

    Oh god yes that annoys me so much, or if you bring like a Toolkit with a brand new part and the killer DCs before you even finish your first generator but you did use the BNP. Or even if you did finish the generator, its still such a waste of a BNP.

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