Who should you main game - V2

wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,132

I want to do another who should you main game where I ask a couple of questions and then provide a main. The game's content has grown vastly since I last did this and so it will be a bit more difficult this time, but I hope it's at least as fun as before. Please only provide 1 answer per question.

Question 1: Killer or Survivor?

A Killer

B Survivor

Question 2: Rank in order 1-10 which game mechanic excites you the most. 1 is most exciting. 10 is least exciting.

A Generators

B Hooks

C Totems

D Chests

E Pallets

F Lockers

G Vaults

H Trapdoors

I Gates

J Players

Question 3: Which RPG class do you prefer?

A Tank

B Support

C Damage

D Crafter

Question 4: Do you utilize map offerings?

A: Yes. (insert joke about corn)

B: No.

Question 5: survivor only - Do you have a preferred item type?

A - medkit

B - flashlight

C - toolbox

D - key

E - map

F - firework