Killer camping



  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    So a note on this - without all the tricks currently available you cannot just use bumps against a DH user. You have to use some of the extra nonsense.

    When that gets removed it will be a different story. Every blight main loves to say : I don't use hug tech. But the last time I watched LO's stream he used it twice in the first chase. Without hug tech he would not have had the opportunity to hit the survivor in a way that would have offset DH.

    Throw some tournament players in a match and make the rule : no hug tech or any related tech is allowed. The blight will be disqualified if they ever use any non pure bump logic. LO and all the best players would immediately have problems because the survivors know that the blight can't do certain moves.

    Blight is very weak around shack if you are only bumping. Everyone knows this - which is why the last time I watched LO he immediately went into hug tech to hit a DH user around shack.

    Billy was unstoppable back in 2016 when he could flick in a direction different from that of his chasinsaw sprint. It was extremely abusive and was thankfully removed from the game. Hug tech is almost exactly the same problem : it's just way too much for a killer that is already very strong.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,559

    I see a problem with the punishment. You have only 20 seconds to kick the next gen and if you don't all gens gain 25% progress. That means you leave the hook and no matter what happens you need to kick the next gen immediately. You can't go and pick up / set up any traps as Trapper or Hag, make a detour to reload as Trickster or Huntress, get some stalk as Myers or Ghostface or even go for the next chase because if you do you pretty much throw the game. None of these things involve "toxic camping" as you call it but they still get punished. Also what if the killer hooks a survivor right next to a gen? Then they'd kick that and continue camping.

    Don't get me wrong, I want some incentive for killers to actually leave the hook but I'm affraid this is not a "one size fits all".

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    time can be changed as well as regression percentages of 5-8% and penalties of 25%.

    And the idea is that it is necessary to kick the farthest generator from the hook and not any

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,559

    That would still be quite a nerf, though. The killer walking to the furthest gen away from them is easily 15-20 seconds of wasted time just to get there. Now they'll need to kick it (1.8 seconds) and potentially make their way to the next survivor, at least another 10 seconds...

    The idea of giving killers a reward for leaving the hook is one I fully support, even with a downside (at least in theory). It's just not as simple as it may sound because you need to look at the bigger picture.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    Your suggestion is creating a gamę hostage.

    Game hostage is a situation where one side is totally stopping the progress, and disallow the game for being finished.

    Camping make sacrifices progression, and ultimately kills survivor - nothing is hold.

    Camping allow other survivors peacefully finish gens - nothing is hold.

    With Your suggestion, if killer would chase anyone near the hook, the sacrifices progress IS HOLD. And if other survs would stop doing gens, the whole game would be hold. This would be holding game hostage.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    What about:

    If killer leaves Hook area within 12s. After hooking a survivor, all gens explodes loosing 5% current repair progress and regress (if not repairing) with 50% regress speed as long as killer is Xm from the hook