But of course mobile get's it, makes no sense to me.
theres more on the site and stuff. Where's the PC port?
"too flashy"....what???
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The Deathslinger one is amazing. It's perfect for him. I hope you're not the type of player who DC's before a mori. This would add to the game big time for killers to work towards a cool ending kill
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too flashy to match a phone game btw. total logic
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again, to match a phone game. PHONE GAME. We playing an outdated version on PC
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who cares about netease? the mori is cool
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New or skin specific mori’s would be super cool. Still waiting for trapper wraith and hillbilly to get proper moris that suit them
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What exactly is wrong with the mori animation?
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The first comment will forever disturb me
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Maybe when the new Mori system is inplace.
remember what bHVR is working on atm
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I thought the new Mori system had to do with the base kit Unbreakable?
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Those Moris are on mobile are usually limited to one specific outfit you can only earn through a lootbox system. No thanks.
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nope, it was just because they tested that AND basekit unbreakable on the same PTB
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Uh... it's not. Deathslinger's current mori is almost the exact same length, at 11.5 seconds.
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Moris in this game range from 7 to 14 seconds long, 12 seconds is par for the course.
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A new mori IS a cosmetic, what do you even mean? It is literally a cosmetic animation, it serves no gameplay purpose in and of itself.
There's nothing wrong with selling new moris, if you don't like them then don't buy them, nobody is making you buy every cosmetic.
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Yes, more mori animations, make it monetized, and lot of people will buy it myself included.
And with that - no more monetization for perks, this one is unfair p2w practice.
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You gave the name of the fallacy and yet you still used it. Why would you even bother finishing the post at that point? Lmfao
"They're not needed at all" - okay, halt all production of all cosmetics, better yet, remove them all from the game. They're just not needed. 🙄
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Hs just said he wasn't going to reply lol
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It's literally optional and apparently there's still something to complain about. Why would you want to see the same mori animation over and over? I want something atleast to work for at this point.
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Yeah, for some reason he thinks cosmetic moris will magically make lootboxes appear in the game. Slippery slope fallacy.
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LOOT boxes? why would that ever come about
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There's literally not even enough cosmetics roaming for that
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not to mention they've taken the stance of adding shard prices for every non-licensed thing they can, including characters and legendary cosmetics
if they were going to implement lootboxes, they would be charging you for all of that lmao
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exactly. Speaking of my post, there's now a new Spirit,deathslinger,oni, plague Mori that the PHONE GAME has and not PC
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sad, but maybe they'll add 'em to the real game later
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Maybe they are waiting for the Mori update that i saw on the roadmap??
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I... Maybe, honestly, but I think that update is more about the finishing mori system that incorporates moris as basekit instead of them being a funny cosmetic you pay bloodpoints to use, I don't think it's really related.
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How would it not be? Then we'd maybe have an opening for selection for different ones
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I'm saying it's not like either update hinges on the other. Even if they never implemented finishing moris they could still implement alternate moris just fine, as shown in the mobile game which I'm pretty sure doesn't have the finishing moris system