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General Discussions

What's a compliment the other side has given you recently?

I was playing against a Dredge, and I had outrun his haunted grounds twice(he had undying) and only used windows the whole time. He also had MYC but he never chased me when I proc'd that one. In the end game chat "ggwp, I should have known not to chase an Ace with that fit gl next match <3"

The fit:

What are some compliments you have recieved recently from the other side?


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  • Member Posts: 545

    You are Korea.

    That was a good one.

    I had to go look on the map to confirm that this was a compliment.

  • Member Posts: 5,105

    I have gotten quite a few that made me smile!

    A lot of "those were some great chases, I thought I lost you a few times", which I take as a compliment because my ability to lose a survivor right under my nose is... rather impressive.

    The other one was when I was playing Doctor on Ormond and when I was following a survivor into a jungle gym, I was charging the Static Blast, but when I turned the corner I saw him interacting with a Yellow Glyph, so I promptly cancelled it and gave them a moment to solve it (which they did), and gave them a 5 second head start back into the chase lol At the end of the match they gave me a very big thank you for letting them grab it <3

    I personally love to spread positivity and give compliments; whether the killer terrified the heck out of me (which is rare, so a big compliment), they were fun, or as Killer, if I saw great survivor teamwork or I was envious at how well a survivor ran a tile and I was taking mental notes for when I played later... or if I thought a Killer/Survivor has impeccable fashion sense :3

  • I've had people on Steam who thought I were so wholesome that they wanted to gift a DLC to me.

    Also during the Halloween event I memed with Trickster and the Blighted Serum. People seemed to love it.

    Last night I went to a streamer's stream to say ggwp and the streamer complimented my looping skills and how I was the stronger looper of the 4 of us. They seemed genuine, it was flattering because I always thought Midwich was a weak map for me to loop

  • Member Posts: 809

    Because of stereotypes around my main killer, I rarely get complimented by the other side.

    Maining Bubba is one of a curse, but sometimes, after hundreds of games, you will get people who enjoy facing your killer

    I cherish every single game with survivors like those, why they're so rare tho

  • Member Posts: 642

    I don’t have the message but I had a survivor a month or so tell me that my Knight build was whack but the best one he has seen. Then proceeded to give me advice on how to build a chase Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    As survivor, teamates thank me for going for the save in end game, especially when I am the only one trying.

    As killer, all I get are -rep, silence or insults.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    I get called an “insanely cracked blight” pretty often.

    It’s either that.. or I get told to touch grass and I have no life.

  • Member Posts: 2,439
    • Good Blight
    • Fun Chases!
    • Most recent one where I just kinda messed around they said a lot.
  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Survivors are only nice to me if I meme and let them live.

    I've never played a game the way I typically would and have a survivor ever say anything nice to me.

  • Member Posts: 4,688

    Team of survivors called me a pretty chill killer for playing for fun when they brought in double BPS and a Flan. We basically just all five hobbled around with one specific gen, with the survivors sneakily trying to complete it and me just adamantly defending it and only that one gen. I think I 2-hooked everyone and then they just finished their gens and left. It was a fun match!

    I do also recall a David accusing me of tunnelling and his teammates correcting him, pointing out that I basically ignored him and refused to hook him on multiple occasions, which was nice too.

  • Member Posts: 707

    A nurse called me "Godlike in chase" the other day, but I was really just lucky in the mindgames and 50/50's lmao.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I haven't been able to play all that much recently, but last times I've played a few survivors called me cute or told me I was good. =D

  • Member Posts: 112

    I was playing on the ptb to test out the new the eyrie of crows. Everyone called me a chad Billy after the match

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    SWF told me they had “The most fun match ever” after I got a 3k with billy.

    Fun match all round with no meta builds on either side and on coal tower

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    "Should have tunneled you out first"

  • Member Posts: 545

    Neither did I at the time. It was especially hard because most of the screen was filled with ####################.

    So I looked at the map and GD that's a nice peninsula.

    I feel that's a good thing to be.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    I did vanity mirror Mikey on Lery's recently and two of them were a swf who messaged me saying they had a blast with the jump scares. Said my Mikey made it feel like a proper horror game.

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