We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Starstruck shouldn't activate if a survivor is currently hooked.

marc3122 Member Posts: 4
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

When carrying a survivor, any and all other survivors within your terror radius suffer from the Exposed status effect.

I play both Killer and Survivor equally, and I think Starstruck is a great perk! However, there are often moments where it's WAY too strong. Starstruck is one of the most powerful Exposure perks available. Other perks require survivors to directly activate it (excluding NOED, of which can be prevented), while Starstruck only requires having a survivor(s) within your terror radius. The range of a terror radius can vary, as well as increase significantly. The average range is 32 metres, though Wesker's range is 40 and Doctor's can be increased to 46 with addons. Distressing increases the terror radius by 26%. Agitation increases the terror radius by 12 metres, as well as increasing movement speed (to which the killer will become faster than running survivors). When paired with perks like No Way Out, Remember Me, Blood Warden, Crowd Control, Bamboozle, and/or Blood Favor. It makes it easy to hold survivors hostage with no way to escape. It's great for killers, but just isn't fair to survivors.

Starstruck has it's purpose, but it can be easily manipulated into an overpowered, unfair advantage. The most obvious fix would be to use a fixed range instead of a terror radius, but it's clear BHVR is too stubborn for that. So how about deactivate Starstruck when a survivor is already on a hook? That's how Corrupt Intervention was nerfed.

[Example deleted, since some users are willing to glance over 2 paragraphs to argue over a GIF.]

This is the end of the post. I only use this forum to make posts because the janitors over at the Steam forums lock and delete every post they see. Discuss amongst yourselves.

Post edited by marc3122 on
