Starstruck shouldn't activate if a survivor is currently hooked.

When carrying a survivor, any and all other survivors within your terror radius suffer from the Exposed status effect.
I play both Killer and Survivor equally, and I think Starstruck is a great perk! However, there are often moments where it's WAY too strong. Starstruck is one of the most powerful Exposure perks available. Other perks require survivors to directly activate it (excluding NOED, of which can be prevented), while Starstruck only requires having a survivor(s) within your terror radius. The range of a terror radius can vary, as well as increase significantly. The average range is 32 metres, though Wesker's range is 40 and Doctor's can be increased to 46 with addons. Distressing increases the terror radius by 26%. Agitation increases the terror radius by 12 metres, as well as increasing movement speed (to which the killer will become faster than running survivors). When paired with perks like No Way Out, Remember Me, Blood Warden, Crowd Control, Bamboozle, and/or Blood Favor. It makes it easy to hold survivors hostage with no way to escape. It's great for killers, but just isn't fair to survivors.
Starstruck has it's purpose, but it can be easily manipulated into an overpowered, unfair advantage. The most obvious fix would be to use a fixed range instead of a terror radius, but it's clear BHVR is too stubborn for that. So how about deactivate Starstruck when a survivor is already on a hook? That's how Corrupt Intervention was nerfed.
[Example deleted, since some users are willing to glance over 2 paragraphs to argue over a GIF.]
This is the end of the post. I only use this forum to make posts because the janitors over at the Steam forums lock and delete every post they see. Discuss amongst yourselves.
So, it is too strong because you decided to go for the save in front of the killer, without even doing the M1 tapping to force a hit and not a grab (and abuse of mechanics that should be removed BTW) or coordinating with the other survivor to body block the killer while unhooking, and not happy with that here comes a second survivor that completely ignored the debuff warning, believed he has the advantage of game mechanics again but got outplayed by the killer having Starstruck and downing him in only one hit...
I don't know, this sounds more like a you problem than Starstruck being too strong, even in this extremely casual situation that is going to happen to very few people.
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It's 30 seconds.
I understand with Nurse (but that's getting changed already) but it literally screams "Don't body-block me! Oh and maybe wait a bit with an unhook which you probably should do"
When paired with perks like No Way Out, Remember Me, Blood Warden, Crowd Control, Bamboozle, and/or Blood Favor. It makes it easy to hold survivors hostage with no way to escape
Those are endgame and chase perks, how do these exactly help starstruck? (one of which activates on being hit lol)
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Firstly, you shouldn't go for the save in less then 30 seconds, or within sight of a killer whom is carrying a Survivor to begin with. It has a big warning sound and a display that it is active; the hook survivor had 60 seconds per hook stage. (That is if the Survivors decides not to rage quite or kill themselves or unhooked by themselves)
Also, pairing it with every Endgame build would not be that good, as there are better perks to make Starstruck better. If anything, the killer got lucky and hook next to the exit gates and you were crazy enough to tempted to flee early before he gets a chances to active Blood Warden or No Way out. Props to the killer for a effective plan by luck.
Plus, if you are worry about trying to be down by Starstruck; prep drop pallets if necessary, puts some distance when caught in sight and don't be anywhere need the hook in first 30 seconds. If you want to keep your hook teammates alive longer, bring Reassurance to counter it and give your hook teammates some extra time. Learn to be patient and do go for near immediately saves, and you will be fine.
On a side note, Starstruck will soon no longer work on Nurse; but that will not stop most fast mobile/detection based killers from seeking you out in close proximity and getting value.
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Wait 30s. Skill issue.
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Ah. "Holding hostage". The new buzzword. With starstruck. Really interesting synergy.
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Here we see the continued mindset of "Waiting is a skill".
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It can be a component of skill. Not the thing entire, but part of it.
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No, it isn't. Any game mechanic that requires you to sit and do nothing is not a skill. This is bad as "Just wait it out" as an excuse for dealing with Dead Hard.
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Precluding timing from the idea of skill is patently ridiculous. Come on. I can't think of any skill expression in any game that doesn't require you to wait after some fashion.
Note that I'm also not mentioning dead hard in this argument. That's a fundamentally flawed perk. Waiting can be important though. You wait for the beginning of the hook animation to avoid DMS and pain res, for example. It's part of what makes one skilled at the game.
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Timing is not the same thing as waiting. Time is dodging, or getting that weapon point when the shield drops.
Not the same thing as "Just stand around for 20 seconds, 4head."
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It doesn’t require you to anything. What I just said is the easiest and laziest available solution. If you want to not wait the 30s, go in and then don’t get downed for those 30s.
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can make it so that the perk (distortion) or cabinet would remove this effect?
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Waiting is not a skill. Knowing when you have to wait is.
And being patient and waiting 30 seconds hiding for Starstruck to run off instead of launching yourself in front of the killer like a headless chicken is, at minimum, the smart thing to do.
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Smart? Yes.
Skilled? No.
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Starstruck is only oppressive on nurse and that is gettin changed in a few days,,Perk is fine as it is
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No one said do nothing?
When you find out the killer has starstruck, don't loiter near them carrying someone hoping to unhook right after.
Sit on gens, the new survivor icon system will make it easy for someone who's NOT affected to starstruck to go get the save.