When can we finally get rid of map offerings?

Those offerings are extremely unfun for the other side and just promote the unhealthy aspect of the game. Last year, BHVR released a good amount of unhealthy maps with broken RNG (especially GoJ). GoJ has way too many strong loops plus the main building and that's the exact reason why survivors love to send me there when I play Billy or Bubba and unless I run strong addons this can be gg before the match even started. On the flip side killers will bring strong maps as well especially midwich. Both sidesare only bringing the maps that will favor them and that's very unhealthy especially because it screwes the other side over and makes the gameplay very frustrating. Map offering would not even be that big of a deal but the fact that so many maps are just favoring a side too much make them very unhealthy for the game. At this point BHVR should get rid of them
I've been hoping for a while they'd do a bloodweb overhaul. Get rid of the useless filler stuff so we can only get useful things.
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Just being unfun isn't enough of a reason. The game is full of unfun mechanics. (tunneling, map offering, super safe loops, camping, flashlight blinding at every pallet, etc....)
What could u even replace these offerings with?
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A number of killer streamers " crash" when survivors use broken map offerings.
As a survivor I don't really want to play vs a killer picking an indoor map either.
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Bloody Party Streamers
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Nothing. Green addons are the rarest ones cause of these things clogging up that rarity slot.
There needs to be less green rarity stuff, it's way to oversaturated right now
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If maps were actually balanced, offerings wouldn't be a problem. Removing them just makes it impossible to do actually fun builds like Scratched Mirror Myers (who needs a Lery's offering), etc. I'd rather they fix map balance than remove stuff.
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Just get rid of all offerings except Bloody Party Streamers.
Also get rid of all add ons.
And delete Myers and Ghost face.
And delete Eruption and Dead Hard.
Then we can finally forget all about fun.
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Also - 'unfun' in this case is a euphemism for 'completely busted'.
Forget strong loops. The GoJ main structure can spawn as a literal infinite if you run the windows right.
But the answer isn't to remove map offerings. It's to fix the sodding maps.
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I love map offerings and don’t want them removed. This is an issue with map design, not offerings.
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Well as long as these maps stay being broken people wil stick to their map offerings like it's a candy. Because those maps are usually fun for ONE side while completely unfair for the other.
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That's fine though. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
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I agree map offerings should be gotten rid of. Neither side should be able to pick a map they have advantage in. Let it be up to the roll of the dice.
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Make them remove that realm from the matchmaking pool for that game rather then guaranteeing you go to it, reverse it's effects essentially
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They can't really remove map offerings until they remove achievements that require a specific map.
Really, all they have to do is give survivor map offerings 1/4 the weight of killer map offerings. An entire team should have to play the same map offering to get a 50/50 with a killer map offering.
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If I team of survivors sends me to a bad map, they usually don't enjoy the match.
I would really love offerings to be out, or to mean, as someone suggested, do NOT send me there. (But then only one should be taken into account else survivors would be able to block most realms)
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What would stop survivors from picking and eliminating the very few killer favor maps
lol hehehe
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Understandable but i doubt the devs would ever change these offerings. What unfun for one side is usually fun for the other like running u for 5 gens or very quick downs
Maybe a cap on map offerings so they stop appearing in the web when u have the max amount?? 3 of each map offering being the limit. idk just spit balling here
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They need to increase base BP for survivor and maybe they'll play something other than map offerings. A huge chunk of BP comes from surviving so why not play a map where they have a better chance of surviving. Likewise, when a killer has a bad game, they still get a reasonable amount of BP. A survivor has a bad game and they only walk away with 6,000 BPs. Using a cake on that probably feels disappointing.