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Should dbd remove the ban timer?

devilsdemon7 Member Posts: 16
edited January 2023 in Ask the Community

this game is too buggy to have a ban timer; because the killer has stone age internet it kicks me out of matches. How do i know its not my internet you may ask. My girlfriend on the same internet is not kicked from the match whilst i am. I also have no issue with other games doing this. I am now being punished with a 6 hour ban because I verse killers who cant use a decent internet provider. Fix the game and stop worrying about cosmetics and asthetics.

Sincerely - A day 1 player whose put so much money, time, and effort into this game.

Post edited by Mandy on

Best Answer


  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    The fact that its kicking you and not your girlfriend or the killer does imply the issue is on your end.

    Regardless any time they remove the DC penalty, DC'S shoot through the roof eliminating the possibility that the penalty will ever leave.

  • devilsdemon7
    devilsdemon7 Member Posts: 16

    Fair point but i see i forgot to mention when i dc it shows the killer dced as well but my girlfriend is still running him my lagging only happens when the killer is near me as well were also on the same internet she litterally plays right next to me. My next point is slugging killers, those clowns who down the whole team and let them bleed out wasting your life. Should we be punished because the killers being a sore loser? If anyone disagrees with that second point then you are part of the problem with this once great game causing it to go down the toilet.

  • devilsdemon7
    devilsdemon7 Member Posts: 16

    p.s. When the match is over it says the killer dced as well i see constantly the killer wifi in the red bars showing its theirs.

  • devilsdemon7
    devilsdemon7 Member Posts: 16

    Will you look at that i cant initialize the game last time they did this the issue was solved meaning i was right and behavior is fixing the issue also if you watch recent xbox streamers they are having similar issues.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389

    No. - While a ban timer can never solve issues when it comes to connections, petty DCing or whatever, it is there to manage it, so that at a given moment the chances of people getting matched with "DCers" are as low as possible without being too opressive. --- That being said: There should be a maximum ping range; if you average over the past x minutes (since log in up to, idk, 20 minutes maybe) is below, let's say 200, you can Q-up again, if it's above you get ping-blocked from Q-ing up. People who have very occasional ping spikes will still stay below the cap with their averaged ping, while people who always have very bad ping will be prevented from Qing up - so are people who frequently lag-switch (idk how prevalent it is but the accusation gets thrown around a lot) because their average is very likely above the cap.

  • Dessa_Lynn
    Dessa_Lynn Member Posts: 3

    I agree, there is no need for a ban time. When someone DC’s on my team, it doesn’t upset me. When the killer DC’s, it doesn’t upset me. I shrug my shoulders and continue on to the next match, like the mature adult. If this game is popular, you won’t run into those people again anyway. Anyone who plays online games, and is upset someone DC’d (for whatever reason, you never know what someone is going through in their home life), isn’t mature enough for online gameplay. It’s a cartoon on a screen, it isn’t even serious. It becomes an issue when you are paying for your internet, console, game and even in game customizations and they are trying to monitor your money you’ve payed to them, at that point with a ban time. This game isn’t what it used to be, that’s for sure…

  • devilsdemon7
    devilsdemon7 Member Posts: 16

    Thank you for actually giving me an educated answer i was just telling my girlfriend this same thing like this is what they can do at the very least, now if only they can fix the slugging issue somehow.

  • devilsdemon7
    devilsdemon7 Member Posts: 16

    i guess what im saying is for ban timer it needs a cap, maybe the block button can block their code not allowing you to verse that person again. Fix the report system too when you get reported for the same thing 3 times (or more) you get a ban timer.

  • devilsdemon7
    devilsdemon7 Member Posts: 16

    Tell me you're a bogus killer without telling me you're a bogus killer lmao btw i was right since dbd did whatever they did i didnt lag out once tonight.

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