What is your funniest newbie mistakes?

DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

Seeing the game pop up on Xbox game pass I had never heard of it and just wanted to try it without understanding how it worked. These things I remember and won't forget:

1: My first game I found the hatch and escaped. So now I thought the hatch were on every map random somewhere so starting my next game I spawned in searching and listen for hatch immediately thinking it was always open from start 😄

2: Decided to play my first game as killer and searched google for which killer is the best, then played Xbox Nurse 😥 Yes not a single hooked survivor that game.

3: Found out you could buy these weapons in shop so I bought the most expensive weapon for Trapper with real money thinking it must be powerful so I don't have to hit survivors twice. I was so angry when my new weapon did nothing more than the free of charge one 😑

4: Found a key in a cheast in one of my first games I had never seen a key before. Went to exit gates thinking I could open it with the key 🙄


  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Think my worst one was my second killer game. Had a challenge to killer survivors by my own hand with trapper. I didn't realise that meant moris lol. I forcibly bled out 2 survivors because I thought it counted as a "kill" rather than a sacrifice 😅

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    I played my first few games without any sound/headphones and was wondering how the other survivors knew when the killer was coming

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    I remember thinking hook states would only progress further if I didnt heal and then get downed/hooked again. So Id try to jump off the hook every time, and think to myself (oh no worries! I have a medkit!)

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    1. Thanks to the tutorial I thought you were supposed to try and unhook yourself every time. I was a 2 hook survivor for awhile. 😂

    2. I didn't know why sometimes when I was unhooked in killers face I could get hit and need to mend while other times I'd just be downed. Had no idea it was a perk. I thought it was some weird timing thing of unhooking in front of the killer you were supposed to do. So I'd unhook people in killers face and if the killer downed them I'd think "huh, must've got the timing wrong." 😂

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I think it was my second survivor match. I spawned into the match on old Coal Tower and I quickly hid in a locker against Nurse, not knowing noise notifications were a thing. Needless to say I got found.

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145

    I wondered why NoED didn't tell me where survivors were. I mean, it said they were "Exposed", so why can't I see them?

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Hiding in lockers against Iron Maiden, and not understanding why I'd scream and get downed by a Nurse immediately after...

  • littlepaw
    littlepaw Member Posts: 67

    i thought sloppy butcher had a small chance to insta down the survivor hit. i was watching friends play bubba and saw some survivors instantly go down and some survivors not instantly go down and saw sloppy butcher was equipped and went 1 + 1 = 3. they told me it was a good perk. further research into the perk... it absolutely does not work that way

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    Back in the days, you needed to finish few gens for the hatch to spawn.

    I did not know this condition, so I was systematically looking for the hatch - even at 5 gens remaining - while playing Claudette with the darkest clothes and on ultra-stealth mode, haha

  • Sanna
    Sanna Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2023

    - Thinking that hook states only counted when I've actually been hooked, so every time I got left on the hook and reached stage 2, I still always thought I was safe and was confused why my game would end after getting hooked again (I lowkey always thought the killer was cheating) xD

    - Not knowing 'mend'. I would always forget to mend and go into the dying state and always ask myself how. I'm sure I frustrated teammates to no end.

    - T-bagging the killer after getting hit as a form of asking for mercy or saying hi (when other teammates were still alive). Needless to say I was tunneled and facecamped quite often.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Oh I remembered another one while reading your posts. I did not understand the t-bagging since I don't play other online games except Rocket League so I thought people were saying "hello" to the killer. This resulted in me t-bagging killers who let me escape. Until I got a message asking why I t-bagged and I had to search google before saying my sorry and explaining to that person lol