Hex: Huntress lullaby needs a buff/rework since it's been off meta for too long with it's effects

I do not think huntress lullaby is a bad hex perk, I think it can be useful and really annoying for survivors, but the fact it requires tokens in this day and age makes it too weak to be used, so here's my idea on how to fix this perk.
Hex: Huntress lullaby now has the full effect without requiring tokens.
The 6% additional regression remains
Each time you hook a survivor Hex: Huntress lullaby gains a token, for each token increase the progress lost of failed skill check by 1%.
This would give the perk extremely more value and punish survivors who fails skill checks, and would encourage them to look for the totem like devour hope does, it also wouldn't feel like old ruin since you simply need to pay close attention and land it anywhere and not just great skill checks.
So you tell that huntress Lullaby is very weak and made it somehow even worse, you prioritize no skill check sounds with no additional penalty at the start and you need to hook, just to get 1%. You didn't even mentioned differences on each tier and you made that it punishes survivors for losing the game. You need 6 hooks to get current 6% penalty on Huntress Lullaby, which is pathetic.
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I'm pretty sure he meant the tokens would increase the base not replace it, so as you gain tokens the failed skill check would be
0 tokens 6%
1 token 7%
2 token 8%
3 token 9%
4 token 10%
I dont hate the Idea, but I would cap it at 4 tokens (20% for a failed skill check is plenty) and only grant tokens the first time a survivor is hooked like No Way Out, and a token is lost if a survivor dies.
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was it ever meta ? i've only seen it on doctor builds
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Okay, I see it, since it got edited not long ago. This would be a decent buff, for getting bonus by working similiar as no way out. (Hexes are considered as high risk high reward so this buff is reasonable.)
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no, you get the effect it has now, it's that the tokens add 1% extra penality in addition to the 10% lost + 6% of the perk, so at 5 tokens 21% progress will be lost.
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Never been sadly
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it is exactly what I meant, and yea your suggestion could work too, to get full value you'd need to hook every survivor, so you cannot tunnel the same survivor for 3 tokens.
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glad you think so ^^