Story Time! Share Your Stories


Hey All,

I want to hear your stories about something awesome or scary that happened to you in the game! It can be when you first started playing or something you did in the game that turned it around, etc..

For myself i have two i want to share.

First was a little after i first started playing and i knew that the hatch was open after all my team died, I ran around map looking for it everywhere except anywhere near the killer... until, that's right the killer Billy was standing on the hatch turning in all directions waiting for me to approach.
I was playing Meg and slowly walked from rock to rock to tree, ever so slowly getting closer. At this point i didn't know about hatch stand off but my only goal was to get through that hatch.
I waited patiently seeing if he had a pattern to which direction he was going to face next, When you first start playing the game is scary so my hands were shaking and sweating, then i finally waited for him to face a different direction and i ran for it!
It was so intense and when i got to the hatch Billy turned around and look at my Meg in the face, I jumped in my seat but i did escape and got a well played from the killer.

Second was much later on in my game experience but it was versing a great killer with decent perks plus add-ons and was downing survivors left, right and center. The killer this time was Huntress
However our team did manage to get all the gens done for the match, When the last gen was done i was getting hooked in the basement right next to another survivor, game over right?
The huntress went to chase the survivors opening the exit gates, The other survivor on the hook I think was a Meg and she was at the very end of the struggle before the entity wins so i knew if i was going to attempt to escape it was now, if i'm the last survivor on the map and on a hook i get immediately killed.
So it took all three attempts but i did Kobe off the hook, unhook the Meg and we both legged it, The huntress caught one other survivor i think it was Dwight and was carry him to a hook, as i'm running towards the gate the Huntress carrying Dwight towards me and happened to walk through a fence way with a pallet, I threw the pallet down and saved the Dwight from the hook.
We all ran towards the gate and myself and Meg escaped...Dwight unfortunately was tea bagging at the gate and a little to far from the exit point, He did not make it.


  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    So I played Myers and I had Evil Within 3.
    Someone came, I hit him and he got downed.
    Then all of the 3 remaining just came one by one and I downed everyone, it was so funny for me for some reason.