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Any tips for The Twins

I've been playing the Twins for a while now, and I absolutely love their character both in-game and lore wise, but I can't seem to get good at them (1 sacrifice per 5 or more games, I dunno if that's good or not.). Any tips/tricks?


  • sludgeraptor
    sludgeraptor Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 17

    Check out Lynxi on YouTube and Twitch. She's a dedicated Twins main who has an entire playlist of cool pounce spots and general Twins tips.

    Though for more general tips that helped me get good at Twins if you don't feel like doing that:

    1. Try to go for m1s with Charlotte first, then follow them up with a Victor down.
    2. Always keep in mind where your other body is. This helps with zoning and general strategy.
    3. Twins don't play like any other killer. Using normal killer tactics generally isn't very effective on them. Instead, try to focus on learning how to herd survivors where you want them to go and getting good at Victor pounces.
    4. Despite common belief, you don't need to/shouldn't slug on every single down. Doing so at the wrong times can be more of a waste of your time than theirs.
    5. Forced Penance is a surprisingly good perk on Twins since Victor can apply it. Anything that helps keep people injured is generally very strong on them (so Sloppy if you go for Charlotte hits first, Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain, etc.). It also helps deny some of their natural counterplay of grouping up.
    6. Passive slowdown like Corrupt, Deadlock, and Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, and No Way Out are your best friends. Things that require you to either get M1 downs (like Jolt/Surge) or go out of your way to kick things with Charlotte (like Pop Goes The Weasel) are less effective.
    7. Victor can see loud noise notifications like Discordance and Tinkerer. I always keep Discordance on my Twins build to guide me. This is especially helpful when you have multiple people injured; things can snowball very quickly in situations like that!
    8. Try to keep Charlotte and Victor as close to each other as possible. This isn't always doable, but it's a good rule of thumb; the longer you have to spend traversing the map with Charlotte to catch up with where you left Victor, the worse off you'll be.
    9. Toy Sword is your best friend. Also, if you see multiple medkits, do yourself a favour and equip Spinning Top - it makes them drop their items and things become a lot more manageable.

    Twins are a strong killer, but keep in mind that if survivors know how their counterplay or have boons/fast heals, things are going to be really hard for you. There's no shame in that; that's just how they're designed right now.

    Hope it helps!

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2023

    Welcome to the Twins club. We're up to 11 members now.

    Victor, Victor, Victor. Use Victor liberally and minimize Charlotte usage. Learn to use his pounce at loops and learn the distance for getting hits over windows and pallets. Don't chase with Charlotte unless you have Victor doing something else that is getting you value.

    Victor has a ton of utility outside of being a great chase tool. Not sure if someone is there or not? Switch back to Charlotte and see if killer instinct procs around Victor. Victor is a game delay tool as well. Sometimes it's better to leave Victor attached to someone. Sometimes it's better to keep holding a survivor in a locker. You can put survivors in a catch-22: sit out the game indefinitely or take a hit from Victor. We can win a 3v1 all day as a basic M1 killer.

    The Twins are the most macro-oriented killer in the game. Game sense and decision-making are huge components here. One huge efficiency gain to use if you aren't already: when you down someone with Victor, don't be afraid to leave them slugged and find someone else to latch onto. By the time you pick up and hook the slug, it's almost time to recall Victor if they haven't crushed him.

    Body placement is another big one with both characters. Take Garden of Joy for instance. I like to work from the main building outward, meaning Charlotte is parked at main and Victor goes out from there. The reasoning is that survivors are likely going to try and abuse main, where Charlotte will be waiting. Block things with Charlotte, and patrol to areas where Victor's speed is advantageous.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Most simple advice is play dirty. Twins are one (or rather two) of the weakest killers in the game. Unfortunately their design lends itself to slug play and hook camping. Solid regression is important because you spend so damn long picking up survs if you down with victor.

    Utilising that adorable little hell baby is obviously central to playing twins. If you injure someone with charlotte, instantly disgorging victor is an excellent follow up. It's so easy to follow injured survs with victor because of the brighter blood and the noise. While he's attached he still reveals nearby survs not involved in the chase so you can use that to get free hits/avoid ambushes. But personally I don't tend to try hitting survs after attaching, they have ample time to make distance while you switch back. Can work sometimes if they are in a corner and have no option but to go back towards you.

    But the other way I like to use victor is use him to monitor hooks. If you switch back to charlotte and leave him idle. He'll ping killer instinct on any survs nearby. Personally I like to run him with both KI detection range increase add ons. Gives you early warning of unhook to get on your way back and often survs will hide if they hear your TR so you can get an easy down if they don't rush the unhook. When you set him idle he does have a cooldown, the end of which he will disappear and reform on you. Switch back to him resets that cooldown.

    You can also use him to pressure gens. Send him out to scout and pounce someone on gens. They will almost always abandon the gen and run away to get rid of him. While you tie up another survivor in an m1 chase. By the time you injure your chase target, the victor pounced surv will have crushed him and you'll have him recharged to follow up with him for the down. It's good pressure.

    Bear in mind if the game goes south having attached victor to someone means they can't leave via gate, or for a few seconds after they they are downed. I had a bully team kicking my butt the other day, finished gens when I had like 3 hooks. I walked to a gate, opened it, dropped victor and left charlotte dormant next to the gate. Toxic flashlight dwight and a nea came up to look at my dormant killer and flashlight click. I'd circled victor around and pounced the dwight from behind. Followed up with charlotte, injured nea to scare her out the gate, downed dwight before he squished victor. Then he was sealed in right at the threshold long enough for me to pick him up and slap his butt on a hook and he went through all 3 phases. A very satisfying kill. 😈

    Perkwise I always run sloppy. That slowdown is vital and victor likes it when you keep survs injured. Good regression and a decent aura reading perk, usually bbq. The add on for making survs broken when they crush victor is also excellent pressure.