Did anyone think pips = kills was a good idea?

Sure, adepts changing to killing everyone would have been fine.
I'm still struggling to work out who thought "you know, we should base our monthly supposedly-playtime reward on consistently winning more matches than you lose"† was a good change... right at the same time as putting in an event where you're encouraged to waste time in the early game!
It's like someone at BHVR actively wants to disincentivise ever playing any way other than as a jerk. Nothing matters now except the kills. Only kills are rewarded. Now it's not even just MMR, 9 hooks and 0 hooks are identical here, too.
† sure, the way it works out, the 'average' pips you should get is 0.5, but by my estimation that's still 200ish games. If we go 15 minutes a game, including favourable queue times, I think that's 50 hours? Doable, but the variance on that...
Kind of reliant on MMR working in practice as it does in theory.
EDIT: Pips are still the same, I've seen? Well, that's not going to be confusing to track at all. <_>
Pips are outdated anyway, as is depipping. Might as well just make it "1 pip if you escape as survivor, 1 pip if you 3k or more as killer" and be done with it. And remove depipping.