Least favourite perk combo to see?

Also, yes, a dozen people are going to say CoB+Eruption, or CoB+Eruption+Nowhere to Hide. There, that's out of the way, no need to repeat it. :p
I'd say... Windows of Opportunity + Dead Hard? It always seems to lead to 'hey, drop every chase or go on a tour of all the map's pallets unless there's already a deadzone to either side' (especially when it's garden of joy or something). Kind of hard to catch people out when they know exactly where all the map resources are.
Anything with Eruption.
Probably good Survivors with DH but honestly SB for everyone else.
Post edited by Pulsar on5 -
For Killer: Anything with Eruption.
For Survivor: I dont mind anything when I play Killer. But when I play Survivor, I just hate to see Self-Care and Urban Evasion.
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For killer: Eruption, Deadlock, CoB, I'm All Ears, Infectious Fright. (to name a few that I've been seeing a lot of lately)
For survivor: Self-care, WoO, CoH, Lythe. (Again, to name a few)
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Anything with Eruption
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There are perks that directly don't synergise with eruption, you know? They hit the gens for you, then they can't be kicked. :p
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Anything with Eruption or Dead Hard.
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Anything with Off the Record. The perk is broken. I have seen some people use OTR + DH + DS and it is just miserable to play against.
Other than that Sprint Burst + Prove Thyself players also piss me off since all they do is gens.
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Sprint Burst + Vigil is pretty annoying but to be fair I'm just thankful they're not running Dead Hard.
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What... else are they supposed to do? That... that's their job.
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As killer, I don’t really care. I expect 4 DH’s already so I always bait it out.
But as survivor I hate self care and urban. Usually translates to non-productive teammates.
You already said it; but CoB eruption.
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Skipping over the obvious basic ##### builds on both sides, we dislike the boil over sabo builds on survivors. We just find it insulting for some reason, more so than the power struggle builds. On killers (depending on if forever builds count for basic #####) we dislike insidious camping builds (we hear that lawn mower going).
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Eruption, period. I know I'm in for a brainless game when the killer is obsessively kicking every gen with 0.5% progress from the outset. So many awful players are being carried by this perk.
Boil Over+Flip Flop+Exponential is the only perk combo that I really find annoying on survivor. Especially if you send me to Ironworks or Eyrie.
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Playing as killer, I hate adrenaline so much lol
And as survivor I hate any aura showing perks, some killers just won't let you do your thing... hahaha
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Any build with Knock Out - killer most times is doing slug until bleed out. It's not fun and just a waste of my time.
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Flip Flop + Boil Over + Ormond Offering. Yes, I know what you're doing and I wish it was bannable.
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Anything with Eruption, CoB + Overcharge together, DH, or CoH.
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For Killer: Anti-Healing build + Hit & Run heavy playstyle
Against good teams you kinda make yourself a meme because gen + healing efficiency will win that war, but when you're in SoloQ with 3 pacifiers on your team its cringe because you already know how its going to play out even if you yourself are not struggling with it. Teammates will either snowball due to forcing risky saves while injured or spend way too much time healing instead of pressuring gens
For Survivor: Boil Over + Obnoxious map offering. Its not even that the combo/players are too hard to counter, its just cringe watching somebody trying way too hard to force value with the predictable 'W key into obvious deadzone/multi-level tile' over and over. Half of them complain anyway when the Killer responds by slugging or ignoring them
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From Killer i really hate Lethal Pursuer users. It's the equivalent of SoloQ HUD buff. Free extremely powerful info. And the Passive Buff to aura reading applies to itself, #########! Why Fix Maps and Spawns if you can just give killers Aura Reading at the start of the match right!?
From Survivors i have to say i hate Items more than their Perks but if i were to name a Perk i'd name Hope because movement speed and hitbox differances benefit survivors so much and Lucky Break because you can Ninja vanish as reward for killer doing his Job.
THese things showcase perfectly how BHVR fails to understand and correct their game.
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Is asking for perk combos people dislike overly complicated or something? I was hoping for more 'synergies that get really annoying' than a focus on individual perks in particular. xD
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I'm not saying that they shouldn't do gens, my point is that Prove Thyself + SB players play really safe. They normally just hide and do gens and if you find them, they SB away and if you decide on following them they just throw every pallet.
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Plaything Pentimento, for my part =)
I can't guess for the survivor perk combos, since when I'm in game I tend not to really notice them since I don't yet have the reflex of keeping in mind everyone's perks.
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Dead Hard + Windows of Opportunity + Sprint Burst = broken bs
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Pain Resonance and dead man's switch.
For survs probably dead hard adrenaline.
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Boil Over + Residual Manifest: Even though they messed up the timing, I had to drop a Kate once on Lery because I had no clue where to go and horsey perk op.
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Survivors: Hyperfocus + Stakeout + Prove Thyself + DH or anything else with DH really. I just hate this perk so much. It's the one thing that is not debatable. I will encounter DH in every match.
Killer: Eruption and Noed. Never been very fond of Noed and never will be.
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It's almost like they are..... surviving.
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lucky break+overcome for survivor
eruption+cob for killer
hating windows is a kinda big self tell if im being real lmao
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It's always the Windows+DH people that draw out endgame for two minutes as we tour the map.
Not so fun when I'm not playing someone with any anti-loop to speak of. :p
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Franklins + Sloppy Butcher. I think it’s just mean to take away people’s items. Especially making it so they can’t heal themselves.
Hubris + Enduring + Spirit Fury. Pretty much guaranteed downs. Annoying.
Distressing + Coulrophobia + Unnerving Presence. Another anti-heal build that is just annoying af.
Plaything + Pentimento. Time suck build.
Devour Hope + Anything. Get a lucky totem and win the game. Yes. That’s how this game should be.
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boil over, no mither, boon: exponential, unbreakable or tenacity.
I will be staring at a bleeding survivor for 4 minutes.
This is not fun.
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As killer Resilience and probably DH. I hate when survivors barely make the window with resilience than run they big headed a$$ back near the window to rub it
At this point i just assume everyone running DH so I'm less angry when it happens.
As survivor i hate seeing play with your food and nemesis because the killer is 99% of the time running tombstone.....
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How does that show they “Fail to understand and fix their game.” 😂
Literally nothing you brought up is unbalanced or broken.
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Survivor: I just hate Franklin's Demise. Especially if my item is an integral part of my perk synergy strategy. I don't hate it, but Pentimento builds can be very tough to play against if the Killer is smart or the Survivors feed into it.
Killer: Windows is just a silly perk, surprised this even exists. I hate using it as Survivor even though it helps my chases cuz it ruins the immersion, and as Killer you can't tell if they have it until the end. I am also really not enjoying games that have any Boiled Over/altruistic body blocking and hook breaking schemes. Just so annoying.
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I did a match where one survivor had the vault aura perk and lucky break and whatever the dance-with-me one is and they would just sprint from pallet to pallet and only loop it was lame and sad
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Part of a killers job is to hunt survivors, well you're not doing any hunting if youre directly shown where they start a match off. That's incredibly powerful. Lethal Pursuer exists because without that information the time a killer can take looking for their first chase can be enough to completly make the game a landslide in favor of survivors. IF the game was fixed you wouldn't have the fear of someone looking too long for someone and completly losing a match based on a bad first chase.
You can tell me, that there's still player error (or lack of skill and understanding of the game) involved and you're correct but the reality is Map Design and Spawn points for players and objectives are very one sided.
Hope does have a big requirement, which is finishing all 5 gens to power the gate, but the reward is far more significant. The increased movement speed combined with the smaller hitboxes provides a very unfair advantage in chases. The only way the killer has to catch up is to spend time in chase to get Bloodlust to counteract the effect of Hope. Plus Bloodlust already existed to account for these same issues even before Hope can be in play. So Hope existing is just breaking things even more to make a catch up mechanic, in this case Bloodlust, a requirement.
Lucky Break is self explanatory, you get to disappear after getting Hit. You're rewarded with a FREE ESCAPE for the Killer catching you and Hitting you. Killer will hit you and then lose you making all the time he wasted chasing you a waste because he won't confirm the down cause the survivor is given FREE ESCAPE Option.
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I am not shaming them. It is in the game and if this is the easiest way of winning as survivor fair enough for them, but it is just so boring since for killers is basically gen rush, hold w and pallet breaking simulator.
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I run a combination of Eruption, COB, Overcharge, Pain Resonance, Nowhere To Hide, & Jolt.
Do you guys hate me?
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Depends on what killer you are running.
Clown? No.
Blight? I hope you step on a LEGO.
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Well, I've mainly been on console since my Steam account is missing so much now. I mainly play Docktah & Bubba. (Strictly To Camp)
When I'm upset, I go to Billy (he sucks now but is still my old main) & Nurse.
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Billy is an auto-forgive.
Doctor is respectable.
I welcome you as a fellow Bubba into the basement. We keep it warm and cozy down here.
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My setup on Bubba is Iron Grasp, Agitation, NOED, & Bamboozle.
Billy is so weak to me now. I'm not even tripping off the removal of charge time add-ons (that was BS tho.) Overall, his add-ons are just dumb, overheat is #########, & using the saw is just so weird. The screen moves all crazy for some reason. Is that a bug?
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Besides the obvious Eruption + COB + X Gen Regression Perk, the other annoying combo I see is sometimes Hubris and Spirit Fury. That one is cheeky.
Boil Over + Flip-flop is another one, but I usually just slug them if they're trying to be obnoxious with it.
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on0 -
Only way to use DH after getting hit from off the record is to fully mend. The devs broke the synergy a long time ago, and DS is trash now so I'd love to see it as killer. 3 seconds and one time use of absolutely nothing.
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STBFL all by itself with some good ol' camping action thrown in.
A Bubba with Agi and Iron Grasp.
Overcharge & CoB
Nowhere to Hide/Call of Brine or Overcharge (300 kick challenge)
Urban and Selfish Care
Deliverance all by itself (fools rush in) Before built in BT it was Farmville
Plunderers and Appraisal with a coin offering ( 3V1)
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DS lets you use OTR with DH, is the main difference.
Take hit with OTR, get picked up, use DS (and cure mending as you regain a health state), use DH.
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I'm talking about the combo of these 3 perks together. It is hard to see but it is hellish when it actually works. Basically, since you're using DS, when you go down after using either your Off the Record or DH, you reset your Deep Wound, meaning you can use the other endurance that you saved, giving you 3 second chances.
And no, DS is not thrash, it is still a really good perk, just not as broken as Off the Record and Dead Hard.
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Unnerving Presence and Distressing on Doc. Especially on Gideon.
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The way in which you described it is used I have not yet seen but then again I don't watch or play like I used to. We'll just agree to disagree on DS being good or not.
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When I play survivor, Rancor with anything. I still don't see how a free mori in endgame is balanced.
As Killer, Shadow Step combos. Specifically with Calm Spirit
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I have to my least favorite perks to see are Dead Hard, Off The Record, Adrenaline, and Prov Thy Self for Survivor.
Killer, I guess I would say Franklin’s kind of bugs me. I mean I understand how it’s point to drop items but when you have a Med kit and have nothing else to heal with.I also think it can be annoying sometimes like second chance survivor perks and survivor Gen rush perks also.