
Why does this exist?
I main killer and rarely use it, unless it's in a daily challenge. I really don't care about the "fun" of survivor...but when i've use it on rather friendly survivors, just to get a challenge done..it makes me feel gross about it.
Tonight I was playing a rare match of survivor. I was having a pretty active match...I did three gens, alone...I unhooked...maybe did a totem or chest...didn't BM, and was only hooked once....then get pulled off a 50% gate and stood no chance of getting away, as the killer Blighted his way to me...tbh, it was quite upsetting.
I died w the most points, the other two were able to get out, thanks to all my work and efforts.....it left me rather salty.
Just seems like a rather terrible perk......if I want to mori someone, i'll at least bring a mori and give them a fair chance...this is just some bs. IMO. This perk shouldn't even exist in the game, it serves no real purpose.
I know i'm being salty, but honestly...thoughts? Anyone else have similar feelings?
My thoughts are you're being overly salty and the perk is fine.
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It's quite possible, I just don't see what purpose it serves.
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Yea I get salty too (not in a rage type of way, just plain annoyed & smh) in those scenarios. Those type of matches happen even without perks like Rancor. I just chalk it up to misfortune and move on to the next match or switch to a different game entirely. Thankfully Rancor is not common, and when the few times it is in play- you have a 1 in 4 chance of being the obsession. So in other words, the odds of you falling victim to it are very low.
Rancor does feel cheap like getting Tombstoned, but at least with Rancor you get a warning (seeing the killer’s aura every time a gen is completed) and the Mori takes place during the end game. There are a few cheap mechanics this game can do without- especially in 2023.
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Rancor roulette is why.
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Literally this
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I’ve gotten 4 mori’s from rancor doing it. It’s extremely hard to do, but it’s super fun.
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Rancor is a pretty stupid tbh. I find extremely funny when I get value out it as killer for the same reason I find it complete bullshit if I fall victim to it as survivor. I had a match the other day against a Wesker that got 0 hooks all game and downed and insta-killed a Feng right next to the open exit gate. I think most people don't really care about it because hardly anyone uses it.
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It only good in gimmick builds. Notification is given to the obession so just lay low.
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Why do survivors hate Rancor so much? it's basically Bit Murmur without the Bit just alot more Murr.Ive been called a PoS,Trash killer, garbage truck just for running this perk.Its not really powerful and only randomly if you find the obsession it gives you just one ensured down
I kinda wish NOED worked this way not on a hex but a perk instead with a active timer
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I'm not a "survivor," i'm a killer main who plays the occasional survivor match, apparently I just got quite unlucky w my ending.
I don't use rancor or noed..and no rancor and bitter murmur are not the same. One gives aura details briefly and the other one shows you the aura or a survivor with the ability to kill them by hand, even if they havent had any hooks. And as a killer, I do think it's a trash, garbage perk. So I understand survivors, if they are upset about it and message you. If you're a soloQ, it's hard to coordinate to avoid it.
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Thank you, this is really perfect. You're right and in all the time i've been playing DBD, I think it's only happened to me three times...so not bad. Last night it just felt so terrible lol
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Not every perk exists to be competitively viable. Some just exist to fulfill a thematic purpose.
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I tried hiding for awhile, but my team (who did nothing the whole game)..just kept hiding and no one went for gate. So I was like oh okay, guess it's gonna be me....made it about 50% open and then of course he found me, and all that gave them the opportunity to escape sigh at least I stil got a pip
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I'm not saying you are any of the things they message you, I can just understand why they would be upset.
The objective of killer is to kill, so to each their own.
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I don't like teammates like that. Good luck in the next ones.
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It is a Bitter Murmur but with a catch at the end. When you are a survivor, you can know when the killer has Rancor and all you have to do is leave the game as soon as the last gen is done.
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You can't just leave the game, if you're on a team w people who refuse to open gate and just hide....eventually you have to come out and do it yourself or just wait for who knows how long.
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Its largely a niche info perk that might get you a kill at the end.
Besides, the Obsession can easily figure out Rancor is in play since every time a gen is done they see the killer's aura, allowing them to be prepare for it.
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Ooooh. I usually run alert, so there's a good chance I just thought that's what was happening...but that's good info in the future, thank you.
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I mean, if both gates are 99% you can just open them yourself and get out.
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Mmmm rancor is weird. I've used it a couple times to help me get moris for a daily ritual. And I like to run it now and agains for shits and giggles. But as survivor I can understand why it's hella frustrating. Because you can theoretically get mori'd on first down with it. And both times I've done that to an xbox player (one devour hope, one rancor) I've recieved a VERY salty message after.
You do get plenty of advance warning (if killers aura keeps mysteriously being revealed when gens pop, beware) so it shouldn't be a surprise and if I notice it I play super stealthy when we're down to 1 gen. I personally don't mind it too much. I've hardly ever died to it because it doesn't see much use.
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Killer could of been saving you for the end game due to Rancor and focusing on the other three.
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It's purpose is to kill the Obsession.
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Fair enough.
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Obviously, that was not the case. Like I said, no one was going for the gates. I don't like to hide for an extensive amount of time, as I feel it wastes my time and the killer's time..so I eventually came out and just did it myself, and got downed as a result. Had someone 99'd the gates..I would have had enough sense to open it and leave.