I Am The Gen Bot

From playing solo queue I just realized the depressingly low amount of time many survivors do something productive. The SWFs I ended up with today were great loopers quite understandably since they spent most of the time messing with the Killer while I did the gens. I appreciated keeping the Killer distracted but I'm not sure three survivors were required to be in chase most of the match.
The solos I was queued with did something. What exactly I'm not sure since it wasn't represented by an action icon a lot of the time. They didn't get AFK crows though so I'm not sure what it was exactly but it was something.
So primarily escapes today since I just stayed on gens most of the match (as opposed to getting off to unhook because if one person is hooked and the other two are doing nothing I'm not leaving my gen if I'm the only one doing them) but it was quite the eye-opener to see how little actually gets done in so many matches.
SoloQ OP pls nerf!!!11111
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I think the reason that so many survivors end up being wildly unproductive is complicated. A lot of it comes down to bad positioning. You have to pick the correct gen to enable yourself to be a gen gremlin in the first place. Yes, you have to break specific gen clusters, but you have choices within those.
Many players just go to the most convenient one, or don't really think about where that gen is in relation to their team or anything else. Then the killer hooks someone and can lock them out of their gen with a soft patrol. Or a chase pushes them off because they chose to work a gen adjacent to another in-progress gen for no reason. Then you have half the team doing no gens.
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Preach. I play solo queue but seem to be cursed to wind up with 2 or 3 SWF players periodically that have no interest in doing anything but trolling the killer. To make matters worse, most of them aren't as good at it as they think, judging by how often they get downed/hooked/killed.
Getting dropped in a lobby with 2-3 other survivors with high prestige, crazy cosmetics, and kitted out used to be great as it meant that they had a good idea of what they were doing and I wasn't going to have to play Hatch Hunt. Sometime back that changed, and it seemed like half the time that situation was worse than four solos (besides the leaving you to die on a hook because you're a "random").
Now with the new icons I can see just how awful I've suspected it to be. Thus far in the vast majority of the trials there's been a gen icon by my name most of the trial and infrequently by anyone else's. I'll see chase icons beside two people's names for way longer than there should be. I'll see just blank space beside some names most of the trial.
Some people on the forums still feign confusion why people just go next. If no one's going to help get things done and you're going to depip anyway, there's no point in sticking around. Give the next trial a shot and hope it goes better.