Is camping still a prevalent strat?

Quit the game awhile back. The last time I returned I got 3-4 campers back to back.
Is camping still prevalent? How many games out of 10 does the killer camp in?
If it is I'm stayin out.
You will receive replies ranging from one end of the spectrum to the other.
Mine is that yes, it is. If anything, it's an even stronger strategy now.
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1 out of 10 last night.
And it wasn't even that bad, the killer got bored and chased a survivor trying to bait him away from the hook after about 10 seconds.
But, if you refuse to counter play a face camp, expect to have a bad time.
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Everytime I play against huntress, but other than that no.
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Bubba camp. but not as much people do it as before with all killers, even if it is stronger now
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Last I played they had lengthened generators enough that without specific perks you wouldn't actually finish until he got guy #2 as well.
That still a thing?
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Had one yesterday. It's still in the game, nothing's been done to alleviate it. There was one attempt a while ago, but they nerfed the crap out of it before it came to live to ensure it wouldn't work against camping anymore.
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You need to use survivor perks to make generators go quickly.
It can be extremely fast, less than one competent chase time span. You do have to work to make this happen, its not hard work to set up, but its not AFK in the corner style play. It also has risk, you might fail. And I would say, it requires practice, kind of a way for survivors to express skill.
I find it fun to mess around with, it does take up most of your perks, so you will lose the fun exhaustion/second chance perks.
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I've had a 3 month break or so, and when i came back i found myself playing "normally" and sweating.
Then i found that because dbd has no metric to see if you're improving i think i'll just play how i want. If i find someone annoying, guess you're going to be facecamped.
Why? because i've found because i have nothing to work towards, i just enjoy irritating others like they do to me.
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70% of Bubbas will camp to death. Watch out.
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I get camped for about 50% of my games. It is exhausting because you waste SO much time just sitting there: there is no fun.
This is largely due to issues within DBD and the devs just outright refusing to discuss problems related to camping, tunneling, etc,.
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Anti tunnel perks nerfed to ground, along with anti camp perk. So as a killer you expected to camp and tunnel, this is what the community wanted.
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I’ve had a lot of Huntresses that facecamped. Even more than I had Bubbas do it.
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Camping is still a thing (both proxy and facecamping; I see both pretty evenly and they’re common). No, you cannot finish 2+ gens before a killer finishes camping their first hook or whatever to death. No, you cannot do it with “gen rush” perks. The person who mentioned that above has lied. Killers can easily stack slowdown and that along with natural Gen completion increased means that you probably won’t get all gens done in a camping situation without losing 2 survivors.
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I played sometime ago many games a row facecamping bubba and as long I didn't take too long to get first down I ended almost every game with 2K at least. The games where I only got 1K I failed to get down at the end but I did have chances but I was drunk while doing that experiement. I did 4K one game where survivors tried to come to rescue that you just don't do agains't him.
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What type of Camping?
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We just had a Bubba like that earlier today.
We did the first gen and he grabbed me on the way out. He put me on a hook in front of shack and I just called for everyone to stay on the Gens.
When I died the last Gen popped. 3 survivors walked out the door and moved on to the next match. Match was like 5 minutes.
This is a bad strategy to use, its counter play is really just to " Follow the plan and leave."
If every killer choice to play like this, I'd defiantly agree, this is a bad game, but they are super rare. I think this was the only one I've seen in months.
And to be clear, I mean the killer puts you on the hook and just stands there for the full two stage hook timer, maybe twirling in agitation a little or reving the chainsaw, I'm not talking about something sensible like intercepting an unhook or area camping while watching some nearby gens.
Its still pretty rare in my experience, its not much rewarding for the killer, and having tried it once myself, its not really any fun.
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I get campers and tunneling almost every game. Once in a while ill get a non sweaty killer.
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It has never been.
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Depends on which flavor of camping, really.
I rarely see 'stand in front of the hook' camping. But... most of the time with current meta, the killer will just proxy camp a hook by orbiting to kick nearby gens, but never really leaving line of sight.
Nearly every game the killer goes back to hook to tunnel though, no matter how long you wait to unhook or if they find someone else in the meantime.
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I only do it for memes or if im lazy/drunk. But sometimes it is funny when all survivors try to come to rescue and you get them all down. I still think it's probably most reliable way to 2K if you use deadlock and noed as well. Your team must have very good effiency doing 4 gens in 2 minutes but that is advantage being in swf. Most players play soloQ and usually at least one comes to check if you camp or not. So they are not as effient and waste more time.
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When they rush to get an early unhook and risk the entire team to pull one survivor early, I assume they aren't interested in the generator aspect of the game and they just want to flashbang, pallet save, head on around an area and they don't much care if they lose, they just want to fight for as long as they can. And it looks like they are having fun with it.
My point wasn't to judge the morality of face camping/tunneling/whatevering, it was to point out that at least at my survivor MMR that its not very common, and the most comical examples of it don't really give the killer the 4k ultimate victory often if ever.
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It's just some survivors don't still have idea how to counter camping and they all want to save their friend. I personally think the problem is not kills you can pretty often even try get 3K with noed if you take risk and go chase while you have 2nd survivor on hook. Usually last one then just escapes or you chase him away. Worst case is you probably still get 2K. But why I think it's not worth it because standing still and camping is not fun and you barely get any bp.
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My games have been 40-50: 40% killers hard tunnel from the get-go. 50% were camping from the get-go (be it Nurse/Blight/Whatever). 10% of chill killers :) they made a lot good though, love that 10%.