Anyone else miss the Hawkins National Laboratory map?

The things I would do to play one more game on that map. The atmosphere was great and the map wasn’t excessively large. Yes, It was difficult to escape on that map as survivor but the map’s eerie vibes and uniqueness were worth it.
I hope one day I could play on that map once more.
Truly a beautiful chapter overall :’)
No not really if being honest.
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Yes, it was always my favourite indoor map.
Will always hate the fact that I saved up dozens of NHL ID badges that I planned to use every game during the last couple weeks it was available, and then BHVR surprised us all by deleting the offerings two weeks early...
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Yes, I miss the Hawkins lab map terribly. I actually think about it on a regular basis and wish I could play it. :(
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No. Worst map ever
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Didn't get to play in it, when I started playing the game it had just been removed.
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Yeah not really sure how it felt balance wise, all I know is I mained hag as my first killer and that map was free.
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Atmosphere? 10/10
Gameplay? 3/10
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I think content leaving the game is a dangerous concept as a whole, but to be entirely honest I dont miss this map too much. Aesthetically it was great, but from a gameplay perspective I hated it. Basically every loop on the map was either useless dogwater or the safest a loop can be without being a straight up infinite.
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Yes, I do miss it.
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Yes. It wasn't my favorite map at the time, but I loved the atmosphere and references that came with it. I honestly really miss it, it was very unique.
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I miss it. The visual design was great, and it's one of the few maps where I consistently got value out of Nemesis's zombies.
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me! it was my favourit map #1 <3 miss it so much, i dislike indoor maps but Hawkins was the one that i do love it as killer and as survivor (for me)
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I miss it too. I really loved it, at least as survivor. But back then, i was a survivor main and only seldomly played killer, so i really have no memory of it as a killer.
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Here's the thing that was awesome about that map : most of the pallets were fair.
Most survivors do not want pallets to be fair. The side effect of more pallets being god pallets is that more killers play Nurse/Blight and nobody else.
What then is a fair pallet? A fair pallet has a short side and a long side (sometimes called an unsafe pallet). The killer can mind game the loop and make you mess up. If he tricks you he gets a hit. An Unfair pallet is one where it becomes a "mini infinite" until the killer breaks the pallet. Survivors love unfair pallets.
Hawkins had mostly "unsafe" pallets that allowed the killer to play mind games.
In my opinion Hawkins was the most fair map in the entire game.
1) it was small - this is essential to fair map design. This allows a killer to potentially pressure more than one person in a chase. Large maps in DBD require me to camp one player around a three gen.
2) it had a few god pallets but most of the other pallets were "unsafe".
3) You could not memorize the layout because certain rooms changed every time. This kept the map fresh and interesting.
Funny enough this map was incredibly broken to play as Hag. I am still hoping we get a "fair play" balance pass for hag where you can use your hands to scratch out her traps. Otherwise you can just bring Franklins and nobody can remove your traps - creating a catch 22 situation.
Any map with narrow indoor passages is incredibly broken vs hag.
What made you dislike Hawkins? As a survivor it gave me plenty of places to hide even though it was small. There were some good loops like the windows upstairs.
As a killer it felt like I could have fair chases. Also the upstairs had a drop to a middle corridor that just led to some really fun scenarios.
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God i wish I could try it out. Only started in august so I never got a chance. Managed to snag physical copy of the nightmare edition for xbox so i have demo, steve and nancy. Makes me sad I can't try hawkins or buy outfits for my faves.
Everyone keeps telling me hawkins was a fun map and apparently very balanced.
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I remember a Survivor showing me the secret exit.
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god no even mclean said the game was a mistake
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Yes! I do miss Hawkins.
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Definitely. It was one of my least favourite maps at the time but I appreciated how different the atmosphere was
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I hated that map like poison. Hawkins going away was a major improvement for the game and I hope it stays gone forever.
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Not really the map sucked in the state it was in, I am much happier I don''t have to ever play on it again.
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IDC what anybody says, I wish the map was back in the game even if it wasn't my favorite. I only have a few old memories recorded from there unfortunately
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better than playing on garden of pain , thats for sure
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I liked the "underground lab" aesthetic. Hated actually playing on it though, absolute dumpsterfire of a map design, especially that one room with the glass windows.
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The idea of the map is awesome. Playing on the map was.... ugh.
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Yes, it was one of my favorite maps.
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Even though most of my games as Survivor and Killer went badly on this map, I still miss it. It provided a different feel and experience like other indoor maps do.
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I love indoor maps.
Some people just hate the idea of not having wide open spaces.
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This map would be so much better will all the new and updated perks.
Was literally just thinking about this.