Gen speeds are obnoxious (on both sides)

Whenever I play survivor in almost every game I verse killers with full gen kicking loadouts that camp 3-gens from start to finish which drags the game out for an obnoxious amount of time. There is no fun playing against that.
Whenever I play killer I hear a gen popping in about 30 seconds into the match. The gen speed overall is insane if the survivors simply stick to gens and don't waste much time doing anything else. And players like me suffer from that because I never run gen kicking perks, it's just boring. But on the other side there's no fun playing against gen jockeys.
The gen time can become problematic on both sides. BHVR should do something about that and give gens less priorities maybe with a side objective or BP incentives on both sides. Chases are the most fun part in the game but the fun gets ruined if you hear the gens popping at a ridiculous speed.
They should remove all the gens perks (speed or slow) and reworked them imho.
And make skill checks less ping dependent.
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That wouldn't fix how fast gens can go, though.
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If we remove all gen speed related perks we can see how strong default gen speed is or not and the devs could make changes based on that.
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It does, they can finally find something else to improve the Gens.
For now, a match of 4 slowdown vs meme survivors; or non slowdown vs 4 toolbox, BNP, some Gen boost perks...are both stupid. When both matches of 800sec Gen and 300sec Gen are possible, you cant balance.
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There should be a cap on gen speeds and regression. Also have an exhaustion like cool down on perks like Pain Resonance, Jolt, and Eruption so can't do multiple back to back hits on a gen. Also cap on healing speeds.
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Right, it wouldn't fix it immediately, only open the window to fixing something, and the year before BHVR got around to doing anything would be a mess.
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Killer Regression - Base 100%
Survivor Complete Gen - Base 1600% (Suppose 4 survivors are on gens, or maybe 1200% when 3 survivor on gens
Enough Said.
When gens buff to 90s, survivor here cried their heart out
Recently, devs also keep releasing rushing gen speed perk too. Hyper focus and Energy something.
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It would
Without perks, it takes 90 secondes
With somes perks, it only take 20-40 secondes
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Hitting greats also lessen the completion time to 45 seconds
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Prove Thyself +15% to counter the penalty of repairing together
Stake Out +2% perk for a token consumed per normal skillcheck
Fast Track 1% per token consumed up to 27% in a single great skillcheck possible
Hyperfocus 1% up to 2.8% per great skillcheck, up to 24% chance of triggering a skillcheck as well
Potential Energy stores 20% gen progress at the cost of losing 5% to nothing, great for breaking through 3 gen setups.
I wonder which one of these two perks are synergizing too well with each other, with Toolboxes and Item refilling/effienciency perks
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If 90 second gens are still bad how did we ever cope with 80 second gens...
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If they were to remove all gen perks for both killers and survivors today, the game would improve in an incredible way
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And what would you have them do to fix gen times then? 100 second gens are out of the question imo. Personally, I think they shouldn't have given up on the early game collapse idea they said was too powerful on trap based killers. It might have been too powerful back then when solo q was as weak as it was, but with the HUD icons (and with an update adding gen progress to the HUD) I think we're ready for some ambitious buffs on the killer side.
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Have BHVR work out what they're going to do that makes up for regression not existing in any capacity first?
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Soooo, more objectives for survivors? Basekit corrupt/their early game collapse idea that they scrapped?
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Survivors were not as effient back then and did other things but as gen speed were reduced survivors learned to just stick on them and they also got perks which make gens lot faster and use them now often. So gens are actually usually done faster.
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This would hit killers way way worse than survivors. How do people think these things are equivalent?
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Not really, i could finally use perks not related to kicking gens because i have to ! I can even care less to gens and more on chase or ambush or stealth or anything else as long i know gens are not be done in 20 seconds
Also they were testing that stupid mori new system with base BT, why not do a test and try out how the game it would be without gen perks ?
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I'm just waiting for the next survivors new perks. Gen Hard & Gen Thyself.
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i made a post some time ago about it, camping 3 gens from the get go shouldnt be possible. the solution is making it impossible to get a 3 gen spown for free, sometimes is unreal how close gens are.
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Currently the gen spawns are bugged giving sometimes even worse 3 gens but on many maps 3 gens are inevitable unless you place a lot of gens in deadzones. They need to adjust map size properly to avoid any possible 3 gen spawns.
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Prior to July I would sometimes see two gen regression perks, ever since then, it's usually three to four almost every game. The changes that were supposed to promote and encourage variety and less focus on regression perks, actually made things worse! I'm also seeing more killers protect a three generator area from the start. Previously. In my experience it was the survivors that created that issue, but now killers are inducing it from the start. There's only so much you could do, even if you stay in the area and try to focus the generators you don't always have success with how long they take to complete and how many perks they run to regress them like Call of Brine! Most of them don't even leave that area, not even to down you. The game basically becomes a finish one of the three gens in the same 30 m radius before everyone is dead! Generator placements need to be way more spaced, there should not be a place where two or more generators are that close. That's the problem, the procedural RNG aspect.
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im not talking about now im talking about since ages. because its been like this for ages, not about this "bug" 3 gens close to eachother, 4 gens spowning in the same side sometimes even 5 (and this is been a thing since ever) shouldnt be possible, gens should be far away from each other always. and ofc should be adressed and yes sometimes u get that for example swamp u get those further corner gens literally against the wall people dont have problems with those for the most part, u could place u know some log in there like in swamp or minimal rework and make 1 pallet spown in such deadzone or something, killer can not patrol all deadzones at the same time anyway so its not a problem unless Bubba or Billy...potenmtially Myers but still u can know for the most part they coming and if u dont so be it lol
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Lets say 6 1.0-Patch was "killersided", everything after that was survivorsided.