Please allow hiding prestige in lobby/scoreboard

My problem

Since the prestige changes I cannot play the survivors I love and bought cosmetics for anymore because I'm considerably higher prestige than my teammates. Most of my main characters were P3 before the changes, so they were P9 after the change. Meanwhile most are P10 already. My teammates are most of the time P0-P2, it is extremely rare that I get someone who's P3 or even P10 like me (or even higher).

I know prestige isn't related to skill, but if I am identified as a P10 player with anyone else being P0-P1, I nevertheless feel pressured to outperform any of my teammates by quite a bit in order to do justice to my high prestige. I don't want this pressure so I now only play P3 characters I only leveled for the perks and don't want to level any further (... and even then I am still the highest prestige most of the time in the lobby).

With killers it's even worse. I leveled some killers to P3 just because I had too many bloodpoints left over but never really played them, e.g. I completely suck with Deathslinger with my poor controller aim. I did play killers like these only for challenges or dailies when nobody knew how much I had leveled them, now I won't ever touch them again even though I paid for them because it's too embarrassing - I don't mind playing them and performing poorly, but I do mind quite a lot if I'm then shown as P9 afterwards.

It'll probably just get worse over time as prestige is now mandatory and if I want to grind for event items/offerings, a prestige even higher than 10 will be almost inevitable for some characters.


Give me a switch to hide prestige. When I switch it on, others can't see my prestige and I can't see theirs. Easy solution to a huge problem that should have been addressed already.

This way anyone who wants to brag with his prestige can still do so, while I am free to play the characters I want to play.

Otherwise, let us at the very least select the prestige level that we want to be shown as in the lobby/scoreboard where we can choose between 0 and our actual prestige.


  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    It just means you put blood points in that character and you should not care what others may think of your performance during a match. DBD is random and circumstances are different every match. It does not matter and only has power over you if you let it. Play who you want and have fun while this game is still a thing.