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Cheaters knowing where the hatch is going to spawn.

What all are cheaters capable of?

I just game across a game with some very subtle cheaters (so subtle they didn't win).

Had a four-man SWF four-genned with infinite Myers running Pop/Brine/Overcharge/Eruption,. Killed two of 'em. The other two knew they didn't stand a chance, so they hid in corners for half an hour. Eventually found them, downed them, and then the two of them crawled in opposite directions.

One of them DC'd and the other immediately, within half a second, went through the hatch.

The other two people in their group admitted that they watched one of them crawl toward exactly where the hatch was going to spawn just before the other one DC'd. They claimed that the other two were "bots", but I think all four were involved (considering they watched the entire boring 40-minute match, were in a group with these other two, and then accused me of being a bot).

My screen recording software wasn't working, even though I just had it installed, so not much I can do, but... I never would have honestly imagined that these people were cheating. They were just that subtle until the very end of the game. They were very hard to find, and at one point one of them almost got two gens done when I was across the map for 60 seconds, but I didn't think anything of it until the hatch.

My guess is that if they had speedhacks or gen hacks whatever else, they couldn't use them right in front of me without being obvious, and since I wasn't taking chases outside of the four-gen, there wasn't anything they could really do since they couldn't get a gen going to save their lives.

Makes me wonder how much my games have really been affected by subtle cheaters.

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  • Member Posts: 995

    The cheaters almost capable for anything in this game.

    I think the only game is worse than DbD when comes to cheating is GTA5, because that game 100% client sided, so cheaters can do whatever they want really.

    DbD also designed as 100% client based game, essentially p2p that means, only later the devs added a server, however almost no server checks are present.

    The biggest advantage of this system that is very cheap for devs to maintain, it cost next to nothing. Also if you have a very bad internet, then you can still play the game, the downside is that others will suffer because of your bad net.

    The disadvantages of client sided games are, that impossible to defend against cheaters, even the best company couldnt do anything, the only solution is to redesign the whole game to add more server checks. However that would mean that the devs earning lot less money and takes lot of effort time and money etc to add those.

    Also players still playing despite how easy to cheat in the game.

    The devs solution were that streamers became protected and they rarely encounter vs cheaters now, however non streamers got the suspected cheaters in their lobbies instead, so average players got the short stick recently.

  • Yeah, I remember Otz getting upset about it and getting special protections for the streamers. I can't blame him, and I don't think there's anything wrong with protecting streamers since they're going to get the worst of it, but I do wish there was some way they could do something for regular players.

    Again, though, it makes me wonder how many subtle cheaters there really are. The only reason I found these people out at all is because I stomped them so hard/made them so mad they had to go out of their way to give me the finger by flagrantly cheating the hatch.

    I've had other games like that, too, where players will know where the hatch is or can somehow make themselves unhookable, but the ones who are just that bad at cheating are probably only the tip of the iceberg.

    Side note: all the stuff people keep telling me about how Michael doesn't have any S-tier builds/playstyles is ringing pretty hollow in the face of the fact that cheaters have to abandon the match because they know they can't win.

  • Oh, crap. I just got into a lobby with them again. Where's my screen recorder?

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    There is pretty much nothing a cheater can't do in this game.

    -Hold you in the game until the forced shutdown? Why, yes of course.

    -Modifying any action speed as well as movement speed? Yeah.

    -Equipping every perk at once? Why not?

    -Unhooking themselves without any conditions? Yes!

    -Hooking themselves and staying like this an unlimited amount of time? Yes.

    -Head On stun you into oblivion? Hihihihi, yes.

    -Fly? Well, of course.

    -Playing a character of the other side (survivor as killer and vice-versa)? Yup.

    -Make it look like others are cheating too? Absolutely.

    -Explode gens douzens of times per second? Only as long as the game can handle it.

    -Spawn multiple clones of themselves? You bet they can!

    -Spamming notifications? Uhuh.

    -Blind you from any angle for an extended time? Most definitely.

    -Literally teleport? Well, what do you know, they can.

  • Got it on video this time. They weren't subtle about it at all this time, teleporting all over the map in front of me. Good riddance.

  • Oh, I missed this.

    Wrong you are, Shroompy. They were cheating very blatantly in this last match, same usernames, and this time, I got it on video.

    This time, they were teleporting between gens so that they could finish them without being caught.

  • I guess they must have figured their account was burned when I threatened to report them the first time, so they just said to hell with it and started cheating as blatantly as they pleased, not knowing that my screen recorder had actually failed.

    Yeah, in the first game, you could have made the argument that they just got really, really, really, perfectly lucky. This time, there's no question, constantly disappearing from a gen and/or flying across the screen any time they were approached.



    I'll upload a video later once I figure out how to edit out the usernames, and maybe Shroompy can explain to me how they "just got lucky".

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    DBD is the only game I've ever played where cheating and just using things available in the game can be so hard to tell apart. I've had hatch literally spawn under me, I've had games with lucky guesses with survivors in lockers, I've had gens done in 30 seconds and I've had survivors DH me pretty much on reaction. If someone wanted to they could subtle cheat and probably get away with it for a very long time or alternatively someone could never cheat but get accused of cheating multiple times and there would be reasons for it.

  • Yeah, but this is the second time I've come across hatch spawns where it was just THAT perfect and one teammate was trying to distract me at exactly the right time to let the other one get hatch.

    I've had plenty of times where the hatch has spawned under me, and I wouldn't accuse anyone just for that, but I've had two games now where it was incredibly suspicious.

    I've been accused of cheating plenty of times with Vanity Mirror Myers because I saw someone enter a locker and snatched them out immediately or else the survivors were unaware that VM even exists and that I couldn't be wallhacking with a legitimate addon if I've leveled up to T2, but in this case, my gut feeling was correct. The same survivors showed up again in another game a few minutes ago (was I being targeted at that point, or is it just dumb luck?) and didn't even try to hide it that time.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Good job catching those cheaters.

  • Member Posts: 262

    There is a bug with an add-on to the map that causes you to see the hatch before it spawns. BHVR in their undying wisdom is refusing to fix it.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    This is a very different scenario from what is in the original post..?

    So are they subtle or are they blatant? Cant have both at once

  • It wasn't both at once. If you'd read my posts before replying to them, you'd know that. I would appreciate it if you'd do so in the future so that you don't have to ask questions I've already answered. Reading comprehension is our strength. =D

    Feel free to refer to the above posts and comments for further clarity.

    In this case, they were flat-out cheating.

  • Member Posts: 547

    Maybe its worth mentioning that on some maps the hatch tends to spawn in a limited number of spots.

    Like it tends to be at the bottom of the stairs on RpD or over in the next room near the double window vault. It spawns there often enough to make it worth camping when you final hook the third person in main room.

    Not saying they didn't cheat, but just pointing out an observation.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    My apologies, didnt see the 2nd post

    Would still love to see the footage tho, most of them are funny af to watch

  • Member Posts: 804

    It's funny how prevelant cheaters are in this game. And nothing ever really happened to stop cheating, people just stopped talking about it.

  • Yeah, I'm sorry. I hadn't had my coffee.

    Um, yeah, I will, but I have to watch some video editing tutorials first, because I don't know how to edit out the names.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    You sure they didn't bring a hatch offering? Or perhaps they just got lucky, hatch only spawns in limited number of locations.

    I'm so pretty sure there's a slight exploit where the future hatch spawn location (as it's decided at the start of the game) retains collision for the purposes of dropping items on it. So basically it prevents you putting items on where it will spawn.

    Sweaty players who know all the spawns could well scout around for this, particularly if they want to complete a hatch challenge.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I did. Nothing you mentioned in it said anything about the offerings they brought, or perks they used. And you didnt have a match record to check if they may have scouted out hatch locations with the exploit I mentioned while you were killing the other 2.

    Aside from your guesses, based on rough estimates, you don't have any hard evidence to suggest cheating.

  • Member Posts: 9,417
    edited February 2023

    They have the recording of the 2nd match which was mentioned in this thread.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Ah my bad. Assumed he meant the OP rather than the replies afterwards. I'd love to see that video. Cheaters deserve to get their butts nailed to the wall for what they do.

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