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General Discussions

If you're going to give up on first hook.....

Member Posts: 128
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

Then do not click "play" on the survivor lobby. The amount of survivors that either suicide at the start of the match or outright dc on first down is one of the only things that still get to me in this game. What is the point of queing for a match if you're going to leave the millisecond something doesn't go to plan. It doesn't matter if its a killer you don't like, a perk you despise, if teammates don't drop their injured family members to immediately save, or if the killer camps. Play the game or not at all.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 128

    It feels like it tbh. I typically play at least 3 survivor games a day during the week. Without fail at least one of those three games has someone give up.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Like anything else, it's streaky.

    But it's also incredibly likely you're not going to find anyone saying, "There isn't a suicide/dc problem." You will find plenty of people trying to justify their own behavior, but the presence of the action is well acknowledged at this point.

  • Member Posts: 496

    Agreed, I keep going into lobbies where survivors will suicide on first hook. What cardinal sin did I commit? I found them crouched and trying to hide in a stupid place. Most of the time I just catch them early too, idk what goes through there head when they suicide 3 minutes into a game.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    It's stuff like this where I wish we had reassurance before it was nerfed. Force them to stay in the game

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Wish they could make hook suiciding reportable. It'd be pretty easy if they could review matches and see them early game. But bhvr don't have the manpower.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2023

    The suiciding is quite rampant and probably skewing kill rates a lot. I’d say I get a first hook suicide in 1/3 games on average. It even happens when I’m on killer and I play mainly low-mid tier killers, not even anything that good. First hook mind you, this isn’t even from camping, tunneling or anything. Lots of times that I get answers as to why it’s usually something ridiculous like they just don’t like that killer or they think they’re boring.

  • Member Posts: 128

    Fair points, but I respectfully disagree with the spirit of it. When you press the ready up button, you accept that you could run into any number of killers/builds. That is something that every survivor must reckon with. Finding yourself in a bad situation in the start of the match is not an appropriate reason to give up. Not only are you cutting yourself short of BP you might otherwise earn, but you effectively ruin the match for the other 3 people you are teamed up with. It is the height of selfishness to leave after first hook/down and leave your teammates to fight a losing battle. Those are the people this post is aimed at. If a player cannot handle a bad start, then they should not be playing in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Well killer mains complained it would lead to survivors holding each other hostage or some other bs. But the real concern was that it would nerf camping. So no unlimited Reassurance.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    Nah. People actually rarely dc or suicide vs me. I also get very little salt. It may be because I play at a time when I will naturally get matched better, but I guarantee the average doctor player gets dcs more than me. even in the rare games I run alch ring it's still uncommon to see a DC for me. People actually like playing vs blight if he's not tunneling or running the best build + add-ons generally.

  • Member Posts: 528

    Why are you running perks???

    Sweaty Blight players aren't legally allowed to run perks!

    Play perkless trapper and see how EASY it is to 4k against SWF!

    Don't respond to "certain survivor mains", the entitlement they have is immesurable, and they won't listen to any type of reasoning except "Killer bad, Survivor Good, Survivor need buff, Killer is easy"

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Yes you can, why do you think DCing gives penalties untill you suddenly can't play the game anymore.

    This argument is very flawed. Nobody is forcing them to start the game. They do that themself. People who start a game are socially forced to finish it all the time

    Imagine going to see a soccer match and one team gets a goal against them early and they just quit. They would recieve serious repricutions for that. Even among friends they would suddenly not be allowed to play anymore if it happens too much

    People who quit the game out of petty reasons like that can and should be prohibited from playing the game for a certain time. It's a extremely associal thing to do.

    And when you need to quit for a emergency the pentalty doesn't matter cause you have to deal with the emergency

    Self unhooking outside of perks that guarantee it should just be removed. It's just used as a way to avoid the penalty that is clearly there for a reason

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    I don't think it should be possible to do so but that is reasonable.

  • Member Posts: 201

    I had a game once where someone was trying to give up on hook so I reassured her and saved her. Later in the game she reassured me and then spammed the unhook animation for the entire duration of reassurance + the first hook stage. Gotta admire her petty perseverance.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    And in any decent game you will be filtered out of the queue pool for a certain amount of time for it, except DBD survivor with their little circumvent.

  • Member Posts: 4,183
    edited February 2023

    I did, for two years. Didn't stop the other side to run 12+ meta perks and end matches in below 5 minutes with me ending up with less than 10k bp.

    Now i don't play anymore since Dec 21.

    Let's hope many more follow my example ☺️

  • Member Posts: 274

    it is only acceptable if your going against a pro nurse

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    The problem with the sports analogy:

    Most of us aren't playing anything close to 'professional' - if a person rage quit in a tournament I would expect there to be action against them.

    If playing sports with friends - if one team gets way ahead, it's reasonable to call the game early and start another one. Usually that's an indication of something being unbalanced and teams need to be put together better. I think about this when I'm in soloQ, no one else brought items, I can tell the killer is using Iri addons and downing everyone without a problem. Great, the killer is better than us, nothing wrong with that, but let's move on so hopefully the next game both sides are better matched.

    As for quitting if the slightest thing goes wrong - this isn't limited to DBD. Everyone has a limit for how much they are willing to put up with, for some people that is extremely low. Computer games just make rage quitting easier to do, especially DBD which has a built in mechanism for how to do it.

  • Member Posts: 1,408

    I never said people should be able to do that out of petty reasons, so don't put words in my mouth first of all. And no, you cannot FORCE people to stay in a game, this isn't a dictatorship. By ready-ing up you're willing to play a game, and have a good time, it's not a signed contract.

    Your comparison is ridiculous at best, a soccer match wherein people have signed a contract and do it for a living has nothing to do with a person playing A GAME in their free time.

    There are even Luck offerings that go hand-in-hand with the 4% unhook chance, so some people do it because they know they might unhook themselves that way. That being said, I know some people who love this game, but due to personal reasons cannot mentally handle going against a killer like the Doctor, and who are you to tell others that they should be forced to play something they can't.

    For the record, I never said that I agree the fact that people should do this, I said I UNDERSTAND why some do it, something a lot of you guys clearly aren't capable of or can't even comprehend.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    Just had a claud take a eeyrie offering then suicide on first hook vs me. By the time I came back to the hook wondering where people were as calud was about to die, the 3 man swf had encircled her and were vigorously t-bagging and pointing. Incase you were wondering there were 3 gens done so it's not like the 3 man were doing nothing the entire game.


  • Member Posts: 496

    You gotta love the hoops people will jump to try and justify disconnecting lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    But they queued up for the game? Most pvp games will not allow this behaviour and ban people for it after a number of times. Survivors get nothing for suicides and everyone gets a slap on the wrist for multiple DC's.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    First, For someone who keeps bringing up people not comprehending stuff you certainly didn't read all the way through where i said that the same applies when playing with friends.

    If you play soccer or anything at all with friends and you quit the moment you aren't ahead then most people will suddenly not be willing to play with you anymore if it happens often enough.

    Second, i never said you said people shouldn't do it for petty reasons, i said that. Don't use the argument "putting words in my mouth" when that isn't happening.

    And yeah ofcourse you can't prohibit them from leaving, there are cases where you need to. I'm saying leaving too much should be penalised. Like what happens with DC's. The whole problem with suiciding on hook is that it circumvents that

    The problem is that it's so common. Nobody would be complaining about the 1 in 100 matches where a person can't handle the killer mentally or somebody has an emergency pop up. Nobody is blaming them. It's the fact that it happens every other match and it is because of petty reasons 95% of the time.

    You're understanding the few people who the finger isn't even pointed at here. For those people the quit game button and dc penalty starting of low exist

    Same thing here, nobody cares about the survivors quiting when there are 3 left with 4 gens still up. It's the ones who quit within the first minute. I would gladly see a surrender option for survivors if the easy way out that avoids the penalty is removed

  • Member Posts: 4,183
    edited February 2023

    Ah yes the old false equivalent.

    "They can’t force a killer to not camp, tunnel and slug."

    Would be equal to

    "killer can't force survivor to not play in a stacked swf, gen rush or play unhookable Sabo bully squad"

    All things part of the gameplay loop.

    DCs ARE NOT.

    If you can't stomaches everything within the gameplay loop that might come your way? Don't queue up and inconvience the people that can.

    And if you still decide to selfishly DC? Rightfully eat the stacking penalty.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Even worse when survs not only do that, but also spectate to watch the other survs suffer or to blame the killer in endgame chat.

    As long you see them pings in the menü, they're still there, if you didn't know.

  • Member Posts: 6,128

    I don't see many in my games at all, not enough that it annoys me or directly impacts my overall enjoyment of the game anyway. I played a couple hours this arvo and no DCs or letting go on hook at all, everyone was pretty chill. For me it's really not the norm, so when I do see it I'm pretty whatever about it. I figure maybe they've had a bad day and thought the game might be a good distraction, until they realize it isn't.

  • Member Posts: 1,408

    Well, you certainly didn't comprehend a word of my message, that much is clear.

    I did read your essay, but when you're going on and on about people leaving for petty reasons whilst responding to MY message, means you're directing your comment to ME, in other words insinuating that which I said prior means that I meant that it was okay for people to do it for petty reasons as well, which I did not, that's just something you added and love to go on about. I merely added another perspective, how you interpret it is on you.

    If your friends keep leaving your games for whatever reasons then that's your problem, talk to them about it or find new friends to play with. Mine don't. Nor do I experience that many people leaving in my games on either survivor or killer side. Maybe it happens, in general, more often on your servers/whatever time of day you're playing.

    And I understand both sides, but I don't agree with your "solution".

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    The reason i keep going on about people leaving for petty reason is cause that is what the entire discussion is about

    We're having a serious case of miscommunication here. I am kinda sleep deprived and i did notice i phrased my first response very poorly so let me try to sum it up and let me know the things i miscomprehended

    You say you can't force people to stay in the game. I agree, there are tons of valid reasons why one would have to stop playing. That's why there is a quit game button and the penalties for doing so start low

    I say that a lot of people do it for petty reasons. Not to intinuate you said that's okay but because that's the topic of discussion. OP litterally said people who suicide on first hook or when they are found first.

    You say you understand why some people do it. Giving the example of not being able to play against doctor. Yes i agree but again not what is being discussed here. there is a leave game button for those players and the penalties start low so if they don't abuse it it shouldn't affect them much.

    And even if they are unlucky to go against the source of their frustration often enough there is always the kill your friends mode where they control against which killer they play. There are options for those people that doesn't screw 4 others over

    I say that the problem is that the DC penalty (that is in most multiplayer games to stop this exact behaviour) that stops the quit game feature from being abused is too easilly circumvented by suiciding on hook.

    Something mostly abused by people who want to leave for petty reasons often cause again there is a quit game button for people who have actual valid reasons to stop and a penalty that doesn't get high unless you really abuse it.

    Sorry but pointing to people who have valid reasons to leave a game in a thread complaining about people leaving the moment something goes wrong for them is not adding perspective. That's just pointing away from the problem

    Also that's not how analogies work. My friends don't leave games the moment they start losing cause i have a good taste in friends

  • Applicant Posts: 83

    ye i agree, people suicide on hook or DC is one of the things that annoy the hell out of me, kinda makes not want to play because you just queued for 5 mins into a match that's already lost before it got going because of some salty pion giving up for x reason, give us bots, at least a bot will do a gen and be useful

  • Member Posts: 1,408

    Did you read everything else, aside from the example OP gave, as well? If my comment isn't adding another perspective for you then it is very simple bud, don't respond to it or @ me. You clearly disagree, and that's your right, good for you. I agree to disagree with you :)

    Now let's put this back and forth to bed shall we, it's almost the weekend and I reckon we both have better things to do than to argue on a gaming forum. I for one do. You have yourself a lovely day!

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited February 2023

    if my teammates are just crouching in corners doing nothing or doing hook trades non-stop while there is not a single gen done or working on and the killer is playing full sweaty , them let me goo.. i know for sure that match is gonna be terrible anyway..

    (thats on my case idk about the rest)

    + if it is Nurse , just leaving at that point..

  • Member Posts: 319
  • Member Posts: 128

    but what is your point tho? Also, you didn't answer my question. What do you define as playing fair? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm genuinely curious?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Yes? Since about a year ago suicide on hook has become ridiculously prevalent.

  • Member Posts: 600

    You ruin the match for three other people. You are the reason this game needs dc penalties.

  • Member Posts: 212
    edited February 2023

    If you are going to camp, tunnel, bring annoying or overpowered builds, and play a OP killer in a obnoxious way then don't queue up. See how easy that solves the problem?

  • Member Posts: 4,183
    edited February 2023

    And i repeat:

    All part of the gameplay loop, just like swf, gen rush builds and unhookable Sabo squads.

    DCs ARE NOT.

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