My favourite thing about this event...

People are too busy using event offerings to spam map offerings all the time.
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No hate, but I think it's a little annoying as I have to go on a marry walk to get to an envelope which is time wasted from being on gen. I also noted that when I relive mine the killer knows that someone is in that area.
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Rather bizarrely, I’ve seen an uptick in killers burning RPD offerings in this event.
Happened three times two days ago.
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I really like having the seasonal offerings. It's cool that as a survivor I can bring an item that can give the killer player BP. The snowmen added a level of ridiculousness to matches which allowed for some fun non-sweaty interactions between survivors and killers. I think the game needs more of this.
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killers on eu servers use map offerings all the time. normally there are 4 envelopes of the survivors and the killer brings something else.
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Partially true. I said partially because even when the offering events will grant you more bp, certain people still use those offering just to be more annoying as possible
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Maybe, but rather than seeing a map offering 2/3 games, I've only seen one or two a day.
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(another reason why map offering should go tbh) games are more fun if the map is random
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RPD is a nightmare for survivors with those two gens on top of each other in the main hall and normally one very close in the direction of the fire escape side of the building. Every game I've had on there the past few days, the killer defends that area with their life. It's pretty much the hardest 3 gen to break in the entire game
The key now is getting one of those two gens done ASAP but it's pretty much impossible if the killer actively defends it. At least when/if one spawned at the top of the stairs there was some stuff to play around and it was far enough away from the bottom one that the killer might not go there if they were chasing past the lower one. Whoever thought of moving that gen to spawn in the middle of the hall is crazy!
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Not really, in my experience at least. Killers have been bringing RPD and Lery's offerings for the past few days. It's usually 4 envelopes and a map offering or Bloody Party Streamers.
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I can't speak for everyone but I I'm fine with gens. It's simple so I can keep my head turning around for killer.
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I'd love to see Survivors managing to bring four offerings.
I think I've seen it two or three times over the event. Somehow, someone always forgets and brings nothing.