For me, it depends on my mood. I've ignored them, responded with a laugh, killed them with kindness, or out-trolled them.
I rarely troll in return, but my favorite was when someone was talking #########, and I just replied with line-by-line quotes from this video:
(and yes, I did tell them that if they did not stop contacting me that I would contact attorney general. Thsnks.)
(And yes, it did confuse the hell out of them and I was laughing my ass off).
I for the most part ignore them...unless they are breaking the rules and are threatening in nature.
I always think that in any online game there's a degree of smacktalk especially with PvP so to me it's always seemed a bit inevitable. However, we do take chat offenses very seriously and do our best to protect our players - hence the chat filter, and whilst many of you do find it to be overkill on the filter, I think protecting players and not subjecting them to abuse is necessary.
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I don't have endgame chat as I play on switch, but if I did have access to it I'd usually say "GG" after every single game. If they're a toxic bully squad though I'd probably just say "get dumpstered" and move on..
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I'm on Xbox so I rarely get messages but when I do get salty messages, I always send LOL. If they message again, I send LMAO. If they message again, I send ROFL. If they message again, I send ROFLCOPTER.
If I got my arsed kicked and they're sending a gloating message, I just send a "thumbs up" emoji. If they keep responding, they just keep getting Thumbs Up until they stop sending messages.
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Same. I'm on PS4 though so I don't get them often. I did get a trolling gloat message yesterday from a Trapper so I just said "ggwp" in reply. Got nothing after that lol
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Good decision! It's not worth the stress.
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I'm on xbox so I'm spared the endgame chat salt. I'll occasionally get DMs but they're usually pretty chill, GGs and WPs Salt is very rare but when I do get it i just tell them to chill and then ignore it.
Had a rather memorable one a while ago where I tunneled a vittorio late game. And they got salty because I let the last surv go. Even went so far as to get a friend of their to msg me claiming to have sent evidence of my "rule breaking" to bhvr and messaging me on an alt account after my xbox report got them comms banned 🤣
Some people 🙄
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I usually:
Imagine I am Sam from I am Sam.
Respond from that point of view.
Have fun and wish them a great day.
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Kill em with kindness