Does anyone else just give up on winning and just go from pallet to pallet in horrified fascination?

It's honestly just ridiculous on some maps. You can just hold W from pallet to pallet to pallet to pallet and if you can't antiloop, it's basically impossible to ever get a down. It's fascinating, in a horrifying "why is this even possible as part of a game" way. Two people, in a completely non-interactive sequence.
I mean I'm playing around majority of pallets that aren't god pallets anyway, because I play blight who actually has the capability and skill expression to do so. If people find it fun to play m1 killers who have to subject themselves to W and pre-dropping then they better really enjoy that killer. I personally can't stand being subject to such playstyles that require nearly 0 skill on either side.
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Tru3ta1ent had a video where he immediately threw off each pallet against bubba and in the end all the generators were repaired faster than the pallets ran out
( and it wasn't "gideon")
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Oh yeah, it can be really, really silly.
Pallets are the least of it. At least those are gone once they're gone.
It's when you get the over/under loop on MD or the pseudo-infinite with 3 vaults on GoJ that the game is just...why bother?
Did you just say that playing an M1 killer takes nearly 0 skill?
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I mean, Blight can also just bonk through the pallet and catch up, that's another option.
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Sure, but stupidly powerful loops are one thing. They don't have quite the same "well, I COULD quit this chase, but I wonder if we'll be able to do every pallet before the game ends" bizarre fascination to them.
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Oh right, yeah. I know what you mean.
Man, I had a bonkers game on Nemmy like that - I'm a pallet buster and they still never ran out. Frigging Gideon.
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No, not really.
I'm pretty much always going to play out a match to the bitter end. If you guys wanna beat me, you'll have to beat me at my best, ya know? I'm not just gonna roll over even if they have a god set-up, my ego is the size of a small solar system after all.
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I've actually quite found of Gideon with Nemesis. Pretty much every pallet is a guaranteed hit with Tentacle.
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I'm the sort of person who picks Wesker, then sees that there's a Chris in the lobby and makes sure to grab a Mori and focus him out, because that's just what Wesker should do.
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To be fair mindlessly chasing after a survivor shouldn't be an effective strategy.
I don't think it would be good for the game if a killer would be able to chase a survivor through all pallets and not lose in the process.
What on earth would survivors do against somebody who does think about which chases to take if that was the case?
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No they were saying that holding W and predropping is the tactic that takes 0 skill.
On OP's post hey the game has been around for 6 years, there will be people who know every tile on a given spawn and can run chases like that. It's why I prefer ambush killers, can't get looped if the surv doesn't see you coming.
But tbf most killers have some kind of effective anti loop or are a stealth killer. Except maybe hag. There's Bubba and billy too maybe but their powers are pretty OP and they do well in good hands regardless.
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I just think it's funny that you can do that on some maps and just never run out of pallets within reach. "If you can't use a power to shorten it and get the down, better hope when you peel off someone else can't pick up where that left off and starts the chase in the dead zone".
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Sounds like common sense to me.
Maybe i'm misunderstanding but you're saying that when you stop putting any effort in a chase and just follow the survivor in their footsteps you won't get the down untill the game is over.
That you can't win if you don't put any effort in at all? Isn't that obvious and how it should be?
Now i do agree that a lot more loops should be made more unsafe so killers with no antiloop can get some hits in if they mindgame or use other clever movement.
A lot of loops are way to safe that makes getting a hit impossible. But a gen efficient team should always get all the gens done before pallets run out if the killer mindlessly just follows one survivor with no effort to break off.
Did you even try to zone the survivor by rotating in a way that leads them back to the pallets they already used or is it litterally following straight behind them?
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Leave the chase and find the ones doing gens.
Respectfully, this is a skill/pride issue. You're allowing yourself to be sucked into a chase with someone who is better at looping than you are at chasing because you 'have to down this one survivor.
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There is a difference between making mindlessly running after someone a ineffective strategy and having so many pallets on a map that you pretty much can't chase after anyone ever because there are at least 3 pallets within arms reach at all times
I work in a ######### warehouse and we don't have as many pallets as some DBD maps do
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2 pallet breaks and I turn back to the gens. Eventually, dead zones will appear but it helps if you inflict blindness to counter windows of opportunity.
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Considering most run Windows it's no surprise.. the game plays itself for them at that point. Maps like GoJ have a ridiculous amount of pallets and endless safety, they really should just tone down those things.
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I know that feeling. Someone send me Yesterday to Garden of Pain and all I could do is just chained loops together, pallet to pallet lol. Nothing I could really do. I was Wraith btw.
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The amount of pallet campers and pre droppers seems to have increased as well. That's what happens when the game can be finished so fast that your resources are basically limitless. There is no such thing as creating dead zones when there are 4 pallets in a corner of the map. I used to hate playing around shack (for obvious reasons) but now I'm glad when someone tries to actually loop this godawful thing instead of vaulting the window once, pre dropping the pallet and Shift + W to the next 20 pallets.
When I started playing this game (2 years ago) I wasn't too unhappy with getting a few strong pallets out of the way early even if it meant my chase would go a bit longer but now I just can't keep up anymore. The pacing is so much faster than back then and I don't run slowdown. Before the 6.1.0 patch I did a streak on one of my mains (Doctor) with STBFL, Zanshin's, Brutal Strength and BBQ. I got to 37 wins without addons because people actually had to do good in chases. Now I lose by default when I use this build because pre dropping pallets buys enough time to 5 finish gens easily.
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I mean it's your job as killer to create deadzones to have shorter chases. If a survivor runs from pallet to pallet try to get rid of some of them and then pressure gens. This is why I love tinkerer. It tells you when to pressure gens and which gens to pressure. Eventually they will have to run into large deadzones and that's the part of the game where you are putting a lot of pressure onto them.
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I think you both missed the point where I'm not trying or expecting to win, just morbidly curious about if the pallets are going to run out before the gens or not. And how some maps you can basically go from pallet to pallet without actually needing a vault or any other kind of loopable structure--just whatever walls the pallet is involved in.
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Depends how they are playing. You get some scarily good survivors who will fake it to make you take out your tenty, then predrop it the next time around.
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Do you think they should run out? It is kinda a interresting question.
On one hand if a killer can just follow a survivor and get rid of all their resources before they can complete their objective doesn't sound good.
On the other hand, it wouldn't be a bad thing for survivors to have to be a bit more sparing with their resources either. Force them to utilise windows and stuff more
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I think that pallets shouldn't be chainable to the point you can rely on basically nothing else. Some maps clearly still have too many for their size and other options (looking at you Garden of Joy), but anything that allows for pretty much ignoring other looping is... weird.
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It's not much of a contest if you're just constantly able to get to another pallet or window with little to no danger in between while generators are completed faster than greased lightning in the background. Begs the question of how much power does the power role really have aside from the few viable killers of the roster? Atm you basically have to jump to desperation tactics after the first chase of the game because it's pretty likely you're going to have less than 2 gens remaining, 1 hook to show for it and a map still chock-full of resources if the survivors aren't complete novices, results can be worse if they're vets. Imo the overabundance of pallets artificially increases survivability against most of the killer roster...which strikes me as not the greatest way to have things set up
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Yes, I do this.
It helps to understand which situations are totally a waste of time on different maps.
I usually think of it as learning. And often they make a mistake and it ends the chase.
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I mean there are things you can do if you aren't mindlessly follow a survivor.
Zoning them back to dead zones, mindgaming at weaker loops, faking to kick a pallet also works really well from time to time. Breaking of chase after a couple of pallets to create dead zones
There are certain maps that are really bad but people do exaggerate. It"s not impossible to get hits if you put the effort in
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You can outplay many survivors on many pallets even without an ability altogether. May surprise you, but most random survivors can even be outplayed on gym pallets relatively reliably. And pretty much all killers have an ability to play around pallets with. What gives?
Most players also never really learn about zoning. It's a very basic aspect of killer skill and yet it's not common that people are in the habit of doing it. Micro and macro zone survivors at pallets, meaning that even if you are going to break the pallet and can't play around it, put yourself into a position where after the break, the survivor will be as close as possible to you, and as far away as possible from anything they can play afterwards. An easy example for macro-zoning is if you are chasing a survivor at a pallet tile at the edge of a map - you wanna break the pallet from the inside of the map, forcing the survivor to the edge away from everything else. Micro-zoning is where you maneuver at the pallet such that once you start breaking it, the survivor has to run back into you and gets less distance.
In general it can definitely be said that some maps spawn way too many pallets, others too few. I don't know why there isn't a simple algorithm in place that spawns pallets in a ratio relation to the amount of tiles of the given map, just like there (supposedly) is for hooks. If they make sure there is a roughly similar amount of differently "safety-rated" pallet tiles that can spawn across the maps, they will on average be comparable. Maybe they tried that and it just doesn't work well? But yeah, that I can go from an Eyrie with 25 pallets to a Torment Creek with 12 is just... silly. There is something to be said about differentiating the gameplay experience from map to map and match to match, but the disparity shouldn't be quite that big I don't think.
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######### like this is why I'm unironically bringing Brutal Strength these days, the average amount of pallets is far too high on maps. They need to halve their count at least otherwise survivors will keep abusing them until all gens are done and you're left with doing nothing but camping that one persky survivor who threw down every single one of them.
Before anyone bothers to say: why not switch targets then? Guess what, they ALL know about the pallets and abuse them equally efficient. I suppose it's due to Windows of Opportunity being a meta perk these days.
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Also the old system of pallet spawns was better. No guaranteed pallets besides shack, main building, and side structure. Made survivors look around to see if a pallet in near.
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Brutal strengt does absolutely nothing. The abysmall time saved won't stop a survivor from reaching another pallet in the mayority of the situation which means it doesn't actually have any vallue.
Even if you would double BS in numbers it wouldn't be good (you can try it with fire up and bs together)
Learning how to zone and what pallet you can or can't get hits in will help you much more then bs ever could
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My third match on the Decimated Borgo was with Billy and I was pretty much just chilling and then experienced what you have described OP. The Nea was predropping pallets like hot potatoes and they still had like 5-6 left before they were all out. Granted, I didn't bring any passive slowdown and I never stopped chasing her because I was fascinated to see just how god awful that map is but ever since then, I just accept the L like it's Eerie, Game, Garden of Pain etc.
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Lol Shattered Square is absolutely ridiculous. a million god pallets five feet from each other and you can see the killer from a mile away. It blows my mind that these new maps even make it to live servers like this but every new/reworked map has been ridiculous. Like I can't stand the new Haddonfield for example. God windows everywhere that are zero fun to play against
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Sure, those are basic things. Scott Jund has great examples too on youtube, but it doesn't take anything away from the fact that against most M1 killers, there can be such an overabundance of pallets and strong tiles connecting to other strong tiles that it doesn't require much effort to get away. Couple it with the current perk/item combinations and more frequent coordination from the new hud, playing M1 killers has become nothing but pain.
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The best way to kill pallets is to run antipallet legion