Freddy is in such a sad state atm



  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Can you blame them? Look at what they've done to a horror icon. He's a joke!

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    No offense, but challenge accepted. MM is nowhere near Doctor. Not even in the same dimension. Doctor has a chance to really play around strong loops and guarantee hits where Michael can do what exactly? Ahh, yes. Stalking. Stalking until he reaches tier 3, which will not help him in loops. In the right hands Doctor can get very oppressive to the part where latency makes little to no difference. He also has some great addons to help him.

    I'd argue that Otz might not be the best example to make Doctor truly shine. He is a very good player in general and no doubt quite good with Doctor as well but he makes mistakes that someone who mains this killer simply doesn't. He could control the survivors movements so much better by simply pushing them away from certain structures with the shock and there is also room for improvement when it comes to him managing tier 3. It's a bit like watching an insane Clown main and comparing them with Otz. Both are good but one is just better.

    Wraith isn't this bad either. He struggles with maps, yes but predropping is completely useless against him and his extra speed while cloaked is a big deal. His anti-loop can sometimes (admittedly on very rare occasion) guarentee hits as well.

    I'd put Freddy down there with Trapper right now. Even Myers can at least some times get dangerous because of tier 3. But Freddy? Well, he has a teleport, I'll give him that. But that one takes forever to charge and channel. He has a side gimmick that is more of a detriment to him than an addition. Survivors that are awake are immune to his already weak anti-loop. It's half of what Clown has and even he sometimes struggles in chase. Freddy's addons are horrible as well. The paint brush isn't bad and the masterpiece is ok as well but the rest is just worthless. With the nerf to his dream pallets even the one niche where they could be utilized is gone.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"challenge accepted. MM is nowhere near Doctor. Not even in the same dimension."

    I think you're just not used to seeing anyone play michael well. Otz for example doesn't even use Bamboozle which is madness. And he never brings one of the two addons that makes the killer "not suck". He loves to bring the shards which in my opinion are nearly worthless. Instead he brings coup which quite honestly is just not needed because MM already has a longer lunge and most people can't account for the difference. A long time ago I played MM for two years straight so I know a thing or two about this killer.

    Now to be fair MM just got nerfed by the 6.1X update that trashed Bamboozle and Fire up not stacking with his power vault. This killer just didn't need any nerfs. FIre up used to be the ultra secret best perk on him. It made everyone assume you were using things like lightborn and brutal strength.

    Rules would basically be someting like : killer picks map no other offerings (killer hosts). No character/item/perk repeats. Survivors must use the same build/items for both rounds.

    The survivors must also not know the identity of either killer. It would not be fair for example if someone used calm spirit knowing it would help vs doctor.

    -"I'd argue that Otz might not be the best example to make Doctor truly shine."

    Otz typically runs a goofy build on doctor but is actually quite proud of how he plays this killer. At some point in the last 3 months or so he had a high kill streak and it was one of the times he would camp and tunnel aggressively to protect his streak at the start of a game.

    -"He is a very good player in general and no doubt quite good with Doctor as well but he makes mistakes that someone who mains this killer simply doesn't."

    This I will agree too as both he and literally every streamer I watch except maybe Bronx play Nemesis with less than full understanding. Nemesis plays a lot like Demo so it makes sense that Bronx being a demo main has no trouble transitioning to his true main: Nemesis. At the end of the day Otz is an entertainer so if he makes a goofy play as part of the show there's going to be a payout. He either can laugh it off or make a clip for the highlight reel with an amazing play.

    I think both Otz and True can play Doc with near perfect understanding of when to shock at loops. They are very good at doing fakes but there comes a point where doctor is just ourclassed.

    Almost nobody for example realizes that if you are chasing a survivor around a building wall with Nemesis the whip attack is almost unavoidable unless someone has perfect frame dodging if the whip strafe is outside to inside. If you try the same attack with an inside to outside whip drag then the survivor can very easily turn out to avoid the whip. I see about one successful dodge in 100 of outside to inside dodges against building walls.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 367

    yea rights are a pain. lets hope bhvr and the holders can foarm a better relationship so we can get some freddy content.

    yea would love to see bhvr talk about the neglected characters of the game.

    agreed. im down for anything to make him more interesting.

    yup, been there since og freddy. loved it lol

    that made me giggle a bit lol but yea he really needs one.

    that bug was fun ngl.

    yea fair. i did like playing as old freddy since i felt like freddy more then than now.

    "look how they massacured our dream demon"

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 642

    I feel like Freddy suffers from being a M1 killer with huge potential but lacks creativity. His dream pallets are amazing at destroying survivors flow and his teleport is a good map traversal. It’s just his add-ons are some of the worst. Gen noise and footstep noise? Garbage. If he had some amazing information and disabling add-ons he’d feel amazing. Maybe using his power to block windows he goes through like bamboozle.

  • yauniqua
    yauniqua Member Posts: 151

    Did. you. ever. play. FOREVER FREDDY. or. FREDDY POP?

    Dont skirt around my question.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I think we all agree that Freddy need something, right?

    I would rather have a killer with less Killrate in total, but more fun and higher skill ceiling, so that good players can have really good results and a good feeling.

  • ironblade
    ironblade Member Posts: 270

    I bought freddy and only played him once knowing full well that he's not good.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 367

    yea i think genraly everyone agrees he needs atleast a new add - on overhaul.

    as i said before i was around during those periods but never played with those perks. i don't use slowdown of any sort and never will.