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Question about trapper lore/viability

Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

Now, i'm playing dbd almost from his release.
And i noticed one thing... he is the most depicted in the majority of "generalized" dead by daylight images, being them press, concept art etc...
The question is... could he have some particular relation with the enitity that other killers dos not have..?
Maibe he is the very first killer the entity created and endured a particulary harsh treatment to have his will bent to the entity...?
Or is he her/his favorite?
And also, since he "stick out" so much, why is he not more "viable" as killer... i mean, he still is a good killer on low mid tier, but with the new survivors ability he simply got weaker... is there some buff for him on the horizon?


  • robin
    robin Member Posts: 149

    maybe that could explain why he has hooks in his shoulders and back

  • TheWildShpee
    TheWildShpee Member Posts: 4

    @robin The hooks in Trappers shoulders are there because of the Entity's torture I believe. Much like Nurse's bag or Wraith's deformity's.

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    Well, to need "that" kind of torture to be submitted to the entity, he had to be tough af!
    Still would love to see him a little more viable at top ranks :(

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543
    edited June 2018

    buff coming up SoonTM

    he's iconic because, well, he's a tough ######### killer. He's your Myers meets Jason but you could actually meet him IRL, cuz no supernatural stuff is around him.
    He's scary cuz you can definetely see him as person. You can associate with him. You can be in his skin. That's why he's so badass and scary.
    Of course, he's also freaking walks faster than you run.

    he's first killer introduced and because of great design received "canadian killer award 2016" and was the only killer for some time.

    He's one who fought entity the longest, as he did not lose hope but simply did not have any and did not want to submit. Unlike other killers it took the longest for him because he defied entity until the end.

    as for why not viable: he was OP and then nerfs. New killers introduced, nerfs to balance that and he got in a way of those. Traps that you can escape in 3 seconds cannot beat teleportation and instadowns. (Could you escape beartrap? It'll probably just snap you leg in two IRL)
    Also, people got used to him and now simply follow him and disarm his every trap, so he becomes killer without power.

  • christtrash
    christtrash Member Posts: 5

    My theory was the deaths caused by Trapper when he was alive accidentally summoned the entity or something like that but he didnt actually want to do it, his dad tricked him, and that's why he killed his dad. But, just a theory.

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    Well, knowing how badass he is it make even worst his actual status :(
    I have some ideas for buffs but this is not the right section :)
    I would love to see some kind of official lore, like notes from the killers (trapper in this case) from when they were still humans... and know "what" made them "snap" and turn into killers...

  • bevdog67
    bevdog67 Member Posts: 57

    The Trapper is the mascot of DBD simply because he was the first killer, originally called "chuckles" by the devs. I think he is the perfect example of a traditional killer though as there is nothing supernatural or special about him, he is just a big, devious guy that inspires despair when you see him.

    As for his hooks, I'm pretty sure the devs did say he did not go along with the entity happily, so they were probably used as a "persuasion" tactic by the entity. It is interesting to think that out of all the killers, Evan might be the most "human" one. Given the choice to escape the realm, I'm sure he would.

  • sunakinmu
    sunakinmu Member Posts: 2

    I also love the Trapper.
    He is the concept character of dbd and explained in the most detail. His explanation also serves as an explanation of the dbd world. Later killer sentences are relatively short, because they stay in their own introduction.

    However, despite the fact that there is that amount in the literature on the trapper, it is strange that the important is not drawn. From BIO it is known that "Trapper worshiped his father and did everything for him"only. With text of TEACHABLE PERK you can know the trapper's personality.

  • Abyssion
    Abyssion Member Posts: 38

    Kalec guarda questo video per eliminare tutti i dubbi sulla lore di questo killer (è in italiano il video)

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Trapper is the one who defied Entity the most, and, this is the reason for metal hooks in his shoulder. But, I also think, that at some point Entity finnaly got control under his mind and then he killed his father, as suggested by description of offering "MacMillan's Phalanx Bone". This is like kind of revenge for his struggle - making him kill the person, who he appreciated the most.