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The playerbase needs to stop complaining about one side being too overpowered.

I see it almost every day. It's either "survivors op, killers can't win anymore" or "killers op, survivor is impossible now". And then they proceed to complain about a certain killer/perk/item/addon or the newest thing to complain about the HUD changes and try to spin it in a way to tell us that one side is too op now because of that one thing they complain about and that survivor/killer is impossible now. They never consider that the issue might be on them and always blame the others. They themselves are always the best in the matches they played, made no mistakes and should have easily won all of those matches if there wasn't that particular thing they put all their blame on. Then they proceed to show us things that don't really matter (like post game results or their playtime) to somehow give us the impression that what they are saying is a fact.
And I don't want to act like there are not any problematic things on both sides I say that very often and clearly. But stop using these things as a scapegoat to hide your lack of skill anc competence in your matches. Is it really that hard to admit when you had a game where you made bad decisions and lost? Sometimes recording and then reviewing gameplay can really help to improve and maybe it can help people admitting when they made mistakes.
Don't get me wrong here: giving your takes on whether something is unbalanced or not and giving solutions is important. But don't use it as an excuse to hide your own mistakes and then act as if one side is impossibe now.
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True. Bait videos that will fuel emotions drives in far more viewers than just trying to reasonably discuss balancing issues. But hey the community and especially Twitter loves us vs them so people will keep going into this direction. I often see people so emotionally loaded in this game that they starting fights in comment sections where they are insulting each other. Like you can't say anything about this game without someone saying "yeah your comment just shows me that you are blah blah blah" and accuse you of doing something even though they can't even know if that's the case.
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Yeah I saw that post, I evven replied to it. And it was the final inspiration for this post. I obviously don't want to target anyone that's why I didn't mention them and I don't want to put blame to the poster of that thread. Doing that would add absolutely nothing and that person posting the thread is not by any means one of a few that does it. It's a community wide issue and I'm kinda getting tired of it. He was just an example of it but I wouldn't have made this post if it wouldn't be that common.
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I find my issue to be with Matchmaking more than anything else. When the incentive is less than 100% to either side my matches are usually fair and I can pick out the individual mistakes or instances that shift the balance of the match. When the queues are more unbalanced and the matchmaking gets borked in favor of queue times I'll have those matches of stomps going either way.
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That's exactly the reason why I hate watching a lot of dbd related content. It's either and bear with me when I say these examples.
"Rank One build?"
"Best killer build (literally meta)"
"Ultimate Survivor Build (literally meta)"
It's either constant videos of running meta to win, salt farming, or camping Bubb videos. Nothing original it feels like
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I just saw that post and was like 😮💨😐😒
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I feel this... but trying to express that is hard
1) Typing it out is..... strange to say the least
2) My thoughts being what they are... after suffering a stroke (Don't worry I'm better now)
3) Me not being able to play the game
But anyway trying to come up with solutions is hard
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Matchmaking issues are understandable but atleast yoou are not trying to spin it in a way where one side is supposedly impossible now
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It's also funny how they want to tell us how salty and toxic one side is but they are salty and toxic all the time. There is nothing wrong to tryhard against toxic survivors/killers so they don't get their way but I often have the feeling they themselves are not even a bit better when it comes toxicity.
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One thing Is complain about stuff that you don't even tried/used like most of the people in this forum did (aka biased toward a side), another one Is complaining about things that you see in every cursed match and are literally gamechanging...
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People will never stop complaining. Its much easier to do so than getting better and admitting your own faults
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The thing is, a player's experience is going to vary wildly depending on a ton of factors. Perceived skill, MMR, platform, crossplay, region, time of play all can drastically change the type of games a person will have. This seems to go over most people's heads. If you have two people saying the exact opposite thing regarding power balance, both can be right(ish...I've yet to see the game as "unplayable" in a situation outside of a bug or cheater).
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Pig OP please nerf.
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Pig is way too much. Needs a big nerf into the ground like the one her cousin Road Hog received.
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Honestly, it's so tiring. And there's always a huge uptick in these kinds of posts whenever there's an update.
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Its either that or they provoke reactions out of people for content the have the audacity to act surprised
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This is why I think Aaron Duke's recent video was so important. We should focus more on the positive things this game has and why we originaly started playing.
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I chuckled at that one... not going to lie
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I mean everyone worth listening to knows already that the game is Nurse/Blight/Spirit>SWF>Killer>SoloQ sided.
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God damn...caught the OP in 4k
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Going to disagree on that one.
Even though i do agree that people tend to complain a bit too often about things they haven't put to much thought in. Not complaining about anything would lead into actual problems getting through
Like the double locker blind tech, or boil over making it impossible to hook people. Those things didn't happen that often but are still game breaking. Imagine if people didn't complain and gave feedback about such things.
Sadly these kinds of complaints is the manure that allows the game to grow.
Stinky but necesarry
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I never said anything about talking about problems. The Eruption meta is problematic too. What I called out in my post are people acting like their role is impossible because one certain thing. The double locker tech had basically no counterplay. But how impactful was it in your games. I faced that like twice. And in both matches I still won. So was killer impossible now because of that? No, absolutely not. Was is a real problem? Yes, it totally was. But saying that winning as killer is impossible because for example the HUD update is ridiculous.
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Yeah some people like overreacting. Some peoples complaints don't even make any sense, some do. In some peoples mind the bigger you make a problem seem the quicker something will be done about it. That sort of stuff the brain even does subconcious
What is and isn't a problem is a very subjective thing, there were people who said double locker blind wasn't a problem. There are people who say eruption is not only fine but also a weak perk
Who is to say what is a ridiculous claim and what isn't. Ofcourse no role is ever impossible but you can always find the source they are complaining about beneath their wild claims.
Is killer impossible because of the huds? No ofcourse not. Is it harder? Aka has survivors become more efficient on avarage? Yeah, that's pretty much a fact. Is it a problem? Debatable
Would it be easier if people always presented their arguments in a calm collected fashion? Yes. Sadly you'd have to travel to another world for that. That's not how humans work. Sadly we are very emotion driven creatures
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I personally think that everyone just sucks at this game