Have you ever gotten yourself trapped in this cycle?
When I want to use an offering for just one match, but then the next match I am reminded I forgot to take it off when the offering burning screen appears, so I tell myself that next time I will take it off. But the match ends and by now I forgot about the offering, so I queue again, and I use the offering again, then the match passes and I queue again, and again I forgot to take off the offering. I did it once 6 times in a row. I wasted 5 offerings of a kind when I wanted to just spend a single one. Last time it happened it was today, It was a Dead Dawg offering, thankfully someone DCd before the match started, so I only used it once (actually I used it twice, but the first time it was cancelled by another offering, so I don't count that one).
Yeah, happening all the time.
same with perks that I would to change up. Whelp, gonna play another game with WGLF even though I get barely any use out of it anyways because it’s a character I only play for dailys
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Items as well. By the time the game returns to the menu and I click start game and grab my phone, the brain fog has set in...
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I think happened me once 3 times with one map offering. But more often it happens for me with items and add ons or cake offerings. While I only plan using them once.