What if you brought an offering to increase your Altruism points in the next match...
But the Killer said: "Tunnel."
Note: No Killer actually says tunnel. Maybe the one controlling the Killer behind the PC or console, but the Killers themselves, I've never heard them say tunnel.
If the killer says tunnel, your score says 'wheeeeeee!' as it goes into free fall.
Not as badly as with camping though.
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There are killers who tunnel if a BPS is spent just as there are survivors who gen rush like they'll die in real life if they don't escape.
It sucks but whatcha gonna do?
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Then you do the next match. Tbh the one that annoys me more is when 3+players bring party streamers and the killer still tunnels someone hard
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my favorite thing to do during the offering ceremony for chinese new years is to down everyone, go around taking all the red envelopes, then proceeding to draw out the game in a painful and maniacal manner.
or smacking the player trying to collect a relic.
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I had a game a couple of nights ago as killer and saw 4 red envelopes and a party streamer. Thought straight away "This should be good mannered contest"
Nah, 2 Ace's wearing matching leopard cosmetics decided to abuse Flip Flop Boil Over in the basement and upstairs room on Haddonfield as soon the nearest outside hook had gone 🙄
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Doesn't matter if the killer plays nice or Tunnels, it's on the survivors to win chases and avoid attention.