Gen progression icons ....

I've been a player since the 1st/2nd year of this game and who plays both sides (usually defend the killer role) and I have to concede that the gen progression icons are absolutely ridiculous and need removing imo. Having the gen icon (no progress bar) healing, totems and all that jazz makes sense but spoils the spontinuity of the matches. Yes it gives newer players and solos good information, but as an experienced solo player, the gen progression icons really do act like an in game commentary which talks you through what is happening and when. Knowing that the last gen is about to pop thus giving another player an obvious heads up that camping the exit switch will win the game. Solos needed a few buffs, but for me, this update has overshot the runway by some way. Experienced players didn't need training wheels, nor did the killers facing them.


  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    I really like the new icons and status bar.

    As a killer it feels like the survivors can play more like a functional SWF, and I can normalize my approach to the match.

    As a survivor, they are just fun and give specific information to work with. Its often that I'll watch a soloQ chased off a 80% gen and direct(or go to) a complete on that specific gen. Something you wouldn't normally expect or do without the % info from out of sight.

    In a greater sense people were playing and still are playing the game "wrong"(as far as you could apply that term to a game) now, they can understand what leads to winning. Its not just run the killer around some objects abusing the survivor's smaller hit box, or hold W from pallet to pallet for 4 minutes, or camp a super strong structure. It lets the player know you can win by focusing on these highlighted things. I think that is good for this game. This one change has done by far the most to reduce the frustration I've personally experienced in SoloQ and non-coms SWF games.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    It doesn’t even improve the solo que experience that much when you can still get bad teammates who drop like flies or do nothing productive. Not to mention the type of information you get in a SWF still trumps these icons. This just makes solo que a little more bearable.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,635

    They are not buffs, they are quality of life changes to the UI, giving you information that voice chat would already easily convey. Therefore they should be in the game regardless of how strong they appear to be because voice chat is completely allowed. This way the game is being balanced in a more realistic way.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I just played a match whilst knowing how many gens were being done, how near completion they were, who was being chased, who was booning up. Add aura perks to that it was like watching spoilers lol. All tension and spontinuity has been removed, all because a few newbies run around like headless chickens. Atleast let us turn them off personally.....

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,407

    It might be handy in the scenario you mention, but there's no guarantee of even getting to endgame in solo queue. Solo escapes strongly depend on the team mates you are matched with, and potato team mates will always be potato team mates. Swfs on comms can always communicate when theyre about to finish the last gen, so someone is waiting at exit. So in bridging the gap, this is by design.

    I'm totally fine with them adding an off option though, for people to opt out of.

  • renvolt
    renvolt Member Posts: 21

    Ask yourself "Is this a buff for SWFs?" if the answer is no (which it is here) throw the post away. It simply bridges the very wide, still very very wide gap between solo and SWFs

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    It helps identify incompetent teammates and aids newbies. It DOES however, spoil the experience for competent solo's that enjoy the challenge playing alone offers. I don't want my hand held in games. Make kindred basekit, 1 free unbreakable, that would have been sufficient, but this has overstepped it for me.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    The second you said I usually defend the killer role, I already knew where the bias would be. It's honestly baffling how everyone collectively agreed solo was the weakest role in game but now that they finally got buffs that don't include swf, it's still a problem. Makes me wonder if people only enjoyed swf being weak just for ez wins

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Experienced players / swfs barely get value from the progress icons and because i mostly play survivor both solo and swf i can assure you the solo randoms i get still refuse to use the info they get to improve their performance,,i still hit stage two ,i still am slugged even though fully recovered ,i still see randoms blessing totems even though they aren't in chase and we need no totem blessed but gens done ,,Gettin the info doesn't equal playing better for the majority of players,,play some survivor games and u gonna see it doesn't have the huge impact you think it does

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    I'm not against having it removed. This could be a bit *too much* information to survivors. If they really want something for solo, why not make a perk for it? Similar to Wraith or Legion add-ons, why not release a survivor perks that allows the survivor to see the intensity of a gen's progress within X meters as long as a survivor is working on it.

    Something kind of like Better Together, but the survivor with the perk can see a color intensity on the gen? It could be a weak or too niche if a perk, but they do need to be careful how much information survivors are given.