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Now that the devs killed Eruption, killers will tunnel even more

Member Posts: 530

Eruption was an overpowered and unhealthy perk for killers. But it had a "good" side effect. It offered low tier killers an alternative to tunneling against efficient survivors. And yes I'm aware that Eruption made tunneling more oppressive as well but it still was an alternative to tunneling for some killers. Low tier killers had something that reliably slowed down the game giving them more time to win. Survivors in the past months became increasingly efficient so for weaker killers the gen kicking meta is a great alternative to a playstyle where you camp and tunnel a survivor to death. Well now they killed Eruption and that insurance is almost fully gone but survivors will just keep being efficient on gens. The matches since the huge perk overhaul has become more and more sweaty and matches are now way shorter than before. So expect more killers to tunnel because the game incentivizes that playstyle. Remember, the game rewards you more for kills than hooks so killers are not going to be bothered playing fair.

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  • Member Posts: 151

    no they wont where did you get that info from seems fake

  • Member Posts: 530

    And it became true. There was a massive surge of tunneling once the big meta shakeup happened. Before that I got tunneled occasionally. After that it became very common.

  • Member Posts: 530

    I "got" that info based on my own experience. After the big meta shakeup where Ruin and PGTW got nerfed the amount of tunneling in my matches drastically increased. But because people realized over time just how broken Eruption is they found a new effective strategy to win games without resorting to heavy tunneling: The Eruption meta or gen kicking meta. Eruption was a safety net for low tier killers that stalled survivors from being too effective on gens so they didn't have to take out a survivor early. So (atleast thats what happened in my survivor matches) killers tunneled a lot less. But once Eruptions will get nerfed into the ground killers will tryhard more to win their games again

  • Member Posts: 530

    In my experience tunneling became a lot less rampant once people realized just how broken Eruption is. Once that perk is nerfed there is no overpowered killer perk anymore that acts as a safety net for killers so I'm already prepared to see the killer tunnel every match

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    tbh I don't think it will change the current environment , tunnel will still happen a lot if the gen still too fast and killer want more kills in the game , They can replace Eruption by pop, overcharge, DMS or Deadlock , so they can have more time for tunneling one guy out and force a 3V1 .

    A lot of killers like Blight , Wraith and The Spirit can tunnel a guy out very quickly . They don't really need Eruption , as soon as the guy off the hook, you can see them change target within 5 seconds🤩 , it's very hard to escape from them and it always lead to a 3v1 match with 2-3 gens left, maybe 1 gen if your teammate don't waste time try to save the poor guy who being tunnel the entire game. 🙄

  • Member Posts: 208

    I'd argue a bit of the opposite. Current eruption meta (going for 3 gens) is significantly stronger if there are only 3 survivors left in the match, which you said, and the idea of lower tier killers using this instead of tunnelling is nice but not what happens in practice. If someone is going out their way to use the strongest build the assumption that they're doing this so they can play nice makes no sense, chances are they're doing it to win and have no issues tunnelling which works well with this strategy.

    If they tunnel because they think they have to to win, they probably will regardless of build. If they tunnel because it's the smart thing to do at the moment, nerfing a strategy that works notably well with it should reduce tunnelling. If they don't tunnel anyway because they want to be nice, or other reason, I doubt this significantly changes anything.

    They said the same thing with the meta shakeup, and undying nerf, and noed nerf. Any nerf to a significant killer perks is met with the idea that people will start tunnelling if their strongest build is gone but the answer is they'll find a new strongest build that they work well with instead, because they people weren't tunnelling still won't tunnel and most players have the ability to adapt and overcome.

  • Member Posts: 374

    I feel like tunneling is a by product of gen speed, if a killer starts to feel like they're getting cooked then they're gonna tunnel obviously you will always have killers that will tunnel at 5 gens and sweat but that's due to the fact that they just care about wins not actual enjoyment. I think people need to realize that this is a game and no one has to play to another players ethics. All of our ethics are different, for instance if I see that I'm cooking a team at 5-3 gens then I'm gonna back off and play for 12 hooks, if the survs are being toxic then I'm gonna hook everyone as quickly as possible. To tell some killers that going for 4ks through tunneling is bad or toxic is like telling survs that going for 5 gens with stake out, bnp tool boxes, hyperfocus, prove, etc is toxic. What is needed is more "good" perks incentivizing not tunneling like the old bbq. Until that happens killers especially early life killers are gonna use whatever tactics it takes to win. When i first started i got teabagged every game i got cooked in and it made me want to never give hatch or even let them get past 5-4 gens i became this sweat lord, but now after playing for almost a year I'm not that same killer by any means, if i down you by a window and actually climb through the window you get to wiggle free, if your a loop god I'll throw the whole match just getting anti loop practice, if we had a nice fun match I'll usually only 2k depending if i iri 1 or not. That being said the eurption nuke will make bad killers worse by causing them to think that they have to tunnel due to how much faster gens will go in their game because they are used to a op perk that really gave them a safety net.

  • Member Posts: 239

    I get to avoid all this drama cause I never used Eruption at all. Yay for me.

  • Member Posts: 530

    Same but almost all killers I face do use it. So it will mostly impact my survivor games

  • Member Posts: 530

    In what sense am I deflecting? It is MY experience in survivor games. Once Eruption became more popular killers tunneled less in my survivor games. My concern is that tunneling will get worse once that perk is getting gutted. Yes tunneling is easy. But not every player wants to win games by tunneling. And what has the DH nerf to do with it? That didn't made tunneling less easy.

  • Member Posts: 239

    I 'think' my mmr is in the low to mid range level so most killers I face don't even have the perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    We hear reports of "more tunneling than ever" every day, week and month. It can't even be possible it would have resorted to all games being tunneling years ago if it was true.

    So yes it's going to get worse. The same worse as always meaning the feeling of it being worse.

  • Member Posts: 871

    I read the new Eruption's power.

    Am I the only one who thought of a possible [K.O. + Eruption] combo ? 😆

  • Member Posts: 858

    Fine. Being tunneled is preferable to playing against Eruption.

    That's how unhealthy Eruption is for the game. It's worse than the least fun thing in the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    I think new eruption should permanently mark the gen, since it does 10% of current progress and no longer pops incapacitated

    Perks that incentivise hooking every survivor should be buffed, like grim embrace, it should gain more tokens after blocking the gens and proc twice

  • Member Posts: 5,604

    I barely used Eruption (back when it was 6% regression and 16 seconds of Incap)

    SO I am used to not using it... but that said I try not to Camp and Tunnel

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    The same was said about the last perk update and nothing has changed.

  • Member Posts: 239

    Jolt and Pain Res are solid as I'm not huge on running around kicking gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,145
    edited February 2023

    yeah. the only time i ever do is with fires up + brutal strength. but then it becomes a 3 gen stall. sometimes i do add more to it.

  • Member Posts: 262

    Eruption wasn't unhealthy, you just have skill issues. Everything else is correct, though.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Let's be honest DS was the last restraint killers had to tunneling. With that dead they'll tunnel to their hearts content.

  • Member Posts: 106

    The current stacking meta that killers using is unhealthy. Eruption with pain res + call of brine can take a gen from 90% down to 0 in 30s. But people say survivors have skill issues that's funny.

  • Member Posts: 262

    See, skill issue.

    Generators regress by default at 0.25c/sec, so with Call of Brine makes it 0.5c/sec. If at 90% and hit by Eruption, Pain Resonance and Call of Brine at purple all at once (because that is the vast majority of instances *rolls eyes*) then the generator would initially be lowered by 25%, leaving it at 45c which with Call of Brine and no sneaky touching takes no less than 90 seconds to drain.

    If you or one of your 3 teammates cant return to a gen in 90 seconds, that is definitely a skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 106

    Skill issue lmfao. Have you tried solo queue as survivor at all? 30s incapacitated btw so you're completely ignoring that fact. I mean do you even know how your own perks work properly or do you just go watch otz on youtube and copy paste his builds?

  • Member Posts: 262

    25 seconds incapacitated, not 30 noob... Eruption, the vast majority of time, hits 1 player. A gen regressing from 90% to zero when all a 4-man team has to do to prevent that is give it a split second touch is a skill issue like it or not. You are just bad. Even if you yourself got hit, that still means you did nothing for 65 seconds for it to fully regress. Skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 262
    edited February 2023

    Skill issue, sonny. That is what you got. Just plain bad at the game wanting BHVR to cater to your particular brand trash.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Member Posts: 106

    I love how you're sat here throwing around toxicity but I'm the traash.

    Clearly have no people skills and no life offline. You really need to go outside basement dweller.

  • Member Posts: 262

    I'm not being toxic, merely speaking truth that you suck at DBD and I proved it mathmatically. You are mathmatically proven to be trash at DBD. Tell me how you feel?

  • Member Posts: 106

    Well I hope you enjoy dealing with moderators kid. That's all I'm going to say. You clearly need to grow up but for now you can just go on ignore. Got better things to do with my time than deal with idiotic ingrates.

  • Member Posts: 262

    I am not the one calling names, son. Nor am I the one with the skill issues.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    i would rather be tunneled out of a match in 2 minutes than be handcuffed to a match for 40 minutes. Also, can people please stop saying "killers are gonna have to tunnel more now!!1!" after every single slowdown nerf, it gets somehow more sad each time someone repeats it.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    Please tunnel more

    But don't complain if people are killing themselves on hook or DCing

  • Member Posts: 106

    Wait you get tunnelled? I get face campers every other game.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    I surprisingly rarely get face camped

    But tunnelled its once every 2 games basically

  • Member Posts: 530

    Where did I say I will tunnel more? Oh yeah I never did. You are just accusing me of doing so. I was making this post based on my experience. After the big perk overhaul there was a huge surge of tunneling killers in my matches. But once Eruption got used more often, less and less killers began to tunnel since Eruption was already enough to carry them to victories. Now that Eruption will be gutted killers have no overpowered perk anymore so they will just tunnel harder just like after the Meta Shakeup. Atleast thats what I think is going to happen based on MY experience

  • Member Posts: 530

    Because thats what happened everytime slowdown perks got nerfed? The amount of tunneling was much higher after the prestige overhaul but got a lot less once more and more killers used Eruptions since that perk is a huge carry. But that huge carry is gone soon so killers will just look what brings them wins again. And that is tunneling

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    "They can replace Eruption by pop, overcharge, DMS or Deadlock"

    None of these are anything close to Eruption, in particular Pop has already been nerfed to extinction.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Tunneling is already rampant as it is. I don't see this changing anything.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    At least they can slow down the gen you know, so they can buy some time for tunneling .

    I'm not talking about they can replace Eruption . Hell, none of the current gen perks can replace Eruption , but things already happened and I'm just saying my opinion .

  • Member Posts: 862
    edited February 2023

    They hard tunnel the 1st person to death then rely on eruption the rest of the match to make it easier to win.

  • Member Posts: 442

    im gonna disagree. multiple (strong) slowdowns are usually brought by killers who wish to perform to the best of their ability. aka trying their best to win, which often incurs tunneling and proxying at times. the nerf of a very strong slowdown perk isn't going to change anything except the next meta perk loadout. The killers that wish to win are going to tunnel regardless. im saying this like tunneling is a problem but its not.

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