Sandbagging Teammates

Has anyone else noticed a major upswing in teammates sandbagging you? Multiple games today I've had players screw me over at pallets. Body block me, etc. There are many players who don't understand when it's appropriate to try and take hits. A tip I'll give to newer players, if you see someone looping the killer - even if they're injured - STAY BACK. If you see someone running to a pallet, please don't try and get in the middle and throw down the pallet and then body block them. Typically, the killer has the target in their sight, and you getting involved is going to be detrimental to the entire team. Also, you are obstructing the loop the chased survivor is trying to use. DO A GEN INSTEAD. Thanks.

Ps. These are some good examples of when you should try and take protection hits for a teammate:

-during the end game collapse and survivors are running for the exit gate.

- when it's clear that the targeted survivor is in the open or in a dead zone with no vaults or pallets.

-when a survivor is being carried to the hook (and it's actually feasible that the survivor has time wiggle off by doing so).

-trying to bait chase is fine, but do so from a distance.

Thanks again <3
