Why do you think Any Means Necessary was buffed?

It's so random. There are dozens of perks that could really use a buff and they give a big one to a perk that is already pretty good.
Because BHVR couldn't stop at just nuking a killer perk they had to buff survivors as well?
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To give survivors an alternate objective?
I guess, you could have someone go through the dead zone and up all the pallets.
Or, IDK maybe someone on their office SWF felt like Legion was totally breaking the game.
Post edited by NewPlayer100102 on1 -
The removed cooldown is so niche it's basically a non-change.
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Probably in hopes of a way to get survivors off gens and get them running around looking for pallets to reset.
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they have buffed it like twice before and it was still not very useful. so hopefully more people will run it, tho i doubt it
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It's going to make killers feel even more miserable when they are against a coordinated SWF, where the survivors are using voice communications to point out all the pallets that need to be reset. Solo survivors aren't going to know where all the pallets are that can be reset, but SWFs with voice communication can get so much more value out of this perk buff.
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you don't need someone to tell you to pick a pallet you already know because of the perk and honestly picking up some pallets could be a waste of time since some are absolutely useless ex the new "tetris" tiles on azarov maps ..i'd never bother picking those up even for 10k points
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Completely agree with the SWF part. The perk itself allows you to see dropped pallets anywhere on the map though.
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My guess too. Seconds matter in this game, they're giving survivors other things to do.
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Where did BHVR say the perk would allow people to see dropped pallets anywhere on the map? I thought the exact words are "This perk is losing its cooldown, meaning you can use it whenever you see a dropped, unbroken pallet.", which doesn't say anything about getting additional aura reading.
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Apparently it got buffed at some point to show all dropped but not broken pallets.
Don’t recall when that happened.
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Of ALL the perks to adjust, THIS ONE?? SMH
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It's not the first time they've given a cute but meaningless buff to a medicore perk that doesn't address why said perk isn't being used (for starters, the fact that they still haven't changed the interaction time after nerfing it from the PTB). Probably won't be the last.
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doesn't it have a huge aura range for dropped pallets ?
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It already does show the auras of dropped pallets right now (but only while it's not on cooldown).
Since the cooldown is going away, now this effect will always be active.
No range limit on it.
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Duality of man
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Perhaps they thought that maps just didn't have enough pallets on them.
Or perhaps they got complaints that "my team mate is running from the killer from pallet to pallet, dropping all of them and holding W to waste the killer's time. Then, when I get chased, there aren't any pallets left to drop. Make it easier to reset the map so I too can hold W to victory"
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I hope they also revise other killer perks with ridiculous cooldowns. Opression and Dragon's grip wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have 90 secon cooldowns.
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I mean, realistically you can just break the strong pallets, weak pallets dont matter since you can just mindgame them. If Any Means Necessary becomes an issue, you can run Brutal Strength or hell Wraith can finally see some spotlight in the meta.
Agreed, Dragon's Grip, Oppression, and Trail of Torment have way too long of cooldowns.
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Normally by the time you got to another pallet that was dropped the cooldown was already reset. The only thing this will change is if you're following a killer as they chase someone and the killer isn't breaking every pallet. Otherwise it will have zero impact to be quite honest. If anything it's a killer buff because survivors will follow the killer who is in a chase with another person to try and get a niche use out of this perk.
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welp even better
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This is exactly what i was thinking
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because it's an extremely niche perk that you won't see in your games even after the buff. God pallets get kicked anyway and I don't see the value in resetting one of those snow pile pallets on Ormond where the killer just lunges around.
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I always like using this perk and watching killers just stare at me in a confused daze as I lift the pallet up right in front of them. I've even double stunned killers before this way. I don't think many killers expect survivors to use this perk that much. What is it being buffed to?
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I don't think the buff is that big, its really more of quality of life change.
Why? idk, probably to give more variety with a safe buff.
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It's a safe buff and I don't think this perk rises above mediocre even with the change.
As for why now? Coding wise if all you're doing is removing a cooldown that's so much easier to do as opposed to what they probably have planned for other perks where some of thier functionality is probably changing.
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It might be a hint that they might nerf WoO in the next meta shake up.
Otherwise, it's really random. And I don'treally buy into the theory of the secondary objectives. That would be a little optimistic even for the devs to slow trials down by buffing a perk which still won't find much use at all. Safe pallets are usually kicked anyway. Unsafe ones get mindgamed or bloodlusted regardless if they're up or down. That's why AMN really doesn't get much use. It's not the cooldown that holds it back. There are simply few opportunities to use it.
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All the more reason to run Windows of Opportunity.
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The history of Any Means Necessary:
Perk reveal/PTB - Reset dropped pallets in 3 seconds, 120 second cooldown
Release - Reset dropped pallets in 4 seconds, 120 second cooldown
4.3.0 - Now gives BP for using it and the cooldown was reduced to 60 seconds
5.3.0 - Now shows you auras of dropped pallets when the perk wasn't on cooldown
6.6.0 - Will have no cooldown
I feel like for some reason BHVR really wants this perk to be good and used, like maybe there's a game designer who really likes this perk and always petitions for it to be buffed every update but is disappointed when it's pickrate doesn't really go up
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Oh i wonder. They could end up removing seeing pallets with WoO, really putting emphasis on the windows part.
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Wow that's super convenient.
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Combine the perks together - By Any Windows Palleted"